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Guest Occupation: Naturopathic Physician, Educator, Seminar Leader, Instructor, Author, Consultant, Seasoned Clinician, Public Speaker, Medical Editor, Professor
Guest Biography:

Dr. Herb Joiner Bey is a seasoned clinician, educator, seminar leader, public speaker, medical editor, medical consultant, and author in therapeutic nutrition, Western botanical medicine, and classical homeopathy. Dr. Bey has conducted countless acclaimed seminars and presentations for health professionals, medical students, and the public, across the United States and the United Kingdom, on the philosophy and clinical application of modern natural medicine. He is a regular guest speaker on radio programs nationwide. He has served as adjunct professor in the naturopathic medicine curriculum at Bastyr University for the disciplines of classical homeopathy, geriatrics, and advanced integrative therapeutics. He has also served as a scientific editor of several journals in holistic health. Dr. Bey serves as a consultant and technical researcher for manufacturers in the nutriceutical industry. Dr. Bey brings to his students more than 30 years of formal education, personal study, and clinical experience in natural and conventional medicine. Dr. Bey received a B.A. degree in Physics from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and an N.D. degree (Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine) from Bastyr University in Seattle. He is also a graduate of the Professional Course in Classical Homeopathy, sponsored by the International Foundation for Homeopathy.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Nutrition, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Author, Historian, Researcher
Guest Biography:

Ben Hammott (real name = Bill Wilkerson) is the maverick archeologist featured in the Bloodline ducumentary who followed clues left behind by 19th Century priest Berenger Sauniere to discover an assortment of 2000 year old artifacts said to be linked to Jesus and Mary Magdalene. He also found a tomb containing chests of treasure, parchment, a book, and a mummy that might be Mary!

Guest Category: History
Guest Occupation: Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Radio Broadcaster, Presenter, Channel, Tour Guide, Diplomate, Entrepreneur, Author
Guest Biography:

Lou Bognon is a spiritual healer and therapist, who produces and presents The Inner Voice, and inspirational, spiritual radio program with is broadcast in English and French all over the world, via short wave, satellite and internet radio. 

She is also the author of How To Light A Candle - an 'abc' of spirituality for the greater number. Prior to devoting herself to her gift of healing, Lou worked as a teacher, tour guide, diplomat and entrepreneur.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Astronomer, Educator, Writer, Professor, Physicist, Astronomical Researcher, Observatory Supervisor, Philosopher, Cosmologist, Consciousness Faculty Member, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Stephan Martin, M.S., is an astronomer, educator, and writer who has taught astronomy and physics at colleges and educational centers across the U.S. for over twenty years. Currently Assistant Professor of Astronomy at Bristol Community College in southeastern Massachusetts, he graduated with honors from Colgate University and earned his M.S. in physics and astronomy from the University of Wyoming. His graduate and subsequent astronomical research has focused on dark matter, infrared studies of spiral galaxies, and observations of the solar corona. He has worked for the Space Telescope Science Institute, and has also been supervisor of the Williams College observatory, where he participated in research expeditions around the world to study and observe solar eclipses.

With a background in both science and the humanities, he has also been active in exploring and promoting interdisciplinary approaches to exploring the universe. He attended the graduate program in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, California, and has been core faculty in the graduate-level Consciousness, Healing, and Ecology program at New College of California, where he helped design an innovative curriculum that integrates rigorous academic work with personal and cultural transformation.

His current research and writing focuses on the transformative potential of the insights of modern science and their integration into personal experience and everyday life. He continues to lead innovative and learning programs in educational, holistic, and nontraditional learning settings that explore the innovative results of modern cosmology with the insights and practices of the world’s spiritual and indigenous traditions.

A well-respected and popular teacher, he is noted for his ability to render complex scientific ideas accessible to a broad audience and present them in innovative and personally relevant ways. He frequently lectures and gives presentations on astronomy and the wonders of the night sky at observatories, planetariums, and other popular venues. He has published a wide variety of articles on a multitude of topics that range from technical scientific research to academic papers in philosophy and humanities to popular-level articles on science education and everyday spirituality. His writing has appeared in a variety of professional and popular journals, including Shaman’s Drum, The Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, and The Focusing Connection. He lives with his wife in Westport, Massachusetts.

Guest Category: Cosmology, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Astrology
Guest Occupation: Scientist, Writer, Zinc Lozenges Discoverer
Guest Biography:

TURNING TRAGEDY INTO A MIRACLE: Zinc gluconate dietary supplement tablets (used as throat lozenges) containing 23 mg of zinc were serendipitously discovered in 1979 by George Eby's 3-year old daughter, Karen, while being treated for acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) as an effective method to cure her common colds -- even though she was on powerful chemotherapy and was highly immunosupressed. After using the first lozenge for several hours while she napped, she came out of her bedroom and proudly announced, "Zinc cured my cold!" Who on Earth would believe that a 3-year old child discovered the cure for common colds!? George Eby, her dad did, because he saw that her horrific cold was completely and totally over, and comparing those results with her physician's expectations for her cold to last months or until she was finished with her chemotherapy was a very clear wake-up call. George used the same zinc glucconate tablets (as lozenges) in a number of other people with colds, both children and adults, and soon became convinced that a clinical trial was needed.

Following the initial discovery, the first clinical trial using the exact same tablets (as lozenges) used by Karen showed stunning success as shown in this Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotheraphy clinical trial report. Those tablets were not bitter since no sweeteners were included in the tablets. Studies by others were conducted and use of lozenges containing zinc gluconate or other zinc compounds was patented in a series of patents starting in 1985 with the "Cure for Common Cold" patent being issued in 1995.

Much newspaper, magazine, radio, and television publicity ensued the initial report in 1984, and numerous manufacturers placed on the market "improved" zinc lozenges that were sweetened and flavored. Some of those improved and sweetened formulations were submitted to clinical trials by reputable pharmaceutical companies under patent license, while others simply placed them on the market.

Manufacturers soon found that zinc gluconate forms very bitter complexes with sugar, corn syrup, dextrose and other sweeteners upon aging for a few days to a few months, depending on the exact formulation, probably because of the presence of zinc gluconate-hydroxide at physiologic pH. Manufacturers and researchers alike in desperation to solve the taste problem added metal chelators, reduced dosage or used other nonionizable zinc compounds, resulting in a loss of Zn2+ ions and efficacy, with at least two formulations actually making colds worse in clinical trials; reports of which temporarily discredited this major medical discovery.

Fructose, the only sweet tablet base that does not result in zinc gluconate bitterness upon aging, was used as the tablet base in the successful and confirming zinc gluconate lozenges tested by the British Medical Research Council Common Cold Unit in 1987 without complaint of bitterness.

Sometime before 1990, George Eby discovered that zinc acetate, which tastes horrible, could be made into compressed tablets or hard candy lozenges that were flavor-stable and pleasant tasting. Research was conducted until ZIA 100 zinc acetate lozenges were proven to be readily mass produced on modern rotary tablet presses and candy making machinery.

Today's ZIA 100 zinc acetate lozenges work much better against colds, and totally without those side effects associated with zinc gluconate.

Guest Category: Alternative Health, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Medical Director, Pediatrician, Surgeon, Trainer, Writer, TV Talk Show Host, Advisor, Energy Medicine Authority, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Thomas Lobe, M.D., FAC’s, FAAP, Founder and Medical Director of Beneveda Medical Group in Beverly Hills, California. He obtained his baccalaureate degree at George Washington U, and during his medical education studied with leading physicians at Johns Hopkins University and Harvard University. He also studied with former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, M.D. and graduated from medical school cum laude and with honors in pediatrics. After medical school he trained at Ohio State University Hospital in general surgery and the Children’s Hospital in pediatric surgery. He has additional degree in naturopathic medicine and a Physician’s Executive Masters in Business Administration and passed his boards in both medical hypnosis and medical acupuncture He was Chief of Pediatric Surgery at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and made national news as being the first to successfully separate a particularly difficult variety of Siamese twins and lead the nation in complex reconstruction of the airway. He started the first pediatric surgery training program in the south at the University of Tennessee in Memphis and LeBonheur Children’s Medical Center .There he lead the world in the development of laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery in children and wrote the first textbook and established the first medical journal on the subject. While in Tennessee he began his television career and remains the host and moderator of //What’s Up Doc?// a medical talk show on GHS-TV in Germantown, Tennessee.

At Blank Children’s Hospital in Des Moines, Iowa he was pioneer in advances in minimally invasive surgery and with his associates was the first to develop an advanced technique to perform major head and neck surgery such as thyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy. Through a small incision in the armpit, the procedure leaves the patient with no visible, unsightly scar and no pain. He is a board member and founding advisor to Neatstitch, LLC, a laparoscopic instrument company based in Israel and now in the United States, and also co-founder for Visual Medical Solutions, LLC, the producers of BodyViz, a new medical imaging tool for surgical planning and medical education that makes use of virtual reality engineering to improve patient care. He had written over 200 books, book chapters and peer reviewed articles. Most recently, Dr Lobe followed his dream of putting together the most advanced medical practice in existence, focusing on the new medical specialty called energy medicine. Beneveda Medical Group offers the best integration of Western and Eastern Medicine and is the first practice in the United States to specialize in Energy Revitalization and manage problems many consider resistant to conventional approaches such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, insomnia, weight loss, osteoporosis, and others.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Nutrition, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Medical Director, Prolotherapy Doctor, Physiatrist, Consultant, Nutriceutical Developer, Lecturer, Preceptor, Editor, Instructor, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Hauser received his M.D. from the University of Illinois, Chicago, completed his residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Loyola-Hines VA-Marianjoy Hospitals, and received his baccalaureate degree at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaigne. He is currently the Medical Director, CEO, and Co-founder of the physician run, comprehensive natural medicine clinic, Caring Medicine and Rehabilitation Services in Oak Park, Illinois.

Dr. Hauser is most well know for his expertise in the technique of Prolotherapy, a medical procedure that stimulates the body to repair painful, injured areas. He trained under Dr Gustav Hemwall who is the grandfather of this procedure. As a result of his expertise and books on Prolotherapy Dr Hauser sees patients from all over the USA and abroad.

Dr. Hauser is a consultant for Beulah Land Nutritionals, a comprehensive nutriceuticals store and with his wife developed some of the products for optimal health.

Dr. Hauser and his wife co-authored the national best seller Proto Your Pain Away! Curing Chronic Pain with Prolotherapy. along with a four-book topical mini series of Prolotherapy books. They also wrote the Anthology of Prolotherapy- Prolo Your Sports Injuries Away! Curing Sports Injuries and Enhancing Athletic Performance with Prolotherapy a 900 page sports book that discusses the use of Prolotherapy for sports injuries and other topics including nutrition, surgery, x-rays, cortisone shots, MRI’s, and other aspects of sports medicine.

They also coauthored Treating Cancer with Insulin Potentiation Therapy and more recently Prolotherapy: An Alternative to Knee surgery. In additional to national lectures he is a preceptor for Bastyr University’s naturopathic medical students and also Midwestern University’s Physician Assistant Program.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Nutrition, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Intuitive, Author, Speaker, Healer, Consultant, Coach, Energy Healer, Trainer, Visionary, Reiki Master
Guest Biography:

Cyndi Dale has been a natural intuitive since she was young, and offers these gifts to clients and groups seeking to make real and positive change. Her passion includes helping people open their “essential energy,” the powers and perspectives unique to them. She works with thousands of individuals a year, in the United States and internationally, because once an individual understands their own essence, they can tap into the energies of—and beyond—the world, joining the community of like-minded people who want to better themselves and others.

Cyndi is an internationally renowned author, speaker, healer, and business consultant. Her books to-date includes the bestseller, The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, published by Sounds True. The Subtle Body has garnered over 70 five-star reviews on and continually sells in the 1,000 place, leading millions of books. It has also won four internationally recognized Publisher’s Awards.

Her other world-renown books include New Chakra Healing, now published in over twelve languages and revised in an all new edition The Complete Book of Chakra Healing; Advanced Chakra Healing: The Four Pathways Approach; Everyday Clairvoyant; Kundalini: Divine Energy, Divine Life; Attracting Prosperity Through the Chakras; Attracting Your Perfect Body Through the Chakras; Advanced Chakra Healing: Heart Disease, Advanced Chakra Healing: Cancer, The Littlest Christmas Star, and lluminating the Afterlife.

Other books and audiotapes include Sounds True productions such as the six-part CD training, Advanced Chakra Wisdom, and other CDs including Healing Across Space and Time, Illuminating the Afterlife, The Littlest Christmas Star, and Energy Clearing. Also available is her intuitive training DVD, The Songbird Series.

Cyndi has presented seminars and workshops in Russia, England, Wales, Amsterdam, Iceland, Scotland, and has led groups across South and Central America and into Africa. Her training has encompassed studies in shamanism and healing across the world, taking her into the Peruvian, Belizean, Hawaiian, and Costa Rica jungles, the Moroccan sands, the Venezuelan savannahs, the glaciers of Iceland, and other exciting places. She seeks to unify the world’s most vital spiritual messages, encouraging understanding and community among all peoples.

On a daily basis, Cyndi works with clients and groups, serving as an intuitive coach and an energy healer. Clients are commonly referred by professionals, including psychiatrists, medical doctors, and therapists. She continues to hone her ability to help people discover their essential selves so that they can make healthy and positive changes in their lives.

Cyndi offers training, classes and apprenticeship programs in the United States. Through Normandale College in Minneapolis, MN, she offers a seven-class certificate program, “Energy Works: The Subtle Body Certificate,” which is also being developed for on-line learning. She is also noted for her one-year Apprenticeship Program, an in-depth developmental process of the spiritual gifts; and training in clairvoyance, clairaudience, and healing.

With Anthony J.W. Benson, she provides creativity and writing classes through their business, Dreams Made Manifest. One arm of this endeavor is Deeper Well Publishing which  serves as a publishing company for her own and Anthony’s projects as well as other books and products.

Cyndi has been trained in several different healing modalities, including shamanism, intuitive healing, energy healing, family of origin therapy, therapeutic touch, the Lakota way and faith healing and holds a fourth degree mastership in Reiki. Her travels and training have taken her around the world. She taught business ethics at the University of Minnesota; served as a public relations consultant to 3M and Tonka, and has been honored in “Who’s Who in American Business,” “The American Women of Noteworthy Achievement” and the “International Association of Business.

Cyndi lives in Minneapolis with her sons, Michael and Gabriel, as well as way too many pets, all of which believe they have voting rights to her time.

Exciting new Books being released in 2011 are:

    Kundalini: Divine Energy, Divine Life (Llewellyn Worlwide)
    Energetic Boundaries: How to Stay Protected and Connected in Work, Love, and Life (Sounds True)
    The Intuition Guidebook: How To Safely and Wisely Use Your Sixth Sense (Deeper Well Publishing)

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Self Help, Spiritual, Shamanism, Psychic & Intuitive