Cosmic LOVE
Talk Show
Show Host

'Dr. Christopher' pioneered quantum medicine in 1991 and is publisher of the Heartcom Network, culturing Net reality in our global village with quantum science as it relates to the Golden Rule-Law Language of LOVE in "form" (spiritual geometry) and "frequency" (heart coherence).
As the producer and host of Cosmic LOVE since 2007, Christopher has interviewed numerous guests ranging from Lynne McTaggart and Dan Winter to Foster Gamble of the Thrive Movement. Recent years have focused on galactic alignment and 0-point phenomena as relates to thinning of the quantum 'veil' and the emergence of Net reality with Effective Sensory Perception and a more enlightened social conscience in our interactive global social networks.
This year's theme for the Cosmic Love Show is '2023 Mainstream Awakening'
BBS Station 1
Bi-Weekly Show -e-
7:00 pm CT
7:55 pm CT
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Broadcasting Date
Guest, Jana Shiloh
Guest Name
Jana Shiloh

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Guest Occupation
Homeopathy Teacher and Practitioner
Guest Biography
Jana Shiloh brings 34 years of homeopathy practice to Cosmic LOVE, and we’ll be discussing Jana’s unique path towards mastery of the homeopathic method, her book “HeartFusion™- The Magic of Imprinting Water”, and how you can create your own homeopathic remedies for your pets if not yourself and loved ones.
Jana helped to found one of the first schools in homeopathy in California “The Pacific Academy of Homeopathic Medicine” in 1988. She was named “Honorary Homeopathic Clinical Associate” by Dr. Ronald Davey, Physician to the Queen of England in 1990.
In 1992, Jana taught Post Graduate courses at the University of AZ Medical School, and has also taught homeopathy in Colorado, India and Sedona.
Currently, Jana practices homeopathy at Choices Integrated Healthcare with Dr. Devin Mikles in Sedona, and also privately. She is nationally certified in classical homeopathy
Jana has creatively expanded her work to include special frequency essences for spiritual development including one from the fur and milk of a pure DNA tested white buffalo.
You’ll also find Jana’s latest research on pet communication fascinating. As the veil thins, new awareness grins and ESP wins:)
Welcome Jana Shiloh to Cosmic LOVE with your Presence,
Christopher Rudy
PS: Watch a new video on the history of homeopathy and modern medicine HERE.
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