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Guest Occupation: Neuroscientist, Chiropractor, Lecturer, Author, Educator, Writer, Scientist, Researcher, Teacher, Medical Expert
Guest Biography:

Joseph Dispenza D.C.

Neuroscientist, Chiropractor, Lecturer and Author

Helping You Break the Habit of Being Yourself

Joe Dispenza, D.C., studied biochemistry at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J.  He also holds a BS degree with an emphasis in Neuroscience. Dr. Dispenza also received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree at Life University in Atlanta, Georgia, graduating magna cum laude.

Dr. Dispenza’s postgraduate training and continuing education has been in neurology; neuroscience; brain function and chemistry; cellular biology; memory formation; and aging and longevity. He is an invited member of Who’s Who in America, an honorary member of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, the recipient of a Clinical Proficiency Citation for clinical excellence in doctor-patient relationships from Life University, and a member of Pi Tau Delta – the International Chiropractic Honor Society.

Over the past decade, Dr. Dispenza has lectured in 24 different countries on six continents educating people about the role and function of the human brain. He has taught thousands of people how to re-program their thinking through scientifically proven neuro-physiologic principles. As a result, this information has taught many individuals to reach their specific goals and visions by eliminating self-destructive habits. His approach, taught in a very simple method, creates a bridge between true human potential and the latest scientific theories of neuroplasticity.  He explains how thinking in new ways, as well as changing beliefs, can literally rewire one’s brain. The premise of his work is founded in his total conviction that every person on this planet has within them, the latent potential of greatness and true unlimited abilities.

His first book, Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind connects the subjects of thought and consciousness with the brain, the mind, and the body. The book explores “the biology of change.”  That is, when we truly change our mind, there is a physical evidence of change in the brain. As an author of several scientific articles on the close relationship between the brain and the body, Dr. Dispenza ties information together to explain the roles these functions play in physical health and disease. His DVD release of Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind, which was filmed in Australia, is based on the book and looks at the ways in which the human brain can be used to affect reality through the mastery of thought. He also sits as an invited editorial advisor of Explore Magazine.

In his research into spontaneous remissions, Dr. Dispenza has found similarities in people who have experienced so-called miraculous healings, showing that they have actually changed their mind, which then changed their health.

In his newly released and second best-selling book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One, Dr Dispenza explains that you are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life.  A new science is emerging that empowers all human beings to create the reality they choose.  Not only will you be given the necessary knowledge to change any aspect of yourself, but you will be taught the step-by-step tools to apply what you learn in order to make measurable changes in any area of your life. Dr. Joe demystifies ancient understandings and bridges the gap between science and spirituality.  Once you break the habit of being yourself and truly change your mind, your life will never be the same!

Dr. Dispenza has also developed a powerful one day course, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, focused on helping organizations teach employees how to change. Leaders are asking employees to break old habits that are no longer useful or productive and create new ones that better support the needs of a 21st century organization. New and better habits can be hard to create. Bad or poor habits can be hard to break. This course is different from other change programs because it is grounded in the discoveries of neuroscience. Once people understand how the brain works, change comes more easily.

One of the scientists, researchers, and teachers featured in the award winning film, “What the BLEEP Do We Know!?,”  He also has guest appearances in the theatrical directors cut, “What the BLEEP Down the Rabbit Hole” as well as the extended Quantum Edition DVD set, “What the BLEEP Down the Rabbit Hole”.  Dr Dispenza is also featured in current released film, “The People vs The State of Illusion,” where scientific and medical professionals explain the latest information of neuroscience, biochemistry, psychology, quantum physics, sociology, and consciousness theory.  It is an inspiring and compelling movie that will enlighten your mind and elevate your spirit.

When not traveling and writing, Dr Dispenza is busy seeing patients at his chiropractic clinic near Olympia, Washington.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Science, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Japanese Vocalist, Recording Artist, Singer
Guest Biography:

Hiromi Kanda, the acclaimed Japanese vocalist with a penchant for the Great American Songbook, has completed her sophomore album, Days of Yesterday. Scheduled for release on September 13th on the Music Gate label (distributed by Warner Music Group/ADA), the follow up to Kanda’s critically acclaimed 2010 debut Hiromi in Love features both more timeless classics and new, original material penned by Kanda and her husband, Yusuke Hoguchi. Hoguchi, a prominent composer in his own right, served as the album’s producer.

Days of Yesterday extends Kanda’s reach via lush orchestrations and sophisticated arrangements and showcases the expanded vocal palette of Hiromi, whose love for the giant songwriters of yesteryear such as Cole Porter and the Gershwins knows no bounds. On Days of Yesterday Kanda offers her interpretations of such proven gems as “All of Me,” “I Love Paris,” “Smile,” “Stella by Starlight” and “It Had to Be You.” The set’s three original compositions fit in cozily alongside the classics and one, titled “Goodnight Yesterday,” spotlights the great Joe Sample best known as one of the founding members of jazz legends the Crusaders guesting on piano.

For Hiromi, the experience of recording Days of Yesterday was a career highlight. “I’m so thrilled to have the opportunity to work with such talented people as Al Schmitt, Matt Catingub, Joe Sample and the wonderful musicians at Capitol Studios,” she says. “And I’m excited to share my interpretations of the songs of Cole Porter, George Gershwin, Eubie Blake and many great composers on my second album.”

Days of Yesterday will undoubtedly reap praises of a similar nature and further the reputation of this unique, stylish and poised artist. For Hiromi Kanda, this gorgeous new recording marks the point where she no longer simply pays tribute to, but emerges as one of the great vocalists.

“I need good music,” says Kanda. “Music, to me, is like pure air. Music is joy. And I feel that my musical voyage is just beginning with Days of Yesterday.”

The Nagasaki-born singer recently moved to the United States, and will embark on a national tour in support of Days of Yesterday.

Guest Category: Music
Guest Occupation: Physicist, Director, Scientist, Inventor, Project Earth Founder, New Energy Technology Developer
Guest Biography:


Adam Trombly - Historical Bio of Project Earth & Adam Trombly 

Adam is an internationally acknowledged expert in the fields of Physics, Atmospheric Dynamics, Geophysics, Rotating and Resonating Electromagnetic Systems, and Environmental Global Modeling.

Taking the advice of his friend and mentor, R. Buckminster Fuller, Adam has maintained a "synergistic, global view" within a multi-disciplinary scientific background. From this perspective, Adam offers unique insights into the changes humankind has effected on our environment, and the adjustments our future requires of us now.

Adam Trombly, Director of Project Earth for the Institute for Advanced Studies at Aspen (now also in Maui, Hawaii) has at age fifty-five proven to be one of the most influential and unorthodox scientists of his generation. In 1980 Adam and colleague Joseph Kahn designed and applied for patents for the Closed Path Homopolar Generator, a potentially revolutionary design for super efficient generation of electrical power. In June of 1982, International Letters of Patent were published by the International Patent Cooperation Treaty Organization. (Patent Publication Number WO82/02126)

In 1983 Adam began to dedicate his efforts to Project Earth. The late R Buckminster Fuller is quoted as saying, "Project Earth is a human design experiment. It will be incumbent on human beings throughout the Earth to become a living network, to demonstrate the power of working synergistically with their environment to insure a future worth living in."

In 1984 Adam was awarded the RJ Reynolds III Endowment for his efforts with Project Earth. I spoke to the late Mr. Reynolds during a Tesla Society Conference in Colorado Springs in 1988. He said: "Many people approach me and ask me and my family to support their work. After I heard Adam speak at two separate International Conferences, I approached him! I had never done that before. Adam has never ceased to amaze me. When you know Adam, you begin to see both the present and the future through his eyes. When you see the world like he does then there is this urgency that takes a hold of you to do whatever you can to make a difference for the better. I could not be happier with his work. We all need to listen to this man."

As the eighties progressed, copies of the Closed Path Homopolar Generator Patent had circulated throughout the world. One scientist, Paramahamsa Tewari, who was then Head of Quality Control for the Tarapore Atomic Power Station in Trombay, India, received permission to carry out experiments with the design. In 1986, Tewari (with the blessing of the late Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi) published results of experiments carried out with a crude facsimile of the machine described in the patent. In the American Industrial Journal, Magnets, Tewari wrote, 'The test results have shown an efficiency of the machine above 250%." It was the first time in human history that claims of greater than 100% output had been independently verified by a bona fide third party using the description of the art provided by a patent document.

This further propelled Adam and Project Earth into the international spotlight. I ran into Adam next at the largest New Energy Technology conference ever held (even up to this point) in Hanover, Germany in 1987. Paramahamsa Tewari had brought his rather crude facsimile of the Trombly/Kahn generator. The next day, Adam gave one of those lectures with an impact that never seems to leave you.

Adam continued his research into new energy technologies with colleague David Farnsworth. In June, 1989, in New York City, Trombly and Farnsworth physically demonstrated a small solid state electrical transformer that measurably showed an efficiency of 54:1. Adam then walked down the street to the United Nations to give an address. From the point of view of one who witnessed this event firsthand, I can't believe the entire world didn't change as a result. One of the reasons I asked Adam if I could write this piece is because it is now ten* years later and the American people, in particular, have still not gotten the message that there is an entirely new and benign option to the current death spiral of humanity. As the result of ignoring the opportunity that was presented on that day in 1989, the world still suffers under the tyranny of fossil fuels and a global power structure which seems bent on the eradication of all species.

Today Adam continues to pursue the work of Project Earth in spite of the fact that in his view the destabilization of Planet Earth has reached critical, even nearly irreversible proportions.

"At this point I am recommending that people pray like they never have before for Divine or at least Benign Intervention. It is unlikely that the boys in Washington and other world capitals are going to implement any world healing policies unless the populations of the world rise up and unequivocally demand change. We don't have much time." AT

For my part, I want to thank Adam for allowing me to make this little, historical sketch my small contribution to the work of Project Earth. There is so much more I could say but I hope this gives you a better idea of who this man called Adam Trombly is.

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: American Horror Novelist, Author
Guest Biography:

Whitley Strieber is widely known for his bestselling account of his own close encounter, Communion: A True Story, and has produced a television special based on Confirmation for NBC.

He is also the author of the vampire novels The Hunger, The Last Vampire, and Lilith's Dream, and is the new host of his own radio program, Dreamland, founded by Art and Ramona Bell.

His website -- the world's most popular site featuring topics at the edge of science and culture.

For more on Whitely Strieber please visit:

Guest Category: Literature, Paranormal
Guest Occupation: Physicist, Senior Engineering Specialist, Fusion Investigator, Professor, Writer, 9-11 Truther, Archaeometrist
Guest Biography:

STEVE JONES had been co-chair of Scholars for 9/11 Truth up until December 5, 2006. Following a dispute with co-chair James Fetzer over the direction the organization was taking, Jones resigned his membership and joined Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice.

Steven E. Jones is a Professor of Physics at 30,000-student Brigham Young University in Provo , Utah. His Ph.D research was performed at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in California and his Ph.D is from Vanderbilit University.

During his 28-year career as a physicist, his research has centered on fusion and solar energy as well as archaeometry (the application of physics methods to archaeology). He has taught graduate-level archaeometry at BYU, and he says this work in particular prepared him for studies of evidences of possible foul-play at the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001.

Guest Category: Physics & Metaphysics, Politics & Government, Science, Technology, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: IT Professional, Educator, Conscious Self Governance Activist
Guest Biography:

Rob in the Page was a former successful IT professional, who after 20 years on the job, ended his career to move his family into the country to build an off-grid home (earthship), grow their own food and establish the pagé family domain.  Having spent considerable time (over 3500 hours) since July 2008 testing the theories learned, rob’s teaching on self governance, freedom, sustainable living and balanced living has started to gain international recognition for his approaches to life.

Taking full responsibility and accountability for his life, on a Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual level without forcing his will upon another, meant making significant changes in how he and his family lived and so began the process to remove any and all dependencies on the state and corporations while at the same time working towards building interdependent relationships with other independent people.

Rob has been sharing this process through classes he calls “Constructs of Freedom”, where his students learn the significant impact our current systems have on our lives and how we can take back control.  rob’s teachings have garnered tremendous respect from his students who attend his classes each week in Edmonton city located in Alberta province, empowering many to be the change they want to see in the world.  He has caught the attention of an international film maker, Ben Stewart, an international film maker is releasing his new film “UNGRIP” on October 1st, 2011 which features rob’s home, his work and his philosophy on life.  rob has also put together a 10 disk DVD set called “Journey Towards Truth” where he shares key information that has changed his life and shares actual events and experiences while he is working towards Conscious Self Governance.

Guest Category: Philosophy, Psychology, Spiritual, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Doctor in Computer Engineering, Scientist, Nuclear Researcher, Author, Writer, Inventor, Entrepreneur, Marketing Director, Scholar, Philosopher, Meditator, Lecturer, Speaker
Guest Biography:

Bernardo Kastrup has a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), in the Netherlands, one of the top European technology schools. He started his scientific career at the world-renowned European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), in Geneva, Switzerland. At CERN, he worked on the data acquisition system of the ATLAS detector, one of the main experiments of the new Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator. After CERN, Bernardo moved to the Philips Research Laboratories, in the Netherlands, the place where the "Casimir Effect" of Quantum Field Theory was originally discovered. During his scientific career, Bernardo has authored many scientific papers and inventions. At Philips Research, he developed ground-breaking computing technology that would lead to his founding of Silicon Hive, a successful start-up company eventually sold to Intel Corporation. Since leaving the start-up scene, Bernardo has dedicated himself professionally to high-tech marketing and business development. He is currently Marketing Director at ASML, one of the worlds foremost high-tech companies.

In parallel to his professional activities, Bernardo has had a life-long scholarly interest in philosophy, particularly in the relationship between the nature of reality and our knowledge of it. This interest has led him to explore ancient worldviews and paradigms of thought, as well as the practical application of techniques for the subjective exploration of reality. For instance, he is a longtime meditator and student of related methods. His familiarity with science has allowed him to coherently hypothesize and articulate holistic worldviews in a language that appeals to the rational mind. He has published two philosophy books, Rationalist Spirituality and Dreamed up Reality, both with O-Books. A third book, Meaning in Absurdity, will be published by Iff Books in early 2011. Bernardo occasionally gives talks about his philosophical work, like his recent TEDx presentation of May 2011. Bernardo regularly travels the world for his work, which exposes him to many different cultures and worldviews. He has lived in four different countries across continents and currently resides in the Netherlands.

Guest Category: Marketing, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual, Meditation, Technology
Guest Occupation: Talk Show Host, Professional Men's Coach, Entrepreneur, Artist, Group Facilitator, Trainer, Writer, Performer, Music Producer
Guest Biography:

Tripp Lanier is host of The New Man Podcast, a professional men's coach, an entrepreneur and artist. As a host, he has interviewed such notable personalities as Ken Wilber, Marcus Buckingham, Bill Harris, Steve Pavlina, Shawn Phillips and Vernon Reid. The New Man Podcast reaches listeners around the world, and regularly finds its home in the Top Ten Self Help Podcasts on iTunes. Tripp was featured in EnlightenNext's issue dedicated to "Constructing the New Man." (EnlightenNext is previously known as What is Enlightenment Magazine)

As a men's coach and group facilitator, Tripp has coached men all over the world to connect with what really matters and navigate the challenging world of relationships. He has trained with and contributes to The Authentic Man Program in San Francisco and Boulder.

Tripp has extensive experience in the business world. He founded and owned Zero-One Digital Media, Inc., one of the first digital video production companies in the Southeast. For twelve years, Tripp created TV shows and ads for the likes of ESPN, Hitachi, Homes & Land Magazine, various ad agencies and scores of political campaigns.

Balancing out the business side are Tripp's artistic endeavors. Tripp has written, performed and produced over 5 CDs with his own rock groups, Hank Madison and Screaming Witness. He's also co-produced for artists like Stuart Davis and can be seen regularly humiliating himself on Stu's Sex God Rock n Roll TV Show on HDNet. Other contributions include working with Ken Wilber as Co-Director of Integral Institute's Art Center.

Tripp has had the privilege of studying with Ken Wilber, Jun Po Denis Kelly & The Hollow Bones Order of Rinzai Zen, Genpo Roshi and Big Mind, David Deida, Vipassana via S.N. Goenka, The Taoist Tai Chi Society and many other amazing people along the way.

Tripp is married and lives with his wife Alyson, daughter Be, a funny looking dog and a perpetually bitchy cat in Boulder, Colorado. He visits the island of Kauai as often as possible.

Guest Category: Business, Health & Lifestyle, Psychology, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation, TV & Film