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Guest Occupation: Physician, Metaphysician, Author, Psychologist, Minister, Editor, Writer, Musician, Farm Worker, Philanthropist
Guest Biography:

Rev. Dr. Todd Michael is a retired board-certified physician, a metaphysician with books in seven languages, a degreed psychologist, and an experienced minister.  He now lives in his home town of Ames, Iowa, where he makes his living giving Evolution Angel Life Readings and editing others writing projects.  If you are interested in booking a reading with him, it is suggested you read the page about readings on this site, and also read his first book The Evolution Angel, A Physician’s Lessons with Death and the Divine, easily available on


Rev. Dr. Todd Michael
board-certified physician, metaphysician, psychologist, and experienced minister

BIO - Rev. Dr. Todd Michael is the author of 15 self-help and spiritual books. He had addressed over 5 million people via radio shows like the Art Bell show, the Uri Geller show syndicated to 50 countries, and countless personal appearances at New Thought churches and conferences around the country, including a three day workshop at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. in Virginia Beach.

He spent the bulk of his career as an ER and Trauma physician, logging over 25,000 hours over twenty years and being elected as the the medical director of a level three trauma center for three years--before he retired permanently from medicine to pursue his writing and speaking and ministerial activities, and giving personal readings via the Evolution Angel, a group of wise souls that have taken an interest in working with him.

He has degrees in both medicine and divinity, is an initiate of the Mensa society, and a dual-degreed psychologist and philosopher from Iowa State University. He did not go to medical school until age 32, and was a blue-collar worker, musician, and farm worker before that. This period of incubation, so to speak, is something he is very proud of, and formed the basis of his personality in his early years.

He is the single father of Julian Michael age 16, an honors student and captain of his high school football team. His interests are golden retrievers, fitness, mountaineering, oil painting, photography, and multitrack recording. He has lived most of his adult life in Boulder, Colorado and is now building the Twelve Conditions of a Miracle Children's Foundation with his friend and colleague Lama Thubten Rinpoche. His ultimate goal is to become a successful philanthropist and feed and clothe as many needy children around the world as he possibly can through the sale of his books, audio books, and readings. He counts himself a proud and enthusiastic member of the New Thought Center for Spiritual Living, with Rev. David Alexander, which he now calls home

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Writer, Poet, Entrepreneur
Guest Biography:

Birgitte Rasine is the author of "The Serpent and the Jaguar: Living in Sacred Time," short stories "Confession," "Bakaly," and others, and countless other works ranging from journalistic articles to independent screenplays.

She also serves as the Chief Evolution Officer (CEO) of LUCITÀ Inc., a hybrid design and communications firm.

Birgitte holds a BA in Film Aesthetics from Stanford University, studied cinematography at the American Film Institute in Los Angeles, and completed a professional masters degree in international relations in Spanish at the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset in Madrid, Spain. She is a Founding Circle member of the Association of Women in Water, Energy and the Environment, as well as member of other professional organizations, and sits on the board of directors of the American Fund for Czech and Slovak Leadership Studies, a non profit organization in New York City dedicated to supporting the leaders of tomorrow. She lives in Northern California.

The Book, The Serpent and the Jaguar, by Birgitte Rasine

Guest Category: History, Divination
Guest Occupation: Independent Researcher, Author, Adjunct Professor, Traveling Ambassador, Guitarist, Vocalist, Poet, Editor, Webmaster, Lecturer
Guest Biography:

Gary A. David is an independent researcher and author who has been intrigued by the American Southwest since his initial trip there in 1987. The following year he lived for about six months in northern New Mexico, where he studied archaeological ruins and rock art. In 1994 he moved to Arizona and began an intensive study of the ancestral Pueblo People (sometimes incorrectly referred to as the Anasazi) and their descendants the Hopi.

In 2006 after more than a decade of fieldwork and scholarly inquiry, his nonfiction book The Orion Zone: Ancient Star Cites of the American Southwest was published. This volume describes a pattern of Hopi villages and ruin sites that precisely mirrors Orion, with an ancient site corresponding to each major star in the constellation. (See map page.) The sequel released in 2008 is titled Eye of the Phoenix: Mysterious Visions and Secrets of the American Southwest. In 2010 the third book in the series called The Kivas of Heaven: Ancient Hopi Starlore was published. In October 2012 the next in the series titled Star Shrines and Earthworks of the Desert Southwest will be released. All four books are available from Adventures Unlimited Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and fine bookstores everywhere.

His articles or interviews have appeared in Ancient American, Atlantis Rising, Fate, Four Corners, Sagenhafte Zeiten (Erich von Däniken's "Legendary Times"), World Explorer, and UFO magazines. One of Gary's essays was also published in Lost Knowledge of the Ancients: a Graham Hancock Reader. Read a review of this anthology.   

Mr. David earned a bachelors degree in Arts from Kent State University and a Master of Arts in the literature of the American West and creative writing from the University of Colorado.

He has worked as a adjunct professor of English and creative writing, a traveling ambassador for the South Dakota Arts Council, and a professional lead guitarist/vocalist.
Gary is also the author of a number of poetry books, including A Log of Deadwood: a Postmodern Epic of the South Dakota Gold Rush (North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, 1993) and Tierra Zia: Poems and Petroglyphs from New Mexico (Nine Muses Books, Winston, Oregon, 1996), both available from  In addition, he is editor and webmaster of Island Hills Books, an online publishing house, distribution center, and showcase for literature that focuses on the spirit of place.

Mr. David recently appeared on the History Channel's programs "Brad Meltzer's Decoded" and "Ancient Aliens." He continues to give lectures and national or international radio interviews on his work. Gary lives with his wife and an aging cat in northern Arizona, where the skies are still relatively pristine.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Science
Guest Occupation: Paranormal Investigator, Coordinator, Occult Consultant, Ordained Minister, IT Professional, Psychic Awareness Researcher
Guest Biography:

James Sangster - HGR Director / Investigator

Responsibilities: Interviewing, investigation coordination, Cleansing, Occult Consultant James has been involved in the paranormal investigation for over 10 years. His book, Help! I’m Haunted – Dealing with Ghosts is based on work in the paranormal field. James is also an ordained minister and enjoys educating HGR clients about paranormal phenomenon while coaching them through the process of spiritually re-claiming their homes. He is an IT professional by trade and is currently studying the use of hypnosis to enhance psychic awareness.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author, Channel of Ramtha, the Great American Channel, Spiritual Leader, Inspirational Speaker, Ascended Master Teacher, Humanitarian
Guest Biography:

My Guest on Saturday is JZ Knight who is the unique channel of Ramtha and author of the best-selling autobiography, A State of Mind, My Story. Historians and religious experts who have studied her life's work call JZ Knight the Great American Channel and recognize her as one of the most charismatic and compelling spiritual leaders of the modern age.

JZ Knight and Ramtha have captivated and inspired audiences worldwide for the last three decades, bridging ancient wisdom and the power of consciousness together with the latest discoveries in science. JZ Knight has appeared on national TV shows, such as Larry King and The Merv Griffin Show, offering spiritual insight and inspiration to thousands of people from all over the world and all walks of life, including many well-known figures from the entertainment world.

JZ Knight is the president of JZK, Inc and Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, a unique academy located in the foothills of Mt. Rainier in Washington State. The school was established in the 1980s and hosts over 10,000 students from the United States and 60 foreign countries. JZ Knight is the "channel" through which Ramtha delivers his message. Ramtha is an ascended Master Teacher who learned in his lifetime the unlimited potential of our minds for creating reality and the extraordinary in our lives. Ramtha lived as a human being on Earth 35,000 years ago. In that lifetime he discovered the true nature of the human person, the power of the mind, and the malleable nature of physical reality. Through his study of the nature of reality he achieved the supreme convergence of spirit and matter and became an ascended master. His powerful message of hope for humanity has already changed countless lives - none more powerfully and dramatically than JZ's own life.

The School's approach is unique and innovative, combining many threads of contemporary scientific research that support the principle that God lives within each of us. The physical body and the material world are only one aspect of the real world. They are the product of a broader reality constituted by consciousness and energy. The human being is best described as consciousness and energy creating the nature of reality. We are divine beings by nature. Thus, a spiritual life that incorporates the material world rather than rejecting it and is accessible to everyone.

Ramtha's choice to channel the teachings through a woman, rather than use his own physical body also makes the statement that God and the divine are not the prerogative of men alone. Skeptics who deny the existence of Ramtha as a conscious entity capable of using another entity's physical body are thus left with a brilliant woman who can teach on all manner of subjects for days on end without fatigue or notes. It demonstrates that women are worthy expressions of the divine, capable of genius and of being God realized.

JZ Knight is also the President and owner of JZ ROSE, formerly The Outback Boutique, a treasure chest that offers vintage style gifts and collectibles, home furnishings, fine antiques and everything beautiful. JZ Knight's personal love for fine art, timeless antiques, and the nostalgic romanticism of the Victorian style inspired her to create a store where she could share the things she loved with other people.

Some of the main humanitarian charities JZ Knight has sponsored through the JZ Knight Humanities Foundation she created have been the empowerment of women, world peace, and education scholarships for children. Since 1988, JZ Knight has contributed more than $1,200,000 to 200 graduating High School seniors so they could pursue their educational goals. She has helped local church's charities aiding communities in Africa. She has also participated as the address speaker in international women's conferences affiliated with the United Nations and was one of the keynote speakers at the Prophet's Conferences inspired by the movie, What the Bleep Do WE Know!?

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Self Help, Spiritual, Medium & Channeling, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Princess, Journalist, Speaker, Interviewer, Author, Commentator, News Broadcaster, Producer, Director, Talk Show Host, Diplomate, Peace Activist
Guest Biography:


The granddaughter of the Meiji Emperor, Princess Kaoru Nakamaru spent her early childhood in the Forbidden Castle in China. While at Columbia University and in graduate school, she furthered her research into international politics and since 1970, as a journalist, has interviewed kings and presidents, prime ministers and business people from many countries, and has given speeches, written books, and appeared on television as a commentator on international political affairs. In 1973, she was acclaimed in the U.S. magazine, Newsweek, as the "World's No.1 interviewer," and the Washington Post described her as "one of those rare women in the world with an outstanding international sensitivity."

Later, she was producer, director, and interviewer of her own Japan/U.S. talk show, for which she traveled to war-torn areas around the world and carried out positive discussions with the heads of state of those countries. Among those were Colonel Gadhafi of Libya and then-president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein--figures that were considered hostile by the West. Nakamaru even covered the frontlines during the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88) and video taken of it was shown to President Hussein who suggested that the war be immediately halted. The images of her broadcast on TV pressing President Hussein with the question "Why is this war being continued?" and asking Colonel Gadhafi, "Are you really a terrorist?" drew strong reactions. From those experiences, she exerted her energy into "personal diplomacy," serving as a go-between among warring countries, using her own funds.

In order to finance her "personal diplomacy," she bears all expenses. Kaoru's network of contacts include many "big names" of whom the staff at TV stations say "Even with our connections, there is no way we can approach these people," and this is linked to the fact that Kaoru, who is not affiliated with any organization, travels the world at her own expense and as a private citizen. Saddam Hussein, Moammar Gadhafi, top North Korean leaders, and other important figures that western journalists are unable to meet, talk with her-- the main reason being "Princess Nakamaru is not a person who is moved by personal motives and so we considered a meeting with her."

In response to her personal diplomacy Kaoru established the "International Affairs Institute for World Peace" in New York in 1985, and in 1991, the "Following the Sun Association" was organized for people aspiring toward peace. In doing so, royalty and presidents from various countries as well as cultural figures signed their names to the statement, "I endorse all of your activities," and these people have been welcomed as advisers and special members. Accordingly, this began in earnest a movement of enlightenment in which the realization of a "one world" policy where the "path of life" is based on mutual understanding and trust, and not on a "one world" policy where the "path of power" is based on military power and tension. Since her days as an interviewer, she has so far traveled to as many as 186 countries.

Nakamaru's aim is for a "world peace through human renaissance. Wealth, fame, power do not make humans happy, as true happiness is borne from a heart filled with love, harmony, and peace. When there is peace within the hearts of each person, from VIPs to average citizens, then world peace is realized. The phrase "one world" mistakenly conjures up a religious movement, but Nakamaru has absolutely no religion ties. Nakamaru believes in a religion of her own, but does not belong to any group, saying that "The world transcends all the many religions, races, ideologies so there cannot be just one.

As for her personal life, in 1966 she married Tadao Nakamaru, an actor who worked with Toshiro Mifune. She has a son and a daughter. In addition, she has maintained a close friendship with South Korea through its former prime minister, Kim Jong-Pil, and with North Korea through the late Kim Il Sung as well as Kim Yong Sun the Secretary of North Korea's Worker Party (who died in 2003 in a car accident), and has strived to improve relations between Japan and both Koreas as a bridge between the Japanese and Korean governments by bringing about the temporary return of a Japanese woman while at the same time acting as a mediator in bringing about a summit meeting between South and North Korea.

Guest Category: History, News, Politics & Government, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Writer, Columnist, Major, Justice Party 2012 Presidential Nominee
Guest Biography:

Rocky Anderson - Justice Party Presidential Candidate

Rocky has always been committed to the principle that justice - social justice, environmental justice, and economic justice - must be an essential aim of public policy. His heartfelt commitment to social justice is reflected in many of the numerous articles and columns he has authored for local publications. For instance, he has written articles for magazines on such diverse topics as ethics in politics, combating racism, and criminal justice reform. He also wrote a weekly column for The Enterprise, a Utah business newspaper, covering issues such as tax reform, valuing diversity, and the importance of character in public life.

Having been the only major city mayor who advocated the impeachment of President George W. Bush because of his disregard of intelligence data indicating that Osama bin Laden was about to attack the U.S. and his dishonesty to the American people in the lead-up to the invasion and occupation of Iraq, Rocky has proven himself to be "non-partisan," forcefully demonstrating that the rule of law has been severely undermined by both major parties and by both Presidents Bush and Obama. Anderson has persuasively argued that despite his earlier belief that the Bush Administration would be merely an "aberration" in the history of the US, "President Obama has institutionalized some of the worst abuses of the Bush Administration" and has gone even further in establishing an imperial presidency that has fostered a two-tiered system of justice in the United States.

On August 11, 2011, Rocky denounced the Democratic Party and resigned his affiliation with it. He wrote in a letter to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee that "The Constitution has been eviscerated while Democrats have stood by with nary a whimper. It is a gutless, unprincipled party, bought and paid for by the same interests that buy and pay for the Republican Party."

On January 13, 2012, Anderson accepted the presidential nomination of the Justice Party, a new national political party. The Party's primary principles are integrity, justice, and liberty for all.

The emphasis of Rocky's campaign is the promotion of the public interest through the defeat of the systemic corruption that has caused massive failures in public policy. Rocky advocates an immediate end to the on-going wars; essential health care coverage for all citizens; urgent international leadership by the U.S. to prevent against the most catastrophic consequences of climate disruption; adequate revenues to balance the budget through fair taxation; treatment of substance abuse as a public health, rather than criminal justice, issue; control of the Federal Reserve by the Treasury Department and Congress; a balanced budget (or a surplus) except in times of war or major recession; an end to the legal concept of corporate "personhood;" a constitutional amendment to overrule Citizens United and to allow limits or prohibitions on the corrosive impact of money in our electoral system; and an end to the stranglehold on our government by the military-industrial complex.

Guest Category: Legal, News, Politics & Government
Guest Occupation: Performer, Musician, Writer, Songwriter
Guest Biography:

David Rovics grew up in a family of classical musicians in Wilton, Connecticut, and became a fan of populist regimes early on. By the early 90's he was a full-time busker in the Boston subways and by the mid-90's he was traveling the world as a professional flat-picking rabble-rouser. These days David lives in Portland, Oregon and tours regularly on four continents, playing for audiences large and small at cafes, pubs, universities, churches, union halls and protest rallies. He has shared the stage with a veritable who's who of the left in two dozen countries, and has had his music featured on Democracy Now!, BBC, Al-Jazeera and other networks. His essays are published regularly on CounterPunch and elsewhere, and the 200+ songs he makes available for free on the web have been downloaded more than a million times. Most importantly, he's really good. He will make you laugh, he will make you cry, he will make the revolution irresistible.

Guest Category: Music, Politics & Government