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Finding Your Peace with Shelly J Miller

Finding Your Peace with Shelly J. Miller

Copyright 2021, Shelly J. Miller.  All rights reserved.

Episode 13: Review of A Course in Miracles Core Principles

Eric Raines returns with a view from another side; including parallel realities, time lines collapsing, the status of the "dark and light" paradigm, and inspiration for those who are awake and aware.  Fun show!  

Check out the Golden Frequncy Immersion Retreat he's doing at Mt. Shasta.  He will be doing 7 days of intensive energy work - some which has never before been taught!

Shelby Keizer shared some of her thoughts on New Age traps or using invocation... and how most of humanity does not connect with a higher collective consciousness, but rather an  engineered hive mind.

Duane Heppner, known as "Duane the Great Writer", returns with updates on how to exit the Matrix, the 5 bodies within, and new projects to empower humanity's awakening.  Modeled beyond the cabal run "United Nations", Duane has created Nations United NUUU (@NationsNUUU on Twitter) On the internet

I know most Americans woke up this morning to news that shocked them, whether they were happy or not about the results of the election. A man who has no military or political experience was just handed one of the most powerful and influential positions in the world. It is unprecedented in the United States.

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Awakening to Universal Energy . . . Now!   ARE YOU READY?

Are we integrating as a global society?  Is humanity finally ready to care for the Earth and its inhabitants?  To fully awaken to this expanded paradigm opens the door to our full recognition that we are Universal Citizens, aligned with energies far beyond this one beautiful planet!

David Manning shares his perspective as a shamanic sound energy healer, whose work involves the surfacing of deeply submerged Atlantean "collective memories".  We track parallels between Atlantis and historical repetitions, which bear a striking resemblance to these times.  In a highly personal show, David talks about his own "shadow" created by child abuse, addictions, and being "out" as a gay male.

Julian Rose, who was instrumental in getting GMO's banned in Poland, talks about the current times, BRICS, possible banking collapse, religions, prophecy and manufactured wars.  As always, eloquent and informed; a true champion of Organic Farming and of the countryside's peasant farmers, who he holds in high regard.  He has gone up against the EU in their defense, and written brilliant essays on a vast range of crucial topics, if humanity is to live - to transcend duality and control.

Duane Heppner is joined by Miss Kelsey Brown and Miss Tanya Quartermain, who share their experiences since using the NU Presentation.  Duane speaks candidly about how to transcend the programmed Matrix of deception, using Real Guides, to begin having direct experiences outside of the Matrix.  

A FREE Valentine's Day Gift to yourself or to share with someone you love - from Sri and Kira! Our GIFT TO YOU! THIS JOURNEY BEGINS FEBRUARY 13! Imagine your life with clarity of purpose and the joy of TRUSTING the journey!