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Breaking the Silence

Breaking the Silence with Dr Gregory Williams
Dr Gregory Williams

“Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams”

Now is the time for you to step out of your own personal darkness and break the silence that has been hidden and closed up inside of you.

“Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams” radio program will offer the listeners a Road Map to Hope each and every week with keys to discover within yourself that ray of light to make your day better and brighter.  Dr. Williams will not only discuss his own personal journey of overcoming the darkness of years of horrific sexual child abuse in the hands of his father and his father’s friends, but Dr. Williams will also feature special guests that have their own personal stories of overcoming obstacles in their lives and becoming victors instead of victims.

“Breaking the Silence” will also feature information from the professional and medical field that will dive into the important research involving Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and how to build Resiliency in yourself and in your children.  Along with this information will be special guests from greatest minds in the United States to share their expert research and thoughts on this very important subject that each person needs to be aware of.

Now is the time to invest a few minutes each week with some awesome information to give you steps to HOPE and keys to HAPPINESS and PEACE.  NOW is the time to Break YOUR Silence and breakout into a NEW and BETTER YOU!  Join us each week beginning August 13, 2019 for “Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams”.  You won’t want to miss a single program.  Heard around the world on the best radio network on the airwaves, BSS Radio Network available on iTunes, Google Play, iHeart Radio, Facebook Radio, Spotify and over 100 other high quality digital radio stations.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
8:00 pm CT
8:55 pm CT
1 Following
Broadcasting Date

Guest, Diane Black

Guest Name
Diane Black
Diane Black
Guest Occupation
licensed professional counselor, Psychotherapist, Author, Child Rights Advocate, Counselor
Guest Biography

Diane Black is a licensed professional counselor who has always had a heart for children. She was drawn into child advocacy when she visited a residential treatment facility and saw first-hand the inadequate level of care the children received and the deplorable conditions.

Over the years, she testified for dozens of abused children within the court system, and treated hundreds of children who had experienced trauma during her time in private practice. Her formal education includes an undergraduate degree in social work and a master’s in education, with a specialty in counseling and development.

Diane visited the Russian Embassy where she had the privilege of discussing the issues of international adoption with high-ranking diplomats. She was later interviewed extensively by the Russian media. In the United States, she was interviewed by the Voice of Russia radio station in New York. Diane began studying the craft of writing when life put her into a story she felt needed to be told.