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Guest Occupation: Therapeutic Apheresis Pioneer, Immunotherapist, Medical Director, Writer, Physician, Immunologist, Educator
Guest Biography:

Dobri Kiprov, MD, HP is internationally recognized as a pioneer and a leading expert in the field of Therapeutic Apheresis. Dr. Kiprov. is Chief of the Division of Immunotherapy at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, California and Medical Director of Apheresis Care Group (ACG).

He has worked in the field of therapeutic apheresis for more than 25 years and has published extensively on this subject. Dr. Kiprov served two terms on the American Society for Apheresis (ASFA) Board of Directors and created the first ASFA educational video program.

He is also the first physician to take and pass the Hemapheresis Practitioner Exam (ASCP).

Dr. Kiprov is the recipient of the ASFA Presidential Award for his pioneering workand numerous contributions to the field of apheresis and the Society.

Dr. Kiprov is one of the first physicians in the United States to complete a formal fellowship program in Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology (Massachusettes General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, sponsored by the NIH). Dr. Kiprov’s accomplishments in the field of Immunology are reflected in his numerous publications including the first description of new immunologically related syndromes.

With his immunology and apheresis background, Dr. Kiprov has been a part of the first trials of immunotherapy (cell therapies) and is currently involved in several projects involving cell vaccines and stem cell therapies.

Dr. Kiprov’s extensive experience with immune system disorders has led to the development of educational programs that foster immune system health and longevity through his unique approach combining appealing eating habits and physical activities.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Sovereign Prince, Sovereign Head of The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court, Author
Guest Biography:

Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg on: The Royal and Imperial Court of the Dragon

Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg is the current head of The Royal and Imperial Court of the Dragon which has been in existence since humanity's earliest ages. Prince Nicholas is the current successor of a very ancient and long lineage of Dragon Kings - the true founders and guardians of the Holy Grail Tradition - that begins with the Anunnaki, before passing to the priest kings of Sumeria, the pharaohs of Egypt and then moving down through the royal houses of Europe. The Dragon Court was revived during the 15th Century by the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund and is now headed by HRH Prince Nicholas.

Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg is the current spokesperson for the House of Basarab, whose famous members include the legendary Prince Vlad III of Wallachia, aka Dracula. Prince Nicholas, the head of the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and a direct descendant of the House of Basarab, will present an accurate history of Dracula and the House of Basarab, along with the truth regarding vampires and their bizarre characteristics of drinking blood, etc.

Prince Nicholas has published two books on his illustrious lineage, including The Dragon Legacy and The Dragon Cede.

Guest Category: History, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Professor, Educator, Researcher, Writer, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Carmen Boulter is a Professor at the University of Calgary in Canada. She teaches in the Graduate Division of Educational Research in the Faculty of Education. She has been researching and writing about the sacred feminine in ancient Egypt and goddesses around the world for 2 decades. Her book, Angels and Archetypes: An Evolutionary Map of Feminine Consciousness, traces fragments of information about matriarchal cultures in pre-dynastic Egypt, prehistoric Greece, and around the world. Since 1995, Carmen has been leading sacred site journeys to Egypt, the Mediterranean, Peru, and Tibet. She has traveled to 51 countries exploring ancient mysteries. At CPAK 2008, she will be releasing her documentary series called The Pyramid Code offering a new perspective on ancient Egyptian culture with episodes investigating the purpose of the pyramid fields, high-level technology, sacred cosmology, the empowered human, a new chronology, and the time before the Pharaohs.

CPAK 2008 Topic: Archetypes of the Sacred Feminine in Ancient Egypt

When examining ancient cultures, we tend to look through the lenses of our current cultural paradigm, yet subtle details are easily missed when interpreting ancient Egypt from a patriarchal perspective. Dr. Carmen Boulter will be speaking about archetypes of the empowered feminine in ancient Egypt showing evidence which is clearly depicted in the symbols on temple walls and ancient artifacts. The ancient Egyptians had a sacred cosmology that held the sacred feminine in balance with the sacred masculine thus they were able to function as empowered humans. Carmen will also explore the matriarchal roots of dynastic Egypt.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Paranormal, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Biology & Chemistry, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Visionary, Social Innovator, Evolutionary Thinker, Educator, Producer, Narrator, Trainer, Doctor of Conscious Evolution
Guest Biography:

Barbara Marx Hubbard has been called "the voice for conscious evolution of our time" by Deepak Chopra and is the subject of Neale Donald Walsch's new book "The Mother of Invention." A prolific author, visionary, social innovator, evolutionary thinker and educator, she is co-founder and chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. She is the producer and narrator of the award-winning documentary series entitled Humanity Ascending: A New Way through Together and has recently partnered with The Shift Network as a global ambassador for the conscious evolution movement; a shift from evolution by chance towards evolution by choice. Along with Stephen Dinan, she has launched the “Agents of Conscious Evolution” training and is forming a global team to co-produce a global multi-media event entitled, "Birth 2012: Co-Creating a Planetary Shift in Time" on Dec. 22, 2012  -- a historic, turning-point event; awakening the social, spiritual, scientific, and technological potential of humanity.

In 1984 her name was placed in nomination for the Vice Presidency of the United States on the Democratic ticket, calling for a “Peace Room” to scan for, map, connect and communicate what is working in America and the world. Barbara also co-chaired a number of Soviet-American Citizen Summits, introducing a new concept called “SYNCON to foster synergistic convergence with opposing groups. She developed SYNCON conferences to bring together opposing forces to discover the positive benefit of a long range earth-space development program where she worked with builders of the Space Shuttle and continued her passion for an expanded and peace generating space program.

She is a Fellow of The Club of Budapest, and has received an honorary PhD in Conscious Evolution from the Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University. She has established a Chair in Conscious Evolution at Wisdom University and is member of many progressive organizations, including Evolutionary Leaders Group, Global New Thought (AGNT), as well as, The World Future Society.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Education Technology, Health & Lifestyle, Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Psychology, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Author, Political Analyst, Speaker, Media Commentator, Consultant, Researcher, Strategic Advisor, Writer, Blogger, Talk Show Host
Guest Biography:

Adrian Salbuchi is an internationally-renowned Argentine author, political analyst, speaker and radio/TV commentator. His articles are widely published and translated in different countries and he regularly appears on such TV channels and Russia Today and Press TV to comment on a variety of international issues. He is a regular contributor to the Montreal-based Center for Research on Globalization and the New Dawn magazine. He is also founder of the Second Republic Project in Argentina, which is expanding internationally.

Adrian Salbuchi is an Argentine consultant, researcher, author and public speaker, specializing in New World Order power structures and their economic, financial, and monetary mechanisms.

He is a member of CREAR Consejo Regional Estratgico Argentino (i.e., Argentine Regional Strategic Council) and CEEMFRA Centro de Estudios Econmicos Mariano Fragueiro (i.e., Mariano Fragueiro Economic Studies Center).

He has authored several books and many essays on Geopolitics and Economics written in Spanish, notably, El Cerebro del Mundo: la Cara Oculta de la Globalizacin (i.e., The Worlds Mastermind: the Hidden Face of Globalization), Argentina: Colonia Financiera? (i.e., Argentina: A Financial Colony?), and Bienvenidos a la Jungla: Dominio y Supervivencia en el Nuevo Orden Mundial (i.e., Welcome to the Jungle: Domination and Survival in the New World Order).

Adrian is host to several radio talk-shows, notably, El Traductor Radial and Bienvenidos a la Jungla, and has spoken in hundreds of conferences, panels, congresses, and seminars at universities, schools, NGOs, the Argentine Army and Air Force War Schools, and political and economic centers throughout Latin America. He appears regularly on local television and radio programs. A series of his videos in English and Spanish on these subjects is available on YouTube. He is the founder of the Movimiento por la Segunda Repblica Argentina (a political project to found a Second Argentine Republic as a necessary initial step to overcome Argentinas present difficulties). Adrian lives with his wife in Buenos Aires and has four adult children. His web site is, where many of his English articles have been posted

Guest Category: News, World News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Meditation Master, Healer, Author, Artist, Spiritual Teacher, Writer, Enlighened Being
Guest Biography:

Ivan Rados body was born in Former Yugoslavia. He is an established and internationally recognized artist, an energy healer and a contemporary spiritual guide and teacher; the author of the acclaimed book Health Its All About Consciousness, published by Namaste Publishing in Canada 2009, Create Yourself Secrets of Self Discovery & Healing with Sacred Geometry, published in Canada 2006, and The Transparent Man - the Last Anti-manifesto about Transcendental Art, published in UK by Dean Clough Design Dimension, Halifax, 1994.

Ivan was a highly rated member of an international art community at Dean Clough, Halifax, UK from 1992 to 2001. His art is part of many European museums and private collections around the world.

His friends and family have always been aware of Ivans extraordinary gift of healing which he has always generously shared with them. But Ivan knew that, although he had spiritually evolved at a very young age, he needed to heal another aspect of his being - his emotional wounds, before he could offer his wisdom to the world. Using art to search through his own soul, and to assist others in that process, Ivans healing process is a story about courage, determination and completion. It was not until he moved to Canada, that Ivan went through the most profound spiritual transmutation that completely disintegrated his old identity, altering his perception of himself and the reality he was creating. Ivan is now a true master of himself and his life. A master that is always willing to share his incredible spiritual wealth. He now uses his art (the Sacred Geometry) solely in the process of healing and spiritual guidance.

While Ivan claims he heals no-one; he merely helps people heal themselves by the power of Infinite Consciousness, his healing journey reads like a book of miracles. He modestly calls them ordinarinesses. Those touched by him experience anything but ordinariness. They have healed from many diseases & ailments and many continue seeing Ivan for ongoing spiritual guidance, growth and expansion of their consciousness.

Ivan Rados is not associated with any particular healing modularity and methodology, spiritual movement, religion or tradition. Ivans deep and authentic rooting in the unknown provides him the insight and ability to be of great service to the evolution of Consciousness in these most transformative of times. Ivan travels extensively, taking his knowingness throughout the world, teaching and facilitating classes, seminars and profoundly empowering healing/spiritual retreats. He has lived in Vancouver, Canada, since 2001


Ivan Rados - Meditation Master, Healer, Author, Artist

Rados is a spiritual teacher, healer, artist and author who was born in Former Yugoslavia. At the age of 42, a profound inner awakening that changed his perception of reality. After that profound experience from that energy flow, Rados were devoted to integrating his knowing into his being, marking the beginning of an movement towards the inner point, which he calls The Middle Point. He started teaching meditation regularly from his healing studio in Vancouver. Ivan has provided numerous workshops, seminars, group healing sessions, meditation classes and retreats around the world, and has been interviewed for over 100 radio and TV stations within the last couple of years. He has written many books and articles. The most recent ones: Health It’s All About Consciousness, Transform Your Life Through Sacred Geometry, Create Yourself, Being The Middle Point.

As a healer Rados is true master of both himself and his life, Ivan asserts that he heals no one but simply helps people heal themselves through the power of Infinite Consciousness. His journey reads like a book of miracles, which he modestly labels “ordinarinesses.” The wisdom he shares comes from his deep roots in the One-Self, the source of everything. Ivan has assisted thousands in reconnecting with their state of health, in personal, groups and long distance sessions. Those “touched” by him have been healed from: Cancer, Depression, Schizophrenia, Parkinson disease, and many, many more ailments.

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Physician, Lecturer, Author, Homeopathic Doctor, Pediatrician, Spokesperson
Guest Biography:


Lauren Feder, M.D. is a nationally recognized physician who specializes in primary care medicine, pediatrics and homeopathy.  Known for her holistically minded approach and combining the ‘best of both worlds,’ Dr. Feder is a frequent lecturer for parents and professionals and has been seen nationally on various health-oriented television and radio programs including most recently on The Doctors, Oprah and Friends interviewed by Dr. Mehmet Oz.   She is the president of the Holistic Pediatric Alliance, author of Natural Baby and Childcare and The Parents’ Concise Guide to Childhood Vaccinations, and is in private practice in Los Angeles. 

Lauren was raised by her parents, Ellie Davis a devoted stay-at-home mother and the late Dr. Robert J. Feder a renowned ear, nose and throat surgeon and voice specialist.  During her teen years she underwent two thyroid surgeries and was placed on daily medicine.  While doing her residency in Los Angeles a decade later, Lauren consulted with  a holistic practitioner and was able to discontinue her thyroid medication altogether. The results astounded her, and led her on a path of discovery in the field of holistic healing and homeopathy for herself and her patients.   Lauren is married to chiropractor, Dr. René Haarpaintner. They have two sons who were born at home with midwives.

Homeopathic Education

  • Doctorate in Homeopathy - DHM degree
  • Board Certified in Classical Homeopathy - C.C.H. degree
  • British Institute of Homeopathy
  • College of Homeopathy in Santa Monica
  • Master Clinician Studies at the Luminos School of Homeopathy (Louis Klein)
  • Trainings with International homeopaths Jan Scholten, Massimo Mangiolavori, Divya Chhabra, Jayesh Shah, Sunil Anand


  • Holistic Pediatric Alliance, President
  • La Leche League, Medical Associate
  • Holistic Mom's Network, Board 


Spokesperson and affiliations with the leading homeopathic pharmaceutical companies and natural medical companies

  • Holistic Moms Network’s Advisory Board
  • Boiron
  • Dolisos
  • Ganeden Biotech
Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Homeopathy, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Physician, Author, Nutrition Expert, Lecturer, Clinical Researcher, Writer, Medical Expert, Radio Show Host, Editor, Columnist, Consultant, Philanthropist
Guest Biography:


Fred Pescatore, MD, is a traditionally trained physician who practices nutritional medicine. He is the author of the New York Times best selling book, The Hamptons Diet and the number 1 best-selling children's health book, Feed Your Kids Well, amongst others. Dr. Pescatore’s other books include: Thin For Good, The Allergy and Asthma Cure, The Hamptons Diet Cookbook and Boost Your Health with Bacteria.

Dr. Fred is internationally recognized as a health, nutrition and weight loss expert. He often travels around the world lecturing in such exotic locales as India and Japan – usually returning with some new medical technique to share with his patients. He also lectures across America and is actively involved in clinical research. He has written numerous papers and magazine articles in addition to his books. After medical school, Dr. Fred studied in Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Africa, and Europe. The techniques he gathered have become part of his broad knowledge of healing. He delights in adding to his knowledge and then sharing it with his patients and colleagues.

Now, Dr. Fred is often called upon by major television and radio shows to be the medical expert on all things nutritional. His work has been featured on such shows as The View, The Today Show, Day and Date, The O'Reilly Factor, Extra and many more. He has spoken on hundreds of radio shows across America. In fact, for years, he was heard daily as the host of the number 1 health radio show in New York City called, The Logical Alternative. He is currently on the editorial board of US weekly magazine and is a regular contributor to In Touch, First for Women and Women’s World magazines.

Because of the respect Dr. Fred has earned in the nutritional supplement industry, he is a consultant for many firms and has been instrumental in developing and clinically testing many of the leading nutritional products. He is the President of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists, member of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine and belongs to many other professional organizations. Dr. Pescatore currently serves as an editor of Total Health Magazine.

Dr. Pescatore also has a masters degree in public health and is deeply involved in the philanthropic community devoting his time working in hospitals in Tanzania, while also helping to support organizations in this country such as sunflower children, motherhood after 40, and the Hetrick-Martin Institute.

Prior to opening his own practice, for five years, Dr. Fred was the Associate Medical Director of The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine working closely with the late great Dr. Atkins.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Nutrition, Medicine