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Insights Through the Rearview Mirror, February 12, 2021

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Insights Through the Rearview Mirror
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Guest, Lisa Kramer, Establishing Your Own Internal Guidance System

Insights Through the Rearview Mirror with Jon Kramer and Paul Kramer

Guest, Lisa Kramer, Establishing Your Own Internal Guidance System

Today’s guest speaks on how to navigate divorce while maintaining loving relationships with your in-laws, and the lessons she has learned from her experience on making better decisions.

We address:

How do I establish my own “internal guidance system” to make better decisions?

What is the difference between “readiness” and “timing” when it comes to making decisions?

How do I become comfortable with discomfort?

Jon and Paul welcome their former sister-in-law Lisa Kramer, who has led an interesting journey from social worker to executive and relationship coach, teacher, and yoga instructor. At this point in her journey, Lisa has made it her priority to continue to build a constructive and insightful life for herself and others.


  • Form your own internal guidance system. This is a navigational system that guides your decision-making—what one may call their inner GPS or roadmap. Whether you are making small or big decisions, your IGS is all about tapping into your intuition. Engaging your IGS starts with quieting your mind, perhaps through meditation, walking in nature, or journaling.

  • It’s a shame to let fear get in the way. There are many decisions you will make, particularly big ones, where you just cannot avoid feeling fearful. However, you need to resist letting that fear stop you from pulling the trigger and following through on your resolution. Lisa recommends calling to mind your why, which will give you the courage to keep moving forward.

  • Regardless of the decision you have made, things will be okay. Even if the outcome of the decision is not exactly what you hoped for, there are always learning opportunities to grow as a person. On the other hand, giving into fear and not making a decision will keep you stuck in place and stagnate your growth. Always remember that discomfort comes with the territory.


  • Lisa’s decision-making framework [02:03]

  • Why Lisa decided to pursue higher education [06:28]

  • What Lisa means by, “It’s a shame to let fear get in the way.” [07:45]

  • Leaving academia to become an executive coach [10:42]

  • Why Lisa decided to separate from her husband after over 20 years of marriage [13:43]

  • Opening yourself up to serendipity [16:33]

  • The value in letting certain decisions percolate [19:14]

  • The importance of your network and having a support group [20:30]

  • Navigating the emotions and hurdles of a marriage separation [22:30]

  • Coaching versus therapy [25:10]

  • Becoming an executive coach without ever having been in an executive position [27:00]

  • Maintaining a close relationship with former in-laws post-divorce [30:43]

  • Decisions that Lisa would have made differently [32:10]


Lisa Kramer has more than a dozen years of experience as an executive coach, coach trainer and mentor-coach. Leading with Intention partners with organizations to achieve greater business and personal success by creating a coaching culture throughout the organization.

The Coach Approach training and mentoring program builds capacity for leaders at all levels to be effective coach leaders.

Since transitioning to full time coaching in 2002, Lisa has successfully coached senior leaders and managers from a variety of industries, including health care, higher education, information technology and non-profit organizations. Clients include Google, ABB, Medstar, Nissan, IKEA North America, Jefferson University Hospitals, University of North Texas Health Science Center, University of Pennsylvania, Susquehanna International Group, Swagelok Corporation, and a number of small to mid-size companies throughout North America. She has served as a mentor-coach and coach trainer for hundreds of coaches worldwide.

Lisa’s passion for coaching emerged from a successful career in clinical social work, and in social work education as a full-time faculty member at Widener University Center for Social Work Education. From 2010 – 2018, Lisa served on the faculty of the University of Texas at Dallas Master’s Program in Organizational Behavior and Executive Coaching where she trained both internal and external coaches. Lisa has been affiliated with the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania since 2006 where she is an executive coach for various executive education programs as well as the Executive MBA and full-time MBA programs. She has also served as an executive coach with the Penn State University Executive MBA program.

Lisa received her master’s degree in social work from the University of Pennsylvania and her coaching certification from the Coaches Training Institute. She is a credentialed coach by the International Coach Federation. A long standing yoga practitioner, Lisa received her 200 yoga teacher certification from the Kripalu Center in 2013.

Insights Through the Rearview Mirror

Insights Through the Rearview Mirror with Jon Kramer and Paul Kramer
Jon Kramer and Paul Kramer

If I Knew Then What I Know Now – Insights Through the Rearview Mirror

During the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic, marketing executives, and brothers, Jon and Paul Kramer were discussing the decisions each had made in their lives. The good, bad, big and small and how each of these decisions had informed and transformed their lives.

Out of these heartfelt conversations came the idea of helping others make more considered decision in their lives. And, while there are literally thousands of books on decision making, they started to discuss how to improve on these “how-to” text books to make the art of better decision making easier and more gratifying.

An ongoing theme was “If I knew then what I know now…”

If I Knew Then What I Know Now – Insights Through the Rearview Mirror” is a journey through the decision-making process of interesting people. The question we will attempt to answer is there a decision-making framework that can lead to a more successful process? A way that will help you make better decisions.

In each episode, we will talk to interesting and intriguing guests about the decisions they have made in their lives, exploring the constructs they may have used and the learning that they have found in their very own “If I Knew Then What I Know Now” journey. Through these discussions, we will illuminate and amplify better ways to approach decisions and help you avoid deciding for the wrong reasons.

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