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Guest Occupation: Playwright, Author, Holy Grail Researcher, Writer, Columnist, Secret Society Explorer
Guest Biography:

Patrice Chaplin is an internationally renowned playwright and author who has published more than 25 books, plays and short stories. Her most notable work includes Albany Park, Siesta, which was made into a film staring Jodi Foster and Isabella Rossellini with music by Miles Davies, Into the Darkness Laughing, Hidden Star, Night Fishing, Death Trap and City of Secrets.

Patrice's journey into the Holy Grail's mystery first began when she stumbled upon the Spanish city of Girona in 1955, as a fifteen-year-old girl who had left London in search of Bohemia. She fell in love with this ancient Catalan city, and with its esteemed poet and Grail custodian Jose Tarres. Over the years, Patrice became increasingly involved with the Holy Grail material, Kabbalah, and the history and purpose behind Rennes-le-Château, including the enigmatic Bérenger Saunière's commissioned work there.

As a Bohemian in Paris during the 50's and 60's, she spent time with Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir. She was married to Charlie Chaplin's son Michael and during her avant garde journeys through occult circles, her friends included Salvador Dali, Jean Cocteau (the last listed Grand Master or helmsman of the Priory of Sion, the secret society mentioned in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code), who gave her a starring role in one of his films, Lauren Bacall, Miles Davis and experts on the esoteric practices of the Kabbalah in Spain. City of Secrets is the extraordinary true story of one woman's journey to the heart of the Grail legend.

In 2003, Patrice began making greater sense of everything she had experienced with her lifelong friend and former lover Jose Tarres. Jose had just suffered a near fatal heart attack and decided it was time to reveal many of the secrets he had been guarding from the world, including her. Patrice learned about Jose's private society in greater detail - a society which has for generations held the Grail, protected Kabbalah information, and numerous documents, including Saunière’s letters and texts. In 2004, at the recommendation of Jose Tarres, Patrice journeyed and completed the Venus initiation 'treading the 7 stars', accessing the 11 doorways under the Great Bear.

In her recent memoirs, City of Secrets: One Woman's True-life Journey to the Heart of the Grail Legend and The Portal: An Initiate's Journey into the Secret of Rennes-le-Château, Patrice opens the door publicly to new and compelling elements of the Rennes-le-Château and Grail mystery: the little-known, yet crucial, Girona connection, and its imprinted daleths (portal sites) leading up to the peak of Mt. Canigou in the Pyrenees.

As an accomplished writer, Patrice has contributed to many collections of short stories, including Black Valentine and The Minerva Book of Short Stories 1. Her plays, documentaries, and short stories have been extensively written and adapted for radio. The short story Night in Paris has been translated in many countries, and other short stories of hers have appeared in magazines and newspapers, including The Independent.

Patrice's stage play From the Balcony was commissioned by The National Theatre in London in conjunction with BBC Radio 3, and was performed at the Cottesloe Theatre.

Patrice has written articles for publications including The Guardian, The Independent, The Sunday Times, The Jewish Chronicle, The Daily Mail, Marie Claire and The London Magazine.

Patrice is the director of The Bridge, a non-profit organization that leads workshops based in the performing arts as a new and unique way to help fight addiction. She continues to write and contribute to the BBC.

Today, Chaplin finds herself deeply embedded in the Grail's mystery, and at the heart of Rennes-le-Château's controversies. She continues in her initiatory work and research, residing in London. Her latest book is Mr. Lazarus.

Guest Category: Arts, Performing Arts, History, Religion, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Scientist, Writer, Researcher, Free Energy Activist
Guest Biography:


Wade, "groomed as a scientist from an early age", became fascinated by the subject of Free Energy when just a teenager. As is so often the case with those with a clearly envisioned life mission when so young, his life's path then propelled him through a series of hard-hitting experiences that qualify him to be one of the preeminent writers on the subject today.

Wade's website,, comprises over 1200 pages of deeply thought-out, intelligent and well-informed commentary on a number of the most important issues of our time. His direct personal experiences include working shoulder-to-shoulder for a number of years with Dennis Lee, who he describes as 'The Indiana Jones of Free Energy'. Wade attests that Lee's larger-than-life experiences, many of which Wade witnessed at first hand (including the viability of his technology) were authentic and occurred just as he reports on his site.

Guest Category: Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Physicist, Professor, Communications Director, Psychic Phenomena Reasearcher, Writer, Author, Afterlife Researcher
Guest Biography:

Jan W. Vandersande, Ph.D., has published more than 80 scientific articles so brings a wealth of technical expertise to bear on the subject. He holds a doctorate in physics and has served professorships at the University of Witwatersand, South Africa, as well as Cornell University. Dr. Vandersande has worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and is currently the communications director for VIASPACE Inc. He spends a lot of his spare time reading about, analyzing and writing about psychic phenomena.


Dr. Jan W. Vandersande - The Best evidence of Life After Death

Renowned physicist Dr. Jan W. Vandersande discusses his book Life After Death: Some of the Best Evidence, in which he condenses more than 100 years of literature and testimony. Through historical accounts, photographs, and personal experience he surveys the evidence of an afterlife and finds much of observed physical mediumship credible and compelling. Join us as we learn how a trained physicist investigates psychic phenomena and life after death. Life After Death: Some of the Best Evidence

Guest Category: Paranormal, Near Death Experiences, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: UFO Researcher, Author, Lecturer, Publicist, Broadcaster, ET Investigator, Writer, Columnist, Consultant
Guest Biography:

Philip Mantle
British author / co-author, publicist, lecturer, broadcaster and researcher of Unidentified Flying Objects.
UFO research:
Philip Mantle's interest in UFO research began in l979 when he joined the British UFO Research Association (BUFORA), and Yorkshire UFO Society (YUFOS).
1985:   Nominated  'Investigator of the year’ by YUFOS.
1987:   Appointed to Council of management of BUFORA. Subsequently acted as Press Officer,  Conference Organiser, and Secretary to the National Investigations Committee
l988:     Appointed England's representative for the  Mutual UFO Network’s (MUFON)
l992:     Awarded honorary member of the Research Institute on Anomalous Phenomena (RIAP), a science based UFO-study group based in the Ukraine
l993:     Appointed Director of Investigations for BUFORA.
Although extremely active in the field of UFO research, Philip Mantle has relinquished his various appointed positions, due to professional commitments, with the exception of honorary membership of RIAP.
Organisational publication credits include:
YUFOS Journal, UFO TIMES, Enigma, California UFO, MUFON UFO JOURNAL, CENAP REPORT, OVNI PRESENCE, Awareness, The Wild Places, UFO Universe, UFO Brigantia and numerous others international publications
Newspaper / Magazine publication credits include:
Daily Star, The Independent, Today, Plus Magazine, The Guardian, The Mail on Sunday, The People, Daily Mirror, and numerous other local and regional newspapers and periodicals throughout the UK as well as international publications.
Lectures and radio / TV broadcasts include:
United Kingdom -
BBC radio network and TV programmes such as Kilroy, Pebble Mill at One, TV-AM, GMTV, Central Weekend, Fantastic Facts, Wire TV, Schofield’s Quest, Motormouth, The Disney Club, Cool Cube, Good Morning with Anne and Nick, This Morning.

International Radio / TV broadcasts -
Norway, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, San Marino, Rumania, Switzerland, Israel, Japan, and the USA.
Movie and Video Publicity / Promotions include:
College Tutoring:
In l990 I formulated, organised and tutored 3 ten-week college courses on UFO’s for the Adult Education Department of Wakefield College, West Yorkshire.

Book Publications:
WITHOUT CONSENT - Ringpull Press Ltd (UK) 1994

BEYOND ROSWELL - Marlowe & Company (USA) 1997
Philip Mantle was a consultant on a series of books on the 'unexplained', published by Hamlyn Children’s books in l998. Two books are completed for Hamlyn, and titled ALIEN EVIDENCE and ALIEN CONTACT, were published in l998/99.
Philip Mantle was also a consultant for THE SOVIET UFO FILES, which was published Quadrillion Publishing Ltd. This book was authored by Paul Stonehill of the Russian Ufology Centre, and was published in October 1998. Philip Mantle was a consultant on a book in 1999 for Quadrillion Publishing Ltd, titled ABDUCTION - ENCOUNTERS WITH EXTRATERRESTRIALS.

MYSTERIOUS SKY– Soviet UFO Phenomenon – PublishAmerica 2006.

ALIEN AUTOPSY INQUEST – PublishAmerica 2007.
On-going projects include:
UFO-LINK, with journalist and public relations consultant Carl Nagaitis. UFO-LINK is a UFO consultancy aimed at working with and providing UFO material to the media.
School lectures: In 2001 I have been actively involved with ‘The Mystery Club’ at Batley Boys High School, West Yorkshire.
QUEST MAGAZINE: In January, l999 Philip Mantle became the Research & Commissioning Editor of Quest Magazine published by Top Events & Publications Ltd. Distributed in over 30 countries around the world this publication has been in print now for over three years. In May, l999, Philip Mantle was promoted to Assistant Editor of Quest Magazine. 
BEYOND MAGAZINE: In July, l999 Philip Mantle became the Research & Commissioning Editor of BEYOND magazine the sister publication of Quest Magazine published by Top Events & Publications Ltd.  NB: I ceased working on QUEST and BEYOND in September 1999.
BRITISH EUROPEAN ASSOCIATED PUBLISHERS LTD: Philip Mantle has been a consultant to B.E.A.P. from December 2000 to March 2001 on a new magazine project.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs
Guest Occupation: Ufologist, Director of Media Relations, Radio Journalist, Writer, News Director, College Supervisor
Guest Biography:

Victor Viggiani is a recently retired school Principal from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology and Psychology (York University Toronto Ontario Canada) and a Masters in Educational Administration and Curriculum Development (Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada).

Victor is also a College Supervisor at the Faculty of Education of Medaille College in Buffalo New York.

Victor's research and analysis of anomalous aerial phenomenon spans over 30 years. His experience involves UFO sightings report investigation, counselling work with individuals reporting anomalous experiences, presentations and journalism in the field of ETI Disclosure issues.

Extensive UFO research has been completed throughout the South Western U.S.A. in locations such as Groom Lake Nevada, Corona, Roswell, Socorro, The Very Large Array Telescope, White Sands, Los Alamos NL and Dulce in New Mexico and in South and North Eastern Australia.

Published work includes:

  • Area 51: A Desert Journey
  • Alien Abduction Symposium Boston Mass. A Review of Alien Abduction Dialogue Between Dr. John Mack and Budd Hopkins
  • Disclosure: A Terrestrial Imperative
  • A series of professional articles in educational journals on Student Discipline, Classroom Management, Teacher Supervision, and Curriculum Development


Musician and music enthusiast Victor has a comprehensive working knowledge of music eras from the 1950s through the 1980s.

Victor oversees ZlandCommunications, an exclusive Canadian focal-point news service providing international coverage, commentary and the distribution of news and events related to the geo-political implications of UFO/ET Disclosure.

Victors committed goal is to promote and facilitate genuine educational experiences for media, politicians, academic and private institutions and the general public about the implications of Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial presence currently engaging the planet.

Victor Viggiani is currently the Director of Media Relations for Exopolitics Toronto.

Victor Viggiani is currently the News Director of ZlandCommunications an international news service

Guest Category: News, Paranormal, UFOs, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Astrophysicist, Nuclear Physicist, Engineer, Chemist, Scientist, Researcher, Professor, Consultant, Advisor, U.S. Delegate, Lecturer, Writer, Author, Inventor, Who's Who
Guest Biography:

Elizabeth A. Rauscher, Ph.D. was associated with the University of California, Berkeley, CA (UCB), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) from 1964 until 1979, first as a graduate student and then as a research staff member. From 1964 until 1966 she was with the theoretical nuclear science division and from 1966-1969, with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Theoretical Nuclear, Plasma and Astrophysical Program. From 1969 until 1974 she was associated with the theoretical particle physics group and from 1974 until 1977 she was associated with the Nuclear Science Theoretical and experimental Bevatron accelerator program from 1977 until 1979 she was on staff with the Nuclear Physics G.T. Seaborg research group.

Dr. Rauscher held concurrent invited positions at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) from 1971 to 1972 and was a consultant of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Radio Physics Laboratory 1974-1977 in theoretical relativistic physics. She also held a Navy grant from 1970-1974 through U.C. Berkeley and also she held an Air Force consulting position in 1979 an antennae theory and in 1979 and 1989, she was a delegate to the United Nations on long term energy sources and environmental issues. As a consultant and adjunct professor at the University of Nevada, she conducted theoretical research and advised experimental programs on fast light ion-atom collisions, primarily helium to calculate high resolution extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission cross sections 1990-1995 in which she worked with faculty and graduate students in completing their graduate programs. From 1997-1999 she conducted research on generalized quantum theory and relativistic invariance under a Stanford Engineering research grant.

Dr. Rauscher has been a delegate to the United Nations in 1979, and 1989 and a research consultant to NASA (1983-1985), a staff researcher at Stanford Research Institute, SRI International (1974-1977) and held a Stanford University Grant, 1997-1999. She has conducted extensive consulting research and invited lectures in the U.S.A., England, Europe, Japan, Korea, India, Africa, South America, Canada, Mexico, and Bermuda. She has published over 200 papers, 4 books. She holds 3 U.S. patents and 1 European patent with Dr. W.L. Van Bise. Co-authored with Dr. William L. Van Bise a number of research papers on electromagnetic phenomena and geophysical activity and is a co-author on a US patent on an extremely sensitive magnetometer to measure the fluctuation in electromagnetic fields associated with and prior to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and ionospheric disturbances. Besides developing some design features of the magnetometer system, data analysis and statistical analysis, she has developed geoelectric and geomagnetic theoretical models. She and Dr. Van Bise are conducting extensive research into geophysical phenomena at the Electromagnetic Laboratories of Arizona, U.S.

Dr. Rauscher is a member of American Physical Society, The Mathematical Society of America, The American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Nuclear Society, Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers, International Society for the Study of Energy Medicine, American Associates of Medical Instruments and American Association of Mathematics. She has been recognized for her major contributions in Marquis Who's Who of Men and Women in Science, Golden State Who's Who in the West, Who's Who in California, Who's Who in Technology Today, Leading Consultants in Technology, who's Who Historical Society, Men of Achievement, Community Leaders of America, Who's Who of American Inventors, World Leadership Award (England), Outstanding Teachers Award, Award for Significant Research Joint ABC/USA, DOE top ten women in USA in science sward, USPA Leaders of America Life Time Membership Award, lota Sigma Pi fellow, Delta Delta Delta scholarships at UCB. She graduated with honors and presidential Commendation for service to the University of California, Berkeley. She has received numerous honors.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: UFO Researcher, MUFON Director, Editor, Abduction Researcher, Marketing Consultant
Guest Biography:

Elaine Douglass has been a UFO researcher since the mid-1980s and she is a 25-year member of MUFON. For many years she was MUFON state director for Washington, DC and for the past 12 years she has been MUFON state director for Utah.

Elaine is an editor of JAR, the Journal of Abduction-Encounter Research, an email quarterly magazine on UFO abductions. In the 1990s she was an organizer for the group Operation Right to Know, which held street demonstrations protesting UFO secrecy. She holds a masters degree from MIT in military policy. Elaine lives in Utah and she is self-employed as a marketing consultant.

Elaine is one of 4 state directors and 2 assistant state directors purged from MUFON in December 2010. As a result, she is a participant in the newly-formed Committee to Reform MUFON (CRM), which is calling for significant change in MUFON.

Guest Category: Paranormal, UFOs, Theory & Conspiracy
Guest Occupation: Author, Filmmaker, Pioneer of the New Economy Movement, Writer, Lecturer, Localization Activist, Producer, Director, Environmentalist, Ecologist, Visionary, Columnist, Linguist, Goi Peace Prize Recipient
Guest Biography:

Author and filmmaker Helena Norberg-Hodge is a pioneer of the ‘new economy’ movement. Through writing and public lectures on three continents, she has been promoting an economics of personal, social and ecological well-being for more than thirty years. She is a widely respected analyst of the impact of the global economy on communities, local economies, and personal identity, and is a leading proponent of ‘localization’, or decentralization, as a means of countering those impacts.

Helena’s book, Ancient Futures, has been described as “an inspirational classic”. Together with the film of the same title, it has been translated into more than 40 languages, and sold about half a million copies. She is also the producer and co-director of the award-winning film, The Economics of Happiness, and the co-author of Bringing the Food Economy Home and From the Ground Up: Rethinking Industrial Agriculture. The Earth Journal counted Helena among the world’s ‘ten most interesting environmentalists’, while in Carl McDaniel’s book Wisdom for a Liveable Planet, she was profiled as one of ‘eight visionaries changing the world’.  The Post Growth Institute counted Helena on the (En)Rich List, a list of 100 people "whose collective contributions enrich paths to sustainable futures."

Helena has lectured in seven languages and appeared in broadcast, print and online media worldwide, including MSNBC, The London Times, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Guardian. She has written numerous articles and essays, and her work has been the subject of more than 300 articles worldwide.

Educated in Sweden, Germany, Austria, England and the United States, Helena specialized in linguistics, including studies at the University of London and at MIT. Since 1975, she has worked with the people of Ladakh, or “Little Tibet”, to find ways of enabling their culture to meet the modern world without sacrificing social and ecological values. For these efforts she was awarded the Right Livelihood Award, or ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’. Helena was awarded the 2012 Goi Peace Prize for contributing to "the revitalization of cultural and biological diversity, and the strengthening of local communities and economies worldwide."

Helena is the founder and director of the International Society for Ecology and Culture (ISEC). Based in the US and UK, with subsidiaries in Germany and Australia, ISEC examines the root causes of our current social and environmental crises, while promoting more sustainable and equitable patterns of living in both North and South. Helena is also a founding member of the International Commission on the Future of Food and Agriculture, and a co-founder of both the International Forum on Globalization and the Global Ecovillage Network.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Health & Lifestyle, Politics & Government, TV & Film