Startup coach Christine Michaelis discusses her book "The Produc
Habits Make or Break Your Goals
-What do habits have to do with achieving your
-What is a habit really and how do habits develop?
-What are the most successful ways to break a
bad habit or create a good one?
We’ll be discussing this, and much more to assist you with way to insure your successful goal achievement by cultivating the habits that support your success, and remove the habits that steal your productivity.
Today we are talking about using affirmations vs. “afformations,” and how our thoughts and beliefs create the reality we live in.
Today we are talking about the greatest habits in the world and why developing these habits is absolutely critical to our success and happiness.
Today we discuss finding the keys to healing your body and taking a new direction in your life.
In this episode, special guest Kerri Hummingbird talks about her Skills, Not Pills movement, and shares alternative healing modalities that can be used to help transform lives so that people do no longer need to rely on pills to cope.
Today we discuss habits that form courage and what habits may be stopping you from being all that you can be.
In this episode, special guest David Blanchard talks about how negative habits can be neutralized and success habits installed to reprogram your mind for optimal success.
Admirable Friends with Buddy and Carol Fichera (and guest ALEX)