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Guest Occupation: Bio Physicist, Herbalist, Author, Lecturer, New Age Research Specialist, Metaphysicist, Modern Alchemist
Guest Biography:

Best selling author, lecturer & research specialist Dr. Richard Alan Miller reveals a wealth and depth of knowledge and experience in three major fields; Alternative Agriculture, New Age Physics, and Metaphysics. Before many leading edge concepts became trendy topics, Miller was (and is) on the international front lines of research, experimentation and documentation.

Richard Alan Miller reveals a wealth and depth of knowledge and experience in Alternative Agriculture, New Age Physics, and Metaphysics.  Miller began working in the "X-Files" world in the 60s and has amazing experiences and conclusions to share.

An original team-member, "man-in-black," Miller's research in the field of Parapsychology & Paraphysics began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel.

Offering fresh perspectives on Metaphysical traditions his books, papers & articles include The Modern Alchemist; ESP Induction Through Forms of Self-Hypnosis, and "A Holographic Concept of Reality."

Richard Alan Miller has been at the forefront of many fields during his long and varied career. A solid-state physicist with graduate work at MIT, Miller was involved in groundbreaking work for cloaked agencies in the late '60s and '70s. A colleague of Dr. Stanley Krippner, Miller co-authored in 1973 the paper, The Holographic Concept of Reality - a document whose implications for psychoenergetic systems are only now beginning to be realized.

Like so many of the idealists of his era, Miller became quickly disillusioned with the severe ethical compromises forced on him by what he recognized as corporate manipulation. After a brief stint as an engineer at Boeing, Miller left the corporate world in disgust and entered the more spiritually satisfying world of the occult. He opened Beltane Books in Seattle and swiftly became " the Herman Slater of the West Coast." At this time he penned several works including his classic " The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs."

Miller also co-authored, with his wife Iona, THE MODERN ALCHEMIST, hailed by Stanley Krippner as the most "illuminating" study of Alchemy since Carl Jung. Before its publication, Miller had used an electronic form of the book as teaching material for his on-line course in Metaphysics, taught on America Online.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive, Technology
Guest Occupation: Author, Psychic, Ghostbuster, Crystal Skull Guardian, Lecturer, Consultant, Ghost Investigator, Seance Facilitator, Expert Witness, Parapsychologist
Guest Biography:

When author, psychic and ghostbuster Jane Doherty lectured at the Breakfast Club, San Francisco's premiere high society club, she turned cautiously minded skeptics into soft-hearted, warm believers giddy with their newly found psychic possibilities. Jane is living proof that paranormal abilities can be acquired and with her first book, Awakening the Mystic Gift: The Surprising Truth About What It Means to Be Psychic, she wants to teach that message to the world.

A renowned psychic for more than 15 years giving tens of thousands of readings, Jane Doherty is the leading authority on psychic experiences. She provides individual guidance through private consultation, conducts ghost investigations and seances to communicate with the other side and offers classes and workshops to those who are interested in discovering and developing their own psychic abilities. This fall she will appear in a new television series on a major network.

Widely recognized and respected for her extraordinary skill and sensitivity, she has been featured on Fox Network News, CNN, The Today Show, Sightings, MSNBC Investigates, Jenny Jones, WB11 and numerous publications, including The New York Times, New York Post, The Industry Standard and the Philadelphia Inquirer. She has been named "one of the top twenty psychics" by Hans Holzer in Woman's Own magazine and interviewed on more than 75 radio stations including one in Austria and England. Reuters news media has featured her in Australia, Austria, Germany, England, Russia, and the major Spanish network, Telemundo. She has also co-hosted a psychic call-in show for eight years and has been featured in three books, as well as in Woman's World Weekly and The Bridal Guide magazine.

Jane also has the distinction of being retained as an expert government witness for a U.S. Postal Service investigation of a major mail fraud case involving psychic claims, assisted law authorities in cases of missing persons and homicides as well as added to the history of New Jersey when her services were used for an archeological dig. For more than twelve years Jane was president of the Jersey Society of Parapsychology, founded more than 30 years ago for the purpose of providing mainstream scientific research and support to this field. Her ghost investigations have taken her to such notable places as the Lizzie Borden House in Massachusetts, the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, the William Heath Davis House in San Diego as well as the Proprietary House in New Jersey, the only original royal governor's mansion still standing in the U.S. today.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Author, Theorist, Numerologist, Educator, Trainer, Awakener, Success Catalyst
Guest Biography:

Michael Brill; Author, Theorist, and Originator of Cosmic Numerology

Michael has an M.Ed. and has been a Numerologist since 1985. He has over 31 years of combined experiences as an educator and trainer in public and private schools, college, business, and government. This includes ten years experience in the aerospace industry together with two years at NASA.

Michael has written three books, developed a Cosmic Numerology card deck, and a manifestation game. He has appeared on FOX and public television and over 450 radio programs in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Cayman Islands. Since 1985, Michael has developed and practiced a theory that melds the sciences of numerology and quantum physics with the concepts of reincarnation and gematria. He calls it Cosmic Numerology and Quantum Numbers.

As an Awakener, Michael uses Cosmic Numerology and Quantum Numbers to help individuals and businesses clarify their goals and time their actions. His purpose is to provide others with the tools they will need to assure them both professional and social success. As a catalyst, he can help reawaken your Soul to its true destiny and life calling, by helping you remember the divine plan you co-wrote.

His textbook on Cosmic Numerology, Know Your Numbers, Know Your Self: Discovering the Soulutions to Your Life Challenges reveals a step-by-step process for identifying specific soulutions to the challenges, behavior patterns, and core issues you’ve chosen to experience during this lifetime. His second book, Identify Anyone’s Behavior Patterns in Less Then A Minute offers simple formulas for understanding why people behave the way they do at work, in relationships, and with family. His third book, Numerology for Healing (Destiny Books), identifies the underlying behavior patterns that are the catalysts for 185 illnesses, diseases, and physical injuries. The book also discusses numeric daisy chains and their impact on the human personality matrix.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Physics & Metaphysics, Self Help, Numerology, Divination
Guest Occupation: Ancient Civilization Historian, Edgar Cayce Authority, Crystal Skull Guardian, Linguist, Speaker, Ancient Mysteries Researcher
Guest Biography:

Raymond Tarpey is a trained historian; his main area of research is Mayan/ Aztec history and spirituality.  He also does extensive research on the spiritual legacies of the ancient cultures of China, Japan, the Anasazi and the Inca. This path, along with information from the Edgar Cayce readings has led him also to do major research on the Crystal Skulls, the 'lost continents' of Atlantis & Mu/Lemuria.

Raymond also does Tzolk'in Calendar Readings in the Maya Shaman/Daykeeper tradition He and his wife Nobie are longtime members of Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. and they reside in Lake Oswego, Oregon.

Raymond holds an MA degree in Chinese History and Language. He is an accomplished linguist, fluent in both Mandarin Chinese and Japanese, and is a student of Mayan languages and classical Aztec Nahuatl.

He has given presentations on the Mayan Calendar, the Spiritual Legacies of Mu/Lemuria & Atlantis, the Crystal Skulls, and the Mayan 2012 Prophecies  in many cities across the U.S. and Canada, including at A.R.E. HQ in Virginia Beach and the 11-11-11 Crystal Skulls Conference in LA. Raymond has served on the A.R.E. Board of Trustees and several of his articles have appeared in the A.R.E. Ancient Mysteries newsletters.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Science, Spiritual, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Pastor
Guest Biography:

Pastor Cummins and his wife Jenice have been in ministry sixteen years. Their weekly television show Voice in the Wilderness can be heard on

Guest Category: Religion, Christianity
Guest Occupation: Writer, Astral Projection Facilitator, Out of Body Experiencer, Teacher, Hospice Volunteer, Musician, IT Professional
Guest Biography:

David taught himself how to astral project, and just a year ago set up an online service to help others develop this innate gift that he believes is in every one of us. A collaboration with Adrian Cooper, The Astral Academy, can be found at and offers a hefty forum and inspiring testimonials of triumphant travelers finding their astral wings and the Joy of a conscious Out of Body Experience.

His first experience was in 1987 and you can read about it here on his personal website, Currently he teaches OBE/Astral Projection, is an active hospice volunteer, and an accomplished musician and IT professional.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Paster, Drummer, Religous Freedom Activist, Political Activist, Doctor of Divinity, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Danny Nalliah (born 1964) is an Australian Christian evangelist pastor and young earth creationist. He is the leader of Rise Up Australia, a prayer organisation, and the President of Catch the Fire Ministries. Danny Nalliah successfully defended a law suit commenced by the Islamic Council of Victoria under Victoria's Racial and Religious Tolerance Act and was awarded damages. In this landmark case, along with his colleague Daniel Scot, Nalliah was found not to have incited hatred under Victoria's then-new religious vilification laws. He has also been a candidate for the Family First Party. He was previously associated with the Australian Christian Churches.

Nalliah was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka. He was raised in a strongly religious family, and rose through the church ranks from youth leader through to becoming a pastor. He married in 1987, and his two children were born soon after. He continued to preach in the more remote regions of Sri Lanka until 1995, when he and his wife moved to Saudi Arabia. He spent two years preaching Christianity and attempting to circumvent the official ban on the religion in the Muslim state. However, in 1997, he decided to move to Australia and founded his own evangelical organisation.

After moving to Australia and founding Catch the Fire, Nalliah traveled extensively, preaching to congregations in a number of countries.

Guest Category: Politics & Government, Religion
Guest Occupation: Psychotherapist, Gender Specialist, Clinician, Consultant, Spiritual Facilitator, Consciousness Explorer, Parnomral Phenomena Researcher, Writer
Guest Biography:
I received my Master's in Clinical Social Work from New York University in 2001 and am in private practice as a licensed and credentialed psychotherapist.   One of those over-educated persons, I have other degrees and certifications in music, art history, fine arts, computer graphics, and journalism.

I have lived in New York City for 30 years, and so have a deep and abiding sense of this amazing city that I adore, having seen and survived more than I sometimes care to remember, including the AIDS epidemic which claimed so many. My work with depression, death and dying, grief and loss stems directly from this experience, as does my focus on substance abuse recovery and sexual addictions. I have a strong understanding of the 12-Step Program and work with  people in early recovery, and with those with more time who seek to strengthen the deeper spiritual aspects of their program.

A Gender Specialist, I am a full member of WPATH (The World Professional Association for Transgender Health, formerly HBIGDA,) a global organization of trans-care providers. I've worked with people of trans and intersex experience for almost 15 years, providing assessments, diagnoses, referrals and ongoing therapeutic support before/during/after gender affirming transitions. I interface with surgeons, endocrinologists and other professionals, providing them with letters of recommendation for hormonal and surgical treatments, as well as ongoing aftercare support on a mental health basis. I'm also a member of the American Psychological Association.

I have many years of experience working as a clinician and consultant for a private employee assistance program on Wall Street, interfacing with employees, managers, and their Human Resources across the globe — I'm well-versed with the grief, fear and trauma arising from downsizing or the threat of it, while being faced with decimated departments and added responsibilities and hours.  Many are faced with difficult decisions about the current job, and my wish is that any decisions are made from as clear a mind as possible.  As well, I have a certification in life coaching, which is quite useful when working to seek such clarity and support change.

Having a deeply spiritual commitment to myself and others, I explore, study, and utilize various meditational and  contemplative techniques — sometimes called "mindful awareness" among other things — in my own life and in my therapy practice. I have privately studied Celtic Shamanism and Jungian dreamwork, and have a certification in Consciousness Studies from The Monroe Institute in Virginia.  For many years I have been working with other professionals in research and development in what might be termed  "paranormal phenomena"   — and have written and published in this area.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation, Shamanism