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A Fireside Chat, June 25, 2016

David Manning
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A Fireside Chat with Lance White
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Guest David Manning

David Manning shares his perspective as a shamanic sound energy healer, whose work involves the surfacing of deeply submerged Atlantean "collective memories".  We track parallels between Atlantis and historical repetitions, which bear a striking resemblance to these times.  In a highly personal show, David talks about his own "shadow" created by child abuse, addictions, and being "out" as a gay male.  His work empowers us to release the old "Pantheon of Gods", at at critical time where each thought can take us on an ascending path in higher frequencies, as our own shadows bubble to the surface, for release.  You can find David on Facebook, and on the link to his website:

In a rare 3 day event in San Francisco, David - with friends Lucia Rene and Susan Gash, create and support transformation. If you are ready for transformation, we're anxious to meet you in San Francisco July 7th - 10th).

Over three days, we will open the door to expanded consciousness. We’ll enter higher dimensions. We’ll experience the exhilaration of moving between them. You’ll be able to drop your questions and simply soak in the answers—answers that come intuitively when the body is at rest, the mind is at peace, and the awareness encompasses the Universe.Three presenters. Three disciplines. Three approaches.

A wealth of wisdom. A treasure trove of transformation.

Guest, David Manning

Guest Name
David Manning
David Manning
Guest Occupation
Recalibrating and upgrading the energy field, Shamanic Sound/Light Healing
Guest Biography

Bio, David Manning


Born in 1963, David was a highly psychic child, hearing voices, and having out of body and mystical experiences from very early in life.  A hugely dysfunctional addict family life and an early and major pattern of sexual abuse were formative experiences in David's life, and he was himself using solvents by the age of eight. 


Conscious spiritual life began at the age of 27, when the voices of his childhood returned. David went on to  study psychic development and spiritual healing for over six years at London's College of Psychic Studies. 


Very quickly he was offering workshops and giving readings and gaining a reputation as a gifted healer and intuitive. His addicted background had not at that stage been resolved, and proved to be a major sticking point for David. The pain and confusion of living as an addict, along side a very deep spiritual calling almost cost him his life. 


Soon after giving up alcohol and drugs in 2000, David was diagnosed with an HIV related liver cancer, which was medically speaking considered to be terminal.  It proved to be a  profound and deeply healing and guided journey, which forced a choice in David's self destructive psyche. The choice he made was to stay on the planet, and within a few weeks of setting the clear intention to live, the cancer had inexplicably disappeared. 


What followed was a deep descent into the shadow that David had avoided for so long. The repressed memories of childhood surfaced, leading to deep healing of old wounds. 

He trained went on to train and work in garden design, but always his major interest was in the mystical worlds. 


Sound has long been a part of David's approach to healing. No formal training in this method has been undertaken. Rather, a Native American shaman on the inner plains, who told David, "I am you in another life", leads healing ceremonies and songs for clients.  The sounds have a profound healing impact on energy fields, patterns of trauma and dis-ease. 


Today, David runs an energy work practice mainly over Skype, distance or location being no bar to the impact of the work. David sees deeply into the stories,  structures and patterns in energy fields and works with sound, and focused intent to help these locked patterns to release. 


He has an ability to weave story, sound and energy together in healing journeys for large groups of people, leading them into deep collective wounds in order to bring release and freedom.  He works as an agent of change for landscapes and collective consciousness, and acts as a genetic initiator, awakening ancient star strands of DNA in individuals and collective fields. 


He has recently become aware that his next phase of work involves the surfacing of deeply submerged  Atlantean memories for the collective, as we awaken to the gifts we used to live.

A Fireside Chat

A Fireside Chat with Lance White, aka Zany Mystic
Show Host
Lance White, aka Zany Mystic

The focus of these inter-connected shows spanning 8 plus years is the practical and metaphysical application of ancient wisdom and future technologies. 

The shift into 'new dimensions' is instant and already is... visionaries have paved 'the way'. Let's unite as a unified quantum field of Consciousness, Light and profound Joy. 

Change the world within, sitting cozy, warm and loved with: A Fireside Chat with the Zany Mystic!

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