Donna Seebo Show, October 21, 2013
Jake Eagle has dedicated years of his life to research and exploration about the human condition of purposeful living. He has been leading groups and working with individuals for more than 35 years.
Can you re-configure your life? Can one change patterns of sabotaging behavior? We'll find out.
Guest, Jake Eagle

Jake Eagle has helped develop linguistic and psychological breakthroughs that enable people to achieve happiness and fulfillment. He has been involved in research and development of a program called Reology that is changing peoples lives.
Jake Eagle is a licensed professional psychotherapist; Hannah a classical Homeopath, and together they conduct Reology Retreats in the US and Asia for laypeople, and certification trainings for therapists.
Donna Seebo Show

Donna Seebo is an international mental practitioner, psychic, award winning author, teacher, counselor, minister, speaker and radio/television personality.
As a talk show host Donna really excels. Guests on her programs include CEO's of Fortune 500 companies to working mothers. Her interviews embody a golden voice that shines with passion, purpose, sincerity and humor. She is one of the few media hosts in the country who actually read the material authors submit before booking them on the air.
Tune in for an "Hour of Mind Power". Callers are welcome to call in for a live on air psychic reading during the second half hour of each show.