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Shamans Keep, January 11, 2013

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Guest, Malidoma Some

My guest this week is MALIDOMA SOME, a West African Elder, author, teacher, diviner, and healer. His life path has been difficult to say the least; from being born in an obscure village in West Africa; kidnapped at age 4 by a Jesuit Priest and sent away to be schooled in Christianity; escaping at age 20 to return to his homeland; having to learn his native language again; being trained to be a shaman; then on to higher education to earn three Masters Degrees and two doctorates at the Sorbonne and Brandeis University; and finally to teach at the University of Michigan. He was guided to leave that comfortable position to conduct workshops and retreats where he teaches the Wisdom of the African Ancestors. He believes that at this critical time in the history of earth, people are awakening to a deep need for global healing, and he offers this ancient wisdom so that Westerners might find the depth of healing they seek. Tune in to hear his fascinating story, and to be blessed with the long held secret spiritual wisdom of ancient Africa.

Guest, Malidoma Some

Guest Name
Malidoma Some
Malidoma Patrice Some Phd., West African Elder, Author, Teacher, Village Representative, Ancient Wisdom Teacher, Visionary, Keynote Speaker, Workshop Leader, Retreat Facilitator, Trainer
Guest Occupation
West African Elder, Author, Teacher, Village Representative, Ancient Wisdom Teacher, Visionary, Keynote Speaker, Workshop Leader, Retreat Facilitator, Trainer
Guest Biography

Malidoma Patrice Some´ Phd., West African Elder, author and teacher, as representative of his village in Burkina Faso, West Africa, has come to the west to share the ancient wisdom and practices which have supported his people for thousands of years.

It is possible that we have been brought together at this time because we have profound truths to teach each other. Toward that end, I offer the wisdom of the African ancestors so that Westerners might find the deep healing they seek.

The spark of this ancestral flame, which I have brought to the land of the stranger, is now burning brightly. Increasingly, I have been and will be encouraging westerners to embody these traditions as a testimony to the indigenous capacity to assert itself with dignity in the face of modernity. In this way the ancestors will know that this medicine has found a true home- that it is more than an honored guest.

At this critical time in history, the earth’s people are awakening to a deep need for global healing. African wisdom, so long held secret, is being called on to provide tools to enable us to move into a more peaceful and empowered way of being, both within ourselves, and within our communities. The indigenous spirit in each of us is calling for cleansing and reconciliation. The ancestors are responding. – Malidoma

These programs detailed here are some of those most often requested when Malidoma’s teaching and facilitation are invited into a community. Malidoma’s indigenous wisdom is equally applicable to individuals, families, communities and corporate organizations, and we look forward to opportunities for collaborative enterprises committed to manifesting the visions that the spirit world is calling forth. If you are considering inviting Malidoma to be a keynote speaker, workshop leader, retreat facilitator and/or trainer, please contact the office for further information and support.

Shamans Keep

Shaman's Keep with Caroline King, banner
Show Host
Shaman's Keep

Shaman's Keep offers a glimpse into the mysterious world of the Shaman. What do they really do and how do they do it? What are Power Animals? Why do people need Soul Retrievals? And what in the world is a Psychopomp? Each week Caroline will discuss some of these topics and interview famous people in the world of Shamanism. You'll hear exciting stories about journeys out of body and into the Spirit Worlds, and amazing healings of body, mind, and spirit.

Shamanism is the oldest belief system in the world dating back more than 40,000 years, and it is just as viable today as it was in ancient times.

Tune in to learn about the compassionate Spirit Beings who want to help us, and who can bring about positive changes in our lives by removing obstacles, and healing karmic patterns and trauma.

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