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Guest Occupation: Scottish Pilgrim, Author, Speaker, Interpreter, Profound Spiritual Thinker, Film Director
Guest Biography:

Echan Deravy

Echan Deravy, a lifelong pilgrim from Scotland, passed through 75 countries before settling in Japan where he established himself as an author and public speaker on issues of planetary concern, metaphysics, spirituality, and remote viewing. Echan has become a vital link between Japanese culture and the West, acting as interpreter for figures such as Graham Hancock and leader of many journeys with Japanese to sacred sites around the planet. He currently has over a dozen books in print in Japanese and a series of DVD talks recorded over the last 6 years-all in Japanese. His key concern is conscious evolution. Find his homepage at


Earth Pilgrims: A spiritual adventure documentary with profound thinkers and insights that lead us on a journey to discover our own inner solutions to the global problems that surround us.

On a planet in peril, in a world swamped with problems, how can we - as individuals - make a difference? How can we make the world a better place? Earth Pilgrims is a spiritual adventure documentary that journeys across four continents, beginning in the eastern Buddhist pilgrimage tradition, moving westwards across the old world through to the new. Featured are profound interviews with great thinkers and important figures including Graham Hancock, Satish Kumar, Nassim Haramein, Wade Davis and Peace Pilgrim who share their own insights as to how the grand pilgrimage of life is affected by everything we do.

The underlying message of the film is that we cannot fix the world problems around us with external solutions because they do not work. But each of us is a part of the whole, and if we can work on ourselves to become more aware and productive people, then we are already making a difference in the world, and making it a better place.

To prove the point, the film climaxes at 16,000ft among 60,000 Quechua Indians making the annual Qoyllur Rit'i pilgrimage of gratitude to water, and to the spirits and forces that surround and uphold them, leaving us with the insight that, as the Hopi say, we are the one's we've been waiting for, and that if we just realise this and accept our burden, we can leap from the jaws of imminent destruction into a new era of human consciousness on this planet.

The Earth Pilgrims film crew had an ordeal of altitude sickness and headaches climbing to 16,000ft in order to capture this magnificent ceremony on film. However the harmony that emerged between us as outsiders and the 60,000 indigenous pilgrims astonished us all and we were greeted without a hint of discord or unwelcome. The sense was that the shamanic cactus ceremony undertaken in preparation for this pilgrimage had brought us into a mental and emotional space that the Quechua natives easily related to.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, History, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Religion, Science, Spiritual, Technology, TV & Film
Guest Occupation: Novelist, Science Writer, Physicist, Speaker, Teacher, Expert Communicator, Author, Engineer, Professor of Physics, Editor, Event Producer, Moderator, Inventor, Matter Discoverer
Guest Biography:

Ransom Stephens, Ph.D., is a professor of particle physics turned writer and speaker. He has worked on experiments at SLAC, Fermilab, CERN, and Cornell; discovered a new type of matter and was on the team that discovered the top quark. During the tech boom that ended in 2001, he directed patent development for a wireless web startup and, a few years later, became an expert on timing noise (aka, jitter) which is what paid his bills while he wrote The God Patent.

Ransom lives in Petaluma, California and makes a living by writing novels, giving speeches, producing and MCing literary events, helping engineers solve problems, and teaching writing seminars. He is the author of over 200 articles on impossible subjects like quantum physics, the future of publishing and parenting teenagers.

His first novel, The God Patent, is set in the battle between science and religion over the nature of the soul and the origin of the universe. The story is wrapped around the role of faith in both science and religion and concludes with a surly adolescent math prodigys discovery of the nature of the eternal soul.

Novels are capsules of thought and reading one is akin to reading the authors mind. Its an intimate experience that ought to breed familiarity. To that end, Ransom would like it if you were to share your thoughts with him: ransom @ ransomstephens dot com.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Physics & Metaphysics, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Psychic, Astrologer, Consultant, Former Senator
Guest Biography:

There are many types of methods of divination - such as - E.S.P. (extra sensory perception), Astrology, Cartomancy, and the list goes on and on.  Different people follow different methods.  I've chosen E.S.P. and Astrology.  At the age of eleven, a nurse introduced me to Astrology, but at a much earlier age, much to the chagrin of my Mother, I would often say things to her friends that astonished them regarding events that were about to occur in their lives.

It wasn't until my twenties that I felt the need to find out 'how' I knew things that were yet to occur.  My quest began.  Luckily I was directed to a Dr. Clifford Royce in Chicago who took the time to explain what parapsychology (E.S.P.) was and how to refine the visions and thoughts I was having, and define and understand them too.

Having learned to understand this 'power' has led my life in many different directions and into many unusual situations too.  It is true that everyone has extra sensory perception and no one has more that another person, it's just that some of us have developed the ability to understand the usefulness of it in our everyday lives and have chosen to cultivate it into our daily lives.

I have been on radio and TV for more than 40 years and enjoyed broadcasting in many States.  In the 1970's I had a TV show in Chicago that I'm very  proud to say  that polls showed that 'Psychic World facts and...' beat Bonanza in it's heyday.  It was one, probably the only one to be the first on TV.  It was followed by over 200 cable

TV shows and hundreds of radio shows.

Clients having private consultations from more than eight countries and in more than 45 States here in the U.S.A.  Working closely with law enforcement agencies at loca, County, State and Internationally on missing persons and murder cases has been quite an interesting experience.  Much time has been spent in teaching others how to 'go down' to 'lift up'  their live by using the unseen inner powers of E.S.P.  'Going down to come up' simply means that we must go down 'within our inner selves' to come up and rise above and conquer life's trial and tribulations and also to make the most of our capabilities.

It has been a career bringing me great joy and fulfillment to know that others have been helped by the development of my abilities.  Great Spiritual growth has been very rewarding.

That growth comes from meditation, which also brings inner strengths and understanding of the 'why are we here' question.

I hope to have my book 'Psychic World Facts and...'  finished in the very near future, which will touch on the many types of development of the self and other just fun information.

As a retired elected State Senator in from the State of Indiana, I hope to finish another book which will reveal the joys and tears experienced by having this extra sensory perception and knowledge of astrology - both of which I did utilize when needed in my sixteen years in the Indiana State Legislature.  I might add that my fellow legislators often partook of my capabilities.

Guest Category: Politics & Government, Spiritual, Astrology, Psychic & Intuitive
Guest Occupation: Regenerative Medicine Expert, Rehabilitation and Pain Managment Specialist, Physician, Researcher, Editor-in-Chief, Writer
Guest Biography:

Christopher J. Centeno, M.D. is an international expert and specialist in regenerative medicine and the clinical use of mesenchymal stem cells in orthopedics.  He is board certified in physical medicine as well as rehabilitation and in pain management through the American Board of Anesthesia.

Dr. Centeno is one of the few physicians in the world with extensive experience in the culture expansion of and clinical use of adult stem cells to treat orthopedic injuries. His clinic incorporates a variety of revolutionary pain management techniques to bring its broad patient base relief and results.  Dr. Centeno treats patients from all over the US who travel to Colorado to under-go innovative, non-surgical treatments. Dr. Centeno has chaired multiple international research based conferences.  He also maintains an active research based practice, with multiple publications listed in the US National Library of Medicine.  Dr. Centeno has also served as editor-in-chief of a medical research journal dedicated to traumatic injury.

Dr. Centeno trained at the Baylor College of Medicine, Texas Medical Center and the Institute for Rehabilitation Research.  He hails from both Florida and New York and currently resides in Boulder, Colorado with his wife and three children.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Medicine
Guest Occupation: Author, Writer, NDE Researcher, Humanitarian, Scholar, Philosopher, Doctor, Lecturer, Trainer, Counselor, Media Expert
Guest Biography:

Best-Selling Author of twelve books including Life After Life—which has sold over 13 million copies world wide—and Reunions, as well as numerous articles in academic and professional literature. Dr. Moody continues to capture enormous public interest and generate controversy with his ground-breaking work on the near-death experience and what happens when we die.

Award-Winning Author. Dr. Moody received the World Humanitarian Award in Denmark in 1988. He was also honored with a bronze medal in the Human Relations category at the New York Film Festival for the movie version of Life After Life.

World-Renowned Scholar and Researcher. Dr. Moody is the leading authority on the 'near-death experience'—a phrase he coined in the late seventies. Dr. Moody's research into the phenomenon of near-death experience had its start in the 1960's. The New York Times calls him "the father of the near-death experience."

M.D. from the Medical College of Georgia, 1976
Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Virginia, 1969
M.A. in philosophy from the University of Virginia, 1967
B.A. with Honors in philosophy from the University of Virginia, 1966

A Dynamic Lecturer. Dr. Moody has enlightened and entertained audiences all over the world for over three decades. He offers many different lecture/workshop presentations on the topics of: Near Death Experiences, Death With Dignity, Life After Loss, Surviving Grief & Finding Hope, Reunions: Visionary Encounters With Departed Loved Ones, The Healing Power of Humor, The Loss of Children, The Logic of Nonsense, and Catastrophic Tragedies & Events causing collective grief response.

Expert Trainer & Instructor. Dr. Moody trains hospice workers, clergy, psychologists, nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals on matters of grief recovery and dying.

Featured Expert In the Media. Dr Moody has appeared three times on Oprah, as well as on hundreds of other local and nationally syndicated programs such as MSNBC: Grief Recovery, NBC Today, ABC's Turning Point, Donahue, Sally Jessy Raphael Show, Geraldo, and The Joan Rivers Show.

Private Counselor. Dr. Moody works as a practitioner of philosophic counseling, consulting on a private, individual basis—in person, by phone, or at the bedside of the dying.

Personal Consultations
Dr. Moody is available for personal consultations by telephone or in person visits.

Guest Category: Paranormal, Near Death Experiences, Philosophy, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Author, Neuroscience Researcher, Spiritualist
Guest Biography:

In light of the obvious fact that on every level the world is not functioning well, author Rahasya Poe thinks that individuals need to start looking for the common denominator underlying world events and the decisions being made in every area of society. Below the superficial layers of society, one finds a simple common denominator that dictates most of everyone's actions - beliefs. Poe challenges readers and encourages them to doubt as he explains how beliefs are shaped and how they affect social and neurological factors in a perceptive new book, To Believe Or Not To Believe.

Thought-provoking, this book is an in-depth look at how individuals limit their conscious evolution by maintaining rigid belief systems that no longer serve them and are lacking any logic or reason considering today's advances in physics, neuroscience, and recent archaeological finds. Neuroscience has shown that people who meditate have much higher brain coherence than people who don't; this balance is thought to be the gateway for spiritual enlightenment, which could be viewed as a bio-neurological event. Through a better understanding of reality and one's relationship to it, humankind will be able to see through the veils of illusion that keeps everyone in constant conflict with one another.

Reflecting the words of Voltaire, "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities", To Believe Or Not To Believe includes interviews with Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Andrew Newberg, Fred Alan Wolf, Neale Donald Walsch, and more. The purpose of this book is to show through evidence that with the practice and maintaining of rigid beliefs, individuals set up deeply entrenched neural networks that not only reflect the limitations of one's beliefs but also limit and distort the way one sees the world.

"If we want to evolve and move on we must first release ourselves from our primitive past beliefs and superstitions, which is what this book is about-creating a new world by identifying and letting go of our outdated and dysfunctional beliefs," Poe says.

About the Author

Living in a world where the options for creating a sustainable society are quickly disappearing, Rahasya Poe has spent many years questioning some of our most cherished and established answers that no longer serve us and are in fact dysfunctional and dangerous in today's world. His journey has taken him from practicing meditation in India to the ruins of Peru to sitting with correnderos in Mexico and taking Ayuhaska in Brazil. He now publishes a magazine in northern California with his wife Dhara.

Guest Category: Philosophy, Physics & Metaphysics, Psychology, Spiritual
Guest Occupation: Weather Modification Researcher, Keynote Speaker, Environmental Specialist
Guest Biography:

Rosalind Peterson is California President and Co-Founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition (ADC).  The ADC was formed in 2006, to protect agricultural from a wide variety of experimental weather and atmospheric testing programs.

Ms. Peterson also founded California Skywatch in 2002, when she began researching atmospheric testing and weather modification programs.  The two websites are separate entities but are linked together by issues listed alphabetically in the "Categories" section.  (The California Skywatch Website is merging permanently with the ADC on January 15, 2011.)

Ms. Peterson was a Keynote Speaker at the 60th Annual DPI/NGO Conference on Climate Change (New York on September 5-7, 2007.) She spoke about agriculture and the negative impacts of experimental weather modification programs on tree and plant health, along with other important issues. Since then she has presented her United Nations Power Point Presentation to colleges, universities and interested groups. She has also been interviewed on numerous radio and television programs.

In 1995, Rosalind, now retired, became a certified California United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Farm Service Agency Agriculture Crop Loss Adjustor.  She worked in more than ten counties throughout California. Many crop losses throughout the State can be attributed to weather related causes.  She worked for five years for the Mendocino County Department of Agriculture as an Agriculture Technologist before being hired by the USDA Farm Service Agency in California.

Rosalind has a BA degree from Sonoma State University in Environmental Studies & Planning (1991 ENSP), with emphasis on solar power, photosynthesis, agriculture, crop production, and the efficient use of energy in the future. Ms. Peterson has won several awards and recognition for her extensive efforts to protect drinking water supplies in Martinez, California, from toxic chemical contamination. She also writes articles for on many subjects including protection of the environment from ongoing, unregulated, atmospheric geoengineering experiments and weather modification programs. 

She was born and rasied on a working farm in Mendocino County, located in Northern California, and from this early farm education feels that she has a working knowledge of agriculture, crop production, weather and other difficulties faced by the agricultural community.

Guest Category: Earth & Space, Plant & Animals, Science, Technology
Guest Occupation: Poet, Fund Raiser, Social Worker, Inspirational Speaker, Diagnosised with Polio, Author
Guest Biography:

Ms Mary McManus is a poet, fund raiser, former award winning social worker at the Department of Veterans Affairs, 2009 Boston Marathon Finisher, inspirational speaker, and an award winner in her new life discovered a whole new world was waiting to unfold before her after the life altering diagnosis of post polio syndrome in December 2006.

Mary was diagnosed with paralytic polio at age 5 and overcome the childhood challenges of polio, an abusive alcoholic father and a drug addicted mother by immersing herself in her academic career. She was high school valedictorian and later received a BS in Communications from Boston University and a Masters of Social Work from Boston College where she was induced into the Jesuit Honor Society Alpha Sigma Nu.

While working at Veterans Affairs, Mary received a Certificate of Appreciation Award from the Blind Veterans Association, was Social Worker of the Year, and employee of the month but was forced to leave in 2007 because of a diagnosis of post-polio syndrome.Although she had a vision of God while paralyzed and knew that she would have the ability to overcome and be able to walk again she was told to quit her position with the VA after 20 years as a social worker. Thereafter, in February 2007 God spoke to Mary through poetry and inspirational poetry began pouring out. As she continued to visualize healing and connecting with God she began experiencing healing of mind, body and spirit. With intensive rehabilitation, lifestyle changes and harnessing her faith through prayer, writing poetry, meditation, visualization, and seeking out healers including an energy healer, a nurse healer on line and working with Dr Bernie Siegel she went on to run the 2009 Boston Marathon and raise $10,535 for Spaulding Rehab Hospital. She is now the author of two books on inspirational poetry including New World Greetings: Inspirational Poetry and Musing for a New World published in December, 2007 and Set Sail for a New World: Healing a Life Through the Gift of Poetry (2010) and donates 20% of the proceeds to Ms. Wheelchair Massachusetts Program. Her dream is to see a polio free world in her lifetime.

Mary has been a guest at the Jordan Rich show on WBZ in Boston and was selected by Bostons # 1 FM station Magic 106.7 as their Exceptional Woman. She was also a finalist for Brookline Woman of the Year 2010 and honored at their award ceremony Women Who Inspire Us. She has been featured on numerous blog talk radio shows, a presenter at the 2009 Massachusetts Poetry Festival and a speaker at the Boston GreenFest 2010. She is the subject of a short film documentary Keeping the Pace: The Mary McManus Story. She is currently working on a third book on inspirational poetry with Dr Bernie Siegel.

Guest Category: Health & Lifestyle, Alternative Health, Energy Healing, Fitness & Exercise, Yoga, Self Help, Spiritual, Meditation