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A Fireside Chat, January 26, 2019

Timothy J Glenn
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A Fireside Chat
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Guest: Timothy J Glenn

Timothy Glenn reminds us who we are in the Unified Field; not the small self - a weak and ineffective human being bumped around randomly like a pin ball machine.  We are part of The Field of Creation, equally Creators approaching a Quantum Shift; transformation into our true nature as unlimited Sovereign Beings.  The soul gets trapped in illusions, yet we are the infinite that must go within, courageously face our own shadow, and do the necessary work to bring it up, see without judgment, then release - thereby bringing light into previously unconscious realms.  Lighten up!  

Consciousness is light and unconsciousness harbors the darkness, to be transformed into the light of consciousness.  All must pass through the Dark Night of the Soul, and we have help from inner resources to make this present transformational shift!  Timing is different for each unique being; not all are meant to awaken in this lifetime...another illusion we must let go of like a sandbag in a hot air ballon, so we can ultimately rise into our true destinies!  Part of our ascension requires releasing of judgment, fears, attachments, destructive tendencies, habits and addictions to manifest integrity, truth.

Guest, Timothy J Glenn

Guest Name
Timothy J Glenn
Timothy J Glenn
Guest Occupation
Author, Astrologer, Numerologist, Spiritual Reader
Guest Biography

Timothy J Glenn is an astrologer, numerologist, spiritual reader and teacher, pianist, vocalist, sound healer, channel for the Proterreans, lecturer, and past life regression therapist.  Tim says, "I've thrown myself into the world of Metaphysics with a grand passion."  This is beautifully demonstrated through his personal Soul Purpose Readings.  

A Soul Purpose Reading has a primary focus:  why did you (as a Divine Soul) come into this particular life?  Sessions last about an hour and a half and can be done in person or over the phone.

We can add one more item to the list of!  Check out my new eBook: "The Zephyrus Archives - Volume One - Mission of Eternity".  A narrative biography of Pontious Pilate's right hand man.  The Zephyrus Archives paint an intimate portrait of the most misrepresented human in history:  the Spiritual Master called Jesus, who Zephyrus knew as Yeshua.

A Fireside Chat

A Fireside Chat with Lance White, aka Zany Mystic
Show Host
Lance White, aka Zany Mystic

The focus of these inter-connected shows spanning 8 plus years is the practical and metaphysical application of ancient wisdom and future technologies. 

The shift into 'new dimensions' is instant and already is... visionaries have paved 'the way'. Let's unite as a unified quantum field of Consciousness, Light and profound Joy. 

Change the world within, sitting cozy, warm and loved with: A Fireside Chat with the Zany Mystic!

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