SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth, December 11, 2019

Guest 1: Rose Campbell, Psychic Channel was contacted by Diana, Princess of Wales, on the NIGHT she DIED, and that began a series of conversations spanning the next 15 months! Her conversation was clear and steady, and shocking! Author of The Princess and The Peon: An uncommon conversation with the late Princess Diana.
Rose has been honing her skills for 30+ years, and does public speaking on issues related to psychic powers, teaches a class called Psychic Powers 101, works various psychic festivals and is a published author. She has hosted a radio show, held monthly channeling forums for her local area and is always looking forward to the next stage of her career and growth.
Guest 2: Melissa Bryan, The Outlaw Psychic is genetically Psychic Medium, with roots in Shaman, Druid, Wicca, and Gypsy faiths. Her abilities fascinate some and frighten others. She also inherited cell memory from lifetimes past. Melissa's family has a rich history of Native American Heritage, she is Little Feather, 16th Great Grand Daughter of Elder White Feather of the VA Iroquois Nation, and 14th Great Grand Niece of Dragging Canoe of Western Cherokee Nation. Author of Born Into Shamanism.
SpirituallyRAW "The Ass Whipping Truth". We Expose and Explore Controversial Truths, Myths, Theories, and Dogma Surrounding The Spirit World." NO TOPIC IS TABOO!
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Guest, Rose Campbell

Hello! My name is Rose Campbell.
I could have made this truly
an "about Rose" page, but other than
a quick history than pertains to my
channeling skills, I prefer not to bore
the general public needlessly. I
reserve that special treat for friends
and family.
I discovered my ability to speak to the spiritual realms in my early 30's.
However, upon reflection, I discovered that I do remember various times
in my life that I "heard" things about situations or people that I shouldn't
have known as far back as the age of 6 or 7. Thus, it was not that I
became a channel in my 30's, it is just when I got smart enough to
realize it! Some of us are slow learners.
Channeling is to connect to the spiritual realms with a form of telepathy. I
actually do hear a thought voice inside my head. Some folks call it the
"spiritual inner ear", not related to the inner ear which gives you physical
balance however. It is a spiritual gift, one that the Apostle Paul spoke of
and of which I believe Jesus meant when he said "Let those with ears
hear and those with eyes see."
Anyway, I can talk to all levels of the spiritual realms. I focus the brunt of
my public work on connecting people to their spiritual support team.
While I believe it might be comforting to speak to the loved ones who
have gone on before us, I have seen the truly phenomenal gifts given
through people's connection with the higher sources. Besides, many
times those guides are our dearly departed once they re-enter the
wisdom of their souls. I also gave up doing very much of the 'deceased
people' readings because it involved too many tears, often my own and I
hate to cry!
So enough about me. I have a request of those of you who have found
this page: Please listen to the following song. It is one of my "ever and
ever" favorites, and I think it says so much. It gives a hint or two on how
to create a "life uncommon", not only for self, but for the world.
Guest Name, Melissa Bryan
I want to be able to pitch my Book; "Beyond Belief: A Psychic's Life" to as many as possible in the listening world. I want to be able to help as many as availably possible with my Book.
Hi, I am Melissa Bryan; Stage Name “Jennifer Cromwelle White Feather."
I am Little Feather, 16th Gr. Granddaughter of Elder White Feather of the VA Iroquois People and 14th Gr. Grand Niece of Dragging Canoe of the Western Cherokee People.
I am Married, No Children of my own and for good reason. I am Mom to one Cat and two dogs.
My dream in this life is to open a small Store of my own and to live simply.
I was born in Santa Monica, CA, and am 40 years of age. I don’t own anything except the Knowledge imparted to me by my Ancestors, my Truck and my RV home on the road.
I am Pedigreed to 16+ Generations of Family Lineage.
As a child, I began to have experiences that I didn’t understand at the time after a Serious Injury and Illness. I believe something got left opened and never closed back up. As I got older, the experiences intensified.
Early in life, I had discovered my Family’s Rich History of Native American Heritage and Links to Metaphysical Abilities. The more I found, the more Profound my Experiences grew.
There is a long line of Mystics, Psychics, Healers, Shamans and Church Clergy.
It seems the Abilities, of which I have closed off and shut down and again re opened to a smaller extent at present time, got passed to me from my very earliest predecessors. I also inherited Cell Memory from Lifetimes Past and know some things without knowing how it got there. I don’t claim to be anything special or extraordinary. I am simply me.

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth

SpirituallyRAW “The Ass Whipping Truth”
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Channeled Prophecy for 2017 with Marcia and Rose
Channeled Prophecy for 2017 with Marcia and Rose Campbell!
On tonights show Rose will be bring forth a message from the late Princess Diana, and so will I. I'll also bring in Archangel Michael on what his collective of angels have to say with regard to the potentials they see as the new year unfolds. We will be highlighting the words of Princess Diana from Rose Campbell, as she and I are both channels Princess Diana and confirmed by her. This is going to really be Exciting and also fundamentally life changing event for our listeners. The Prophecies of biblical proportions may be about to unfold. Don't miss this segment with Rose Campbell and Marcia McMahon as they see beyond the veil to reveal what is possible in 207! Callers welcomed for mini readings! Station 1 at 6 pm central time!