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Ascended Masters at Work, June 22, 2017

Dr. Steven Keener and Dr. John Kupper: Skeletal Engineers
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Ascended Masters at Work
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with Shirlene Reeves and guests Dr Steven Keener and Dr John Kupper

Dr. Steven Keener and Dr. John Kupper are the founders of Balance Brain and Spine—Chiropractic Neurology Center located in Encinitas, San Diego, California. They specialize in Cranio-Cervical Neurology and its effects on Health and Well-Being.

Both graduated at the top of their class and received degrees from the prestigious Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward, San Francisco, California, and are now continuing with advanced degrees in NeuroScience.

Dr. Keener and Dr. Kupper continue their multi-generational family passion for work as healthcare professionals. They’re excited to be the first clinic in San Diego County to offer Evolutionary Percussive Instrument Corrections (EPIC) that aim to realign the spine without the need for the traditional “popping” or “cracking” associated with chiropractic care.

Ascended Masters at Work

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves
Show Host
Shirlene Reeves

This show focuses on leveraging entrepreneurs and small-business owners toward massive income. We talk about the secrets to building an effective income-generating business, selling solutions that build relationship referrals, and developing integrated programs so compelling that your clients can’t resist saying yes. Listen in as we discuss how to eliminate debt, get a small-business loan, and walk you through the Five Steps to Financial Freedom.

Call into the show with your burning questions. Listen as guests from around the world offer do-today suggestions and provide experiential stories that support you in becoming more effective in ramping up your business expertise to make a difference in your income.

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