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Guest Occupation: CEO, Free Energy Technologies Researcher, Exotic Energy Explorer, New Energy Congress Founder, Writer, Speaker, Radio Show Host
Guest Biography:

Sterling Allan is the primary driving force behind,, and most recently 

Pure Energy Systems (PES) Network, of which he is CEO, is the premier news, directory, and networking service whose mission is to find and facilitate the best exotic free energy technologies. In May, 2012, Sterling founded the New Energy Systems Trust to help bring these technologies to market.

PES is aided by the New Energy Congress, which Sterling founded in 2005 as an association of energy professionals from around the world who review the most promising claims to existing and up-and-coming breakthrough energy technologies that are clean, renewable, affordable, reliable, easy to implement, safe, and legitimate. From this ongoing review, they generate a Top 100 Clean Energy Technologies listing.  More recently, they shifted their focus to "exotic" modalities, emphasizing the Top 5.  They also endeavor to facilitate the emergence of some of the more promising exotic technologies into the marketplace.  

Sterling has made the term "free energy" more acceptable by relating it to solar, wind, geothermal, and other well-understood technologies; while also making the more exotic approaches not seem so crazy. 

Prior to his focused involvement in free energy over the past eight years, Sterling was an activist in promoting principles of freedom and defending them against forces conspiring to establish world tyranny. For example, he spearheaded the "Draft Ron Paul for President in 2004" signature campaign. When Paul declined, Sterling threw his own hat in that ring. 

He is presently involved in launching an intentional community, Safe Haven Villages, featuring sustainable building and growing methods and utilizing renewable energy. Sterling's graduate studies at BYU and the University of Arizona were in Bioelectrochemisty, studying the interaction between external electrical stimuli and physiological systems.

Sterling is the founder of a dozen-plus organizations whose functions range from preparedness and alternative religious and political thinking; to defining, teaching and researching better ways to live as a society. He has proven experience in creating, managing and sustaining organizations, as well as in using websites as a way to teach, publish and disseminate information.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Biology & Chemistry, Technology, Free Energy
Guest Occupation: Daughter of Frankenstein (Boris Karloff), Speaker
Guest Biography:

Daughter of Frankenstein (Boris Karloff), his only child!

Guest Category: Performing Arts, Visual Arts, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Mayan Pope, Keeper of the Mayan Book of Creation, Maya Moral Authority
Guest Biography:

Don Tomás Calvo, the highest moral authority of the Maya, described as the Mayan Pope.

The head of the Order of the Mayan Lords and keeper of the Popol Vjuh or Mayan Book of Creation, Don Tomas Calvo led a delegation yesterday of Mayan elders to the United Nations, where they performed a special ceremony and addressed indigenous people and members of the U.N. Security Council from Guatemala in observance of U.N. Day.

Calvo told members of the United Nations: "I bring the knowledge of my ancestors to the Earth that holds the thoughts of all those who believe another world is possible...To you, representatives of the peoples who share our planet daily, I bring the voice of my people on my way towards the end of a period of time we call Oxlajuj B'aqtun and before the opening of a new era which we enter with joy and harmony." He emphasized that events are now accelerating at a rapid pace and that pace will continue to speed up. What previously took decades is now taking months and what used to take months is now taking days. The changes ahead are likely to happen fast and furious and yet present rare opportunities for human growth and the establishment of new priorities for the human race.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, History, Divination
Guest Occupation: Spiritual Consciousness Facilitator, Seer, Author, Inner Mysteries Teacher, Speaker, Consultant
Guest Biography:

Tanis Helliwell M.Ed. is the founder of the International Institute for Transformation (IIT), which since January 2000 has offered programs to assist individuals to become conscious creators to work with the spiritual laws that govern our world. Tanis, a mystic in the modern world, has brought spiritual consciousness into the mainstream for over 30 years.

“Tanis Helliwell is a spiritual evocateur and deep seer who opens us up to other voices…other realms….”
Jean Houston, Author of A Mythic Life and ambassador to the UN

Tanis is the author of Pilgrimage with the Leprechauns, Embraced by Love, Summer with the Leprechauns, Take Your Soul to Work and Decoding Your Destiny: Keys to Humanity’s Spiritual Evolution. She is a student and teacher of the Inner Mysteries, living on the seacoast north of Vancouver, Canada. Since childhood, she has seen and heard elementals, angels, and master teachers in higher dimensions. For 16 years she conducted a therapy practice, helping individuals with their spiritual transformation. As well, to heal the Earth and to catalyze individual transformation she has led tours and walking pilgrimages to sacred sites for over 20 years.

Tanis Helliwell is a sought-after keynote speaker whose insightful awareness is applied in a variety of spiritual disciplines. She has presented at conferences also featuring Rupert Sheldrake, Matthew Fox, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Gregg Braden, Fritjof Capra, and Jean Houston. These conferences include The Science and Consciousness Conference in Albuquerque, The World Future Society in Washington, DC; Spirit and Business conferences in Boston, Toronto, Vancouver and Mexico. Tanis has also presented at Findhorn, Hollyhock, A.R.E. Edgar Cayce and Alice Bailey.

In addition to her therapy practice and spiritual workshops and tours, she worked for almost 30 years as a consultant to business, universities and government, to catalyze organizational transformation and to help individuals develop their potential. Her clients include IBM, McKinsey and Company, David Suzuki Foundation, International Institute of Chartered Accountants, Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans, University of Calgary, The Banff Centre- Leadership Programs, Alberta Medical Association.

Her work is committed to helping people to develop right relationships with themselves, others and the Earth.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Director, Publisher, Consultant, Inventor, Writer, Mechanical Engineer, Blood Flow Researcher, Author, Editor, Teacher, Professor, Doctor
Guest Biography:

Dan serves as Director and Publisher of, an online resource dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of healthy blood flow. A graduate of Harvard College, Mr. Cho has more than 12 years of experience in the management of emerging growth technology companies in the medical field. From 2009 to 2010, he was Vice President of ProMetrics, a healthcare consulting firm, where he led engagements with healthcare providers in the areas of cardiovascular and renal disease. Previously, Daniel was President and COO of Rheologics, a developer of blood viscosity diagnostics for cardiovascular diseases. He has co-authored three peer-reviewed scientific articles and is the inventor of two pending patents.


Young Cho is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics at Drexel University in Philadelphia. His primary research interests include hemorheology (the study of blood flow) and vascular diseases, as well as water purification and energy. He is an inventor of the Hemathix viscometer, the world's most advanced clinical viscometer, and its predecessor, the Rheolog viscometer. Professor Cho has authored/co-authored approximately one hundred seventy papers in the area of heat transfer, fluid mechanics, rheology, acoustics, combustion and energy.  

Dr. Cho is editor for Handbook of Heat Transfer (McGraw Hill, 3rd ed.) and an editor for the Advances in Heat Transfer (Academic Press). He was the recipient of the 1992 Lindback Award for excellence in teaching at Drexel University. In 1993, Dr. Cho was nominated by U.S. DOE and elected as the chairman of the Advanced Fluid Committee under the International Energy Agency. In 1995, he was the recipient of the Research Professor of the Year at Drexel University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Chicago and holds M.S. and B.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Seoul National Unversity in Korea.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Osteopathic Doctor, Family Physician, Environmental Scientific Consultant, Nuclear Power Plant Propusion Operator, Clinical Director, Professor, Editor, Writer, Author
Guest Biography:

Dr. Ralph E. Holsworth, Jr., D.O., received his Doctor of Osteopathy in 1997 from The University of Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Kansas City, MO.  He is a board-certified osteopathic family physician previously serving rural and underserved regions of New Mexico and Colorado. Prior to his medical training, Dr. Holsworth served as environmental scientific consultant with the US EPA and private sector firms providing technical assistance on Superfund site evaluation, remediation and environmental cleanups.  He received his Baccalaureate of Science, Majoring in Geochemistry from The University of Texas, El Paso, in 1985.  In 1977-1981, Dr. Holsworth was a Nuclear Power Plant Propulsion Operator for the United States Navy.

At Tahoma Clinic, Dr. Holsworth treats a wide variety of health conditions, with special interest in cardiovascular conditions (especially problems related to increased blood thickness that respond to the therapeutic aspects of Nattokinase), auto-immune problems, diabetes, and environmental illness. With a long-time interest in integretative and functional medicine approaches to traditional medicine, he first became familiar with Dr. Jonathan Wright and his work in 2001.  He melds his own unique physician experience with Dr. Wright’s treatment protocols to benefit his patients.

Prior to joining Tahoma Clinic, Dr. Holsworth practiced medicine in a wide variety of settings as shown below:

  • Emergency Medicine Physician, Rio Grande Hospital, Del Norte, CO
  • Clinical Director of Rio Grande Hospital Rural Clinics in South Fork and Monte Vista, Colorado
  • Physician, Valley-Wide Health Systems, Rio Grande Medical Clinic, Monte Vista, CO
  • Physician, Durango Urgent Care Center, Durango. CO
  • On-call physician, San Luis Regional Valley Medical Center,  Alamosa, CO
  • Medical Staff Officer, Lieutenant Commander in Commissioned Officers Corps, U.S. Public Health Service, Indian Health Service Units in Dulce, NM and Mescalero, NM

In addition to the above positions, Dr. Holsworth served as Director of Clinical and Scientific Research for Essentia Water; served as honorary professor, Department of Biology, at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and is a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Applied Clinical Thrombosis and Hemostasis and the Japan Nattokinase Research Association.  He has been involved in clinical research with oral systemic enzymes as an adjuvant in cancer treatment and has authored several publications related to antioxidant properties of electrolyzed water and nattokinase, a fibrinolytic enzyme.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Science, Biology & Chemistry, Technology
Guest Occupation: Archaeologist, Explorer, Crysal Skull Event Facilitator
Guest Biography:

Kendall Ray Morgan is an amateur archaeologist and explorer who has conducted numerous field research projects locating and traveling to remote sites on the globe. He has extensively explored such areas as Mexico, Central America, South America and Hawaii while listening, learning and sharing with many different indigenous elders, metaphysical and esoteric teachers.

For more than 13 years, he has studied extensively the work of distinguished scholars such as Dr. J.J. Hurtak PhD at The Academy for Future Science , the late Jose Arguelles, author of the Mayan Factor, and the work of the late Mesoamerican Archaeologist Gareth W. Lowe of the New World Archaeological Foundation. He has also extensively studied the works of the late great Mayan Archaeologist Linda Schele.

At one time or another, Kendall has had personal contact and interacted with these respected scholars and a list of many other world renowned researchers, teachers and shamans too long to list here in following his imagination and passions for personal growth. These interactions have led him to the Lost Hall of Records of Atlantis in Yucatan, Mexico. Kendall now believes he has the proof of the existence of the Firestone Crystal of Atlantis as mentioned in Edgar Cayce's readings. He believes that he has come into contact with the crystal and knows the location of the temple and the Hall of Records to be found there. Only seriously interested parties should contact him for further information on these recent discoveries in the Yucatan.

Kendall went on many adventures in Central and South America in his quest for knowledge and ran into one of the world's most pre-eminent UFO investigators, the late Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens (The real life Indiana Jones) several times in the jungles of Ecuador while tracking down Father Crespi and his private collection of Atlantean treasure troves.

Through his diverse teachers and multicultural background, Kendall believes that we are all related and nothing happens by mistake. He believes we are all here learning, growing, and refining ourselves through our experiences both individually and collectively while being embedded within the planes of cosmic consciousness. Kendall is a visionary who has experienced various spiritual healing expressions and modalities.

Kendall recently attended the Return of the Ancestors event, an international multicultural gathering and sacred pilgrimage welcoming indigenous elders and future wisdom keepers. The event, held in Northern Arizona, was hosted by the Institute for Cultural Awareness organizations, Drunvalo Melchizedek and a host of respected indigenous elders. It was a humbling experience for Kendall and he considered it an honor to be with so many other beautiful like-minded brothers and sisters.

Kendall was guided to bring the crystal skulls together first at the 09.09.09 Crystal Skulls World Mysteries Conference in Tempe, Arizona. After that, Kendall heeded the call of the ancient crystal skulls to move on and he founded Oracle Stone Productions. In 2010, Oracle Stone Productions teamed up with Alan Steinfeld of New Realities Television and the Edgar Cayce A.R.E organization in New York City to produce the 10.10.10 event in NYC that was called Legend of the 13 Crystal Skulls, They brought together the ancient crystalline artifacts of time, their guardians and the Legendary Mayan Elders with their messages for the world at this event and at a special meeting at the United Nations.

In 2011, Oracle Stone Productions produced 11.11.11 Crystal Skulls Gateway in L.A event bringing the ancient crystal skulls to the West Coast.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Science, Spiritual
Guest Biography:

Author of the Books, “CHANGE YOUR LIFE in 1 Hour”, “The MIND MANAGER”, "ACCELERATING YOUR SPIRITUALITY”, The “HOW TO LOVE YOURSELF” Guide …...found @ Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Apple iStore.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help