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The X Show, October 9, 2023

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Unlocking Your Entrepreneurial Potential with Productivity Systems with special guest Christine Michaelis
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with Tony Xu

Startup coach Christine Michaelis discusses her book "The Productivity Formula" for entrepreneurs and how to use the OUTPUT system to improve productivity. Christine emphasizes taking action over just gaining knowledge. She provides practical, highly useful tips like building routines, scheduling focused time, outsourcing, and experimenting with tools. The conversation covers focusing on one business idea at a time, the value of your time vs. money, and knowing when to let go of what's not working.

The X Show

The X Show with Tony Xu and Donna Xu
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Hosts Tony and Donna Xu

The X Show is where we explore the issues surrounding life, business, and everything else. Hosted by Tony Xu and Donna Xu, we'll learn from the everyman, the business leader, and people who've found their true passions in life while experiencing what the world around us has to offer. Join us as we uncover the X factors of life on our little blue marble.

If you have any questions or comments about the show you can email us at

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