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Pink Lippz

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Too young to attend Nirvana concerts but too mature to forget the twin towers, it is in this period that the four boys from Ferrara, near Bologna, Italy grow. Inside their domestic walls, listening to 90 minutes long mixtapes with titles written on paper: alternative rock songs that rarely were played on radio or shown their videos on MTv.

These fuzzed and distorted sounds, screamed but melodic voices is where Bodoni get their inspiration.
Peace Treaty Hall

Peace Treaty Hall
Bright Eyed Kids

Bright Eyed Kids,  is a power trio based in LA. Their heavy Synth bass and Fat Drums are balanced by Folk shoe-gazing guitar melodies and vocals. The band members are Jonathan Marquez, Alex Ross Bajos Miller, and Argel Cota.  

Music Style:  Alternative Melodic Rock Pop.
Jester Society

Jester Society was born by an Alessandro's (Voice and Guitar) , Marco' s (Voice/Bass/Synth) and Davide' s (Drums) Idea in Brescia, Italy . They recorded first single "Josh Was Alive" in August 2015. After the video they played gigs in northern Italy in little pubs and parties. During Summer of 2016, with another member at lead guitar, Roberto, they recorded at IndieBox Music Hall the minialbum "Kingsmen" , Out in January 2017 anticipated by three singles:  "Bitter", "White Fragility" and "Kingsmen", out in December 2016.