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The Alchemy of Business Show, July 9, 2022

Life’s Magic Secret & Co-Creation while Raising 6 Kids with Author & Global Publisher Karen Weaver
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The Alchemy of Business Show
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Life’s Magic Secret & Co-Creation while Raising 6 Kids with Author & Global Publisher Karen Weaver

The Alchemy of Business Show with Steve Rodgers

TITLE: Life’s Magic Secret & Co-Creation while Raising 6 Kids with Author & Global Publisher Karen Weaver



Being a parent is not easy, and having a successful professional career while excelling in your duties as a parent is possible. Balancing both effectively requires meticulous planning, a healthy mindset, and learning how to make sacrifices. With the right balance and mindset, achieving your career aspirations while being a good parent isn’t only achievable, but the two commitments can complement each other.

In this episode of The Alchemy of Business, author and publisher Karen Weaver and host Steve Rodgers discuss the precise art of balancing parenthood and career. Being a hands-on mom of 6, Karen shares how she gives her children the best lives possible through love and support while pursuing a career in publishing and writing. Truly, our children inspire us to be better and dream bigger. If you want tips and tricks from Steve and Karen, tune in to this week’s episode, and you’ll never look at parenthood and your dreams the same way.



[3:54] Being a mother is a very challenging role

[9:28] Choose to be happy

[19:04] The power contained in stories

[30:43] It’s all about the journey

[34:22] Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve

[49:41] Everyone can harness the power of light



Karen Weaver began her writing journey at in 2010. Filled to the brim with creativity after having her 4th child, she began writing short pieces of interest. This soon grew into featured articles, and then her first novel, “The Visitor,” was born through the belief and support she received from

She went on to write The Wish Giver in 2012 while also writing articles and founding Serenity Press. Karen knows that it is because she was given the opportunity to discover her natural writing ability through the freedom of exploration that she has successfully incorporated writing into her life. Now a mother of six, she is currently writing her 4th novel in the series 'The Shadow Keeper'.



Karen’s website:


The Alchemy of Business Show

The Alchemy of Business Show with Steve Rodgers
Show Host
Steve Rodgers

The Alchemy of Business Show with Steve Rodgers

The Alchemy of Business Show serves as a roadmap for purpose-driven leaders by sharing proven processes geared for those seeking to become more successful by integrating a well-rounded, systematized, and holistic approach in their business.

On the show, I utilize my experiences and accomplishments as a former Warren Buffett CEO, serial entrepreneur, leader of multiple premier companies, and business consultant to bring out the best in my guests - so that the viewer learns and grows with each episode.

I’ll be sharing my knowledge gleaned from my own transformations through overcoming life’s obstacles while also excavating golden nuggets of wisdom during deep dives with some of the most dynamic leaders in the world today.

Anyone seeking greater productivity, unlimited abundance, higher profits, and deeper alignment with their purpose will benefit significantly from the community of entrepreneurs who appear on The Alchemy of Business Show.

The show provides all-important mentorship and will inspire creativity and action as you experience the stories of the journeys, the failures, and the triumphs of individuals from all walks of life and what they have learned along the way.

Each show is about one hour long, and new episodes drop every Thursday.

You can listen for free on any app that supports podcasts, as well as iHeart Radio, and you can watch on YouTube, Roku, e360TV, and more.

BBS Station 1
Bi-Weekly Show (Odd Week)
8:00 pm CT
8:55 pm CT
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