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Submitted by Douglas Newsom on 22 April 2021

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John Barbours World Guest, Peter Chowka September 17, 2018
Investigative Journalist, Author and Media Commentator

Peter Chowka is an author, journalist, media analyst and commentator on a wide range of issues including national politics, health care, media and popular culture. He has over four decades of experience reporting for a variety of publications and media. In 2017, Peter wrote over 150 articles for American Thinker and The Hagmann Report.

During the past two years, Peter's articles have also been published at Real Clear Politics, Patrick Buchanan's Web site, Michael Savage dot com, Infowars, the Medline indexed peer review medical journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine and The Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients.

On January 4, 2018, Peter was invited to appear on the British Broadcasting Corporation's daily international news program Trending on BBC Arabic to comment on the future of President Trump in light of Michael Wolff's new book Fire and Fury. Video of Peter on the program, in Arabic, can be watched here or on Facebook here.

In 2018, Peter has become a regular guest making frequent appearances on talk show pioneer Barry Farber's nightly program on CRN Digital Talk Radio.

A new playlist at YouTube with links to many of Peter's recent video Skype interviews on The Hagmann Report on a broad range of subjects can be accessed here.


Peter Barry Chowka is a writer, journalist, medical-political analyst, editor, and photographer.

Since the 1970s he has worked in a variety of media (periodicals, radio, television, documentary films, and online) to report on issues and personalities in the fields of national politics, medical policy, the media, popular culture, the environment, and innovative health options.

Peter majored in English at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. He got his start in journalism and media at WGTB, a leading non-commercial FM radio station in the nation’s capital that was affiliated with Georgetown. Peter served as news director, music director, and – for two years – station manager. With his fellow students, Peter helped to transform WGTB into the most popular alternative broadcast outlet in the nation’s capital.

In 1972, Peter covered the first of four campaigns for the Presidency, including the primaries, the national political conventions, and the fall general election. He interviewed most of the candidates and as a credentialed journalist in the nation’s capital, Peter attended several Presidential press conferences and other events at the White House. He also volunteered for the insurgent anti-war nominee of the Democratic Party, Sen. George McGovern, producing radio commercials for the McGovern campaign aimed at young voters as he traveled around the country with the candidate.

Peter’s photographs of the 1972 campaign, titled “The Choice of The Century,” were exhibited at galleries in Washington, D.C. and on Martha’s Vineyard.

Peter also reported on the Presidential primaries in 1976, 1980, and 1992. In particular, he documented all three Presidential campaigns of Gov. Jerry Brown (D-CA), and interviewed Brown a number of times for publication. Jerry Brown cited one of Peter’s articles in a cover story profile of Brown written by Richard Reeves and published in Esquire in February 1978.


Later in the 1970s, Peter collaborated closely with pioneering Beat Generation writers Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs, and Pulitzer Prize winner Gary Snyder – exploring their work in a series of published long form interviews, articles, and radio broadcasts, and accompanying Ginsberg on guitar and vocals in a number of high profile public performances. Peter’s 25,000-word interview with Gary Snyder was published in three issues of East West Journal and subsequently served as a core of two of Snyder’s books, The Real Work (New Directions, 1980) and The Gary Snyder Reader (Counterpoint, 1999).

Beginning in 1975, a particular focus of Peter’s journalistic work has been to document the history and evolution of innovative and alternative medicine with an extensive emphasis on the War on Cancer and alternative cancer therapies. His reporting took him to the leading innovative clinical centers around North America. Over the years Peter has interviewed scores of thought leaders in the field, including (more often than any other journalist) two-time Nobel Prize winning scientist, humanitarian, and nutritional therapy proponent Linus Pauling, Ph.D.

Peter broke a number of major stories on cover-ups and abuses of power in the Cancer Establishment and several of his articles were republished in the official hearing transcripts of United States Senate oversight committees.

Peter’s numerous articles in a wide variety of print publications have explored the limitations of conventional medicine, a broad range of innovative treatment options, and the mainstreaming of alternative medicine. His photographs have been published by Time-Life Books and in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Rolling Stone, and many other publications. Peter has been quoted in news articles published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time magazine, and The Village Voice, among others and his work has been cited in numerous books. Peter has also written several articles for the the peer-reviewed scientific literature.

Over the years, Peter has emerged as one of the most prolific, probing, and respected reporters and commentators in the area of the politics of health care and alternative medicine. His body of work has helped to redefine the role that innovative and alternative therapies play in American life.

Peter has appeared as an expert guest on hundreds of radio and TV talk shows all over North America, many of them at the national network level, including NBC-TV, PBS, the ABC TalkRadio Network, and CBC Television in Canada, and in major film and television documentaries. He has engaged in many broadcast debates with leading medical doctors on the subjects of cancer and AIDS. Along the way Peter has worked with Tom Snyder, Michael Reagan, Geraldo Rivera, Tom Leykis, and George Noory as well as a number of Canadian media luminaries including Pierre Berton, Hana Gartner, and Dr. Morton Shulman. He has also spoken at scores of health and medical conferences around the U.S. and Canada.

Peter is the subject of a chapter in Prof. David J. Hess, Ph.D.’s 1999 book Evaluating Alternative Cancer Therapies: A Guide to the Science and Politics of an Emerging Medical Field, published by Rutgers University Press. In 1999, Peter wrote actress Jane Seymour’s on-camera narration for the award winning thirteen-part PBS series Healthy Living.

Peter was a consultant to the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition, co-chaired by Sens. Bob Dole and George McGovern in the 1970s. From 1985-1990, he was an advisor to the U.S. Congress’s Office of Technology Assessment which was investigating a variety of alternative cancer therapies. In 1992 Peter was appointed to two of the first advisory panels of the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) new Office of Alternative Medicine including one devoted to alternative medicine databases and electronic information dissemination – anticipating the imminent, widespread adoption of the Internet. His contributions are included in the NIH’s 1994 publication, Alternative Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons.

Peter is particularly well known for his investigative reporting into the Hoxsey Therapy. Starting in 1980, Peter’s articles and radio broadcasts about Hoxsey, a prominent example of herbal medicine, helped to establish it as a leading, credible alternative cancer therapy. Peter appears prominently on camera throughout the documentary feature film Hoxsey: How Healing Becomes a Crime, a.k.a. Hoxsey: Quacks Who Cure Cancer?, which was originally inspired by his articles. Peter’s efforts have been instrumental in helping to bring the promising Hoxsey herbal treatment to the attention of the public, mainstream medicine, and policy makers.

Since 1992, Peter has been investigating the political push for “universal health care” which he sees as one of the most serious threats to Americans’ freedom since the time of the Founding Fathers. Recent proposals for single payer government-run medicine, in Peter’s view, pose an increase in the imminent threat level to Americans’ freedom of choice and to the future of alternative, natural health care.

In 2007, the popular political Web site American Thinker began publishing Peter’s articles on medical policy, national politics, and the media. In the years since then, Peter has written a number of articles and blog items about a wide range of subjects for American Thinker. Peter broke several major political stories that went viral and were picked up by the mainstream media. An archive of Peter’s articles for American Thinker may be accessed here.

In 2015, Peter established his latest Web site,, where he will present his articles, interviews, and other primary source material documenting the many healers he has reported on over the years, starting with Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. (1947-2015). In 2016, a new book about Dr. Gonzalez, The Gonzalez Protocol, includes two chapters written by Peter. The July/August 2016 issue of the peer-reviewed Medline-indexed medical journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine published Peter’s article “Reporting on Dr. Gonzalez for a Quarter Century: A Memoir.” The article can be read here.

Peter’s most recent articles for American Thinker about the cable news wars, the history and future of the Fox News channel, and other topics in the news have received wide attention. This ongoing series can be accessed at Peter’s archived articles page at American Thinker.

In August 2017, Peter established his Twitter account @pchowka. Peter's tweets have been retweeted by Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Charles V. Payne, radio talk show host and New York Times best selling author Mark Levin, and President Donald J. Trump. A mid-2016 bio of Peter with photographs and links to primary sources can be accessed here.

The Holistic Health Show Guest, Dr Valter Longo July 14, 2018
Researcher, {rpfessor, International longevity/fasting authority

Professor Valter Longo is internationally recognized as a leader in the field of aging studies and related diseases. His discoveries include some of the major genetic pathways that regulate aging and life-threatening diseases and the identification of a genetic mutation that protects men from several common diseases.

He is a Professor of Gerontology and Biological Science and Director of the Longevity Institution at the School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, one of the leading centers devoted to teaching and research on aging. He is also director of the Oncology Laboratory and longevity at the Institute of Molecular Oncology IFOM in Milan.

Professor Longo received the Nathan Shock Lecture Award from the National Institute on Ageing (NIA/NIH) in 2010 and in 2013 the Vincent Cristofalo ‘Rising Star’ Award for Research on Aging, and the 2016 Glenn Award for research in the Biology of Aging.

In 2015, after a number of his papers were among the most widely cited in the biomedical field, Time magazine called him a ‘guru of longevity’.

Doctor Longo received a PhD from North Texas in 1992, and another one from UCLA in 1997 and completed post doctoral training in 2000. He has carried out research in the areas of fasting and longevity, cell biology and genetics, the regulation of aging and multiple  stress resistance systems in yeast and mammals, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.  He has over 70 peer reviewed articles, 4 books/chapters, multiple research grants, active grant reviewer, and student research advisor. He is author of the best seller The Longevity Diet: Discover the New Science Behind Stem Cell Activation and Regeneration to Slow Aging, Fight Disease, and Optimize Weight

Interviewing The Legends Guest, Bobby Goldsboro September 25, 2018
Singer-songwriter, guitarist, painter and television producer

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G   O   L   D   S   B   O   R   O



Bobby Goldsboro's career has been a remarkable evolution. This multi-talented performer started out in the early sixties as a guitarist with the legendary Roy Orbison. During his three years with Orbison he traveled all over the world and even toured with The Beatles.

In 1964 Bobby started his solo career by recording the first of a string of sixteen top-forty hits, "See the Funny Little Clown." He hit the Billboard charts with 29 consecutive singles. One of his first concert bookings had him opening for the Rolling Stones on their first U.S. tour! In fact, Keith Richards credits Bobby with showing him a guitar technique that he later used. Bobby then opened for The Four Seasons on one of his first tours. Bobby also toured and opened for The Beach Boys!

More million-selling hits followed, setting the stage for 1968 and the classic, "Honey," which became the largest-selling record in the world, selling over 5 million copies! "Watching Scotty Grow" was 1971's No. 1 Soft Rock and Adult Contemporary hit and his recordings of "Little Green Apples" and "With Pen in Hand" have also become classics.

1973 brought Bobby his own nationally syndicated television show, which ran for three successful seasons and became the highest rated variety show in syndication in the '70's. His quick wit made him a much sought-after "regular" on the tv talk show circuit as well. Bobby then formed House of Gold Music, which became one of the most successful music publishing companies in Nashville, publishing such songs as "Wind Beneath My Wings" and "Behind Closed Doors."

Bobby Goldsboro, the songwriter has received twenty-seven B.M.I. awards and his compositions have been recorded by such diverse artists as Aretha Franklin, John Denver, Paul Anka, Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, Dr. John, Conway Twitty and Bette Midler. His compositions, "With Pen in Hand" and "Autumn of My Life" are members of B.M.I.'s exclusive "Million-airs Club," which contains only those songs which have been played on the air over one million times! Bobby's classic composition, "Summer, the First Time" was recently voted the greatest summer song ever in England!

In 1999, Bobby was inducted into the Alabama Music Hall of Fame. He joined fellow inductees Wilson Pickett and The Temptations for a memorable evening of hits!

Bobby has quickly gained a reputation as a world-class artist. The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum in Tucson now houses one of Bobby's hummingbird paintings. He is being featured in one-man art shows at galleries around the country. His paintings are being purchased by fans and art lovers alike and Bobby and his wife, Dianne regularly donate paintings and giclee prints to charities for fund-raisers. A recent charity auction in Naples, Florida brought $25,000 for one of Bobby's paintings.

Bobby is still an in-demand and popular concert performer and he still enjoys entertaining his many fans. From opera houses in Italy and France to Carnegie Hall in New York City, Bobby has played them all. In a business notorious for chewing up its greatest heroes, Bobby Goldsboro has come through unscathed, as healthy and wholesome as the clean-cut country boy he was in the halcyon days of rock and roll. Like fine wine, Bobby has improved with age. And, the best of Bobby Goldsboro may be yet to come!

Shadow Politics Guest, Allison Galbraith July 08, 2018
Political Activist to represent the people of Maryland's first congressional district.

About Allison Galbraith:

Maryland Native. Single Mom. Small Business Owner. People First. DC is broken. Our government of the people isn’t working for the people. We can do better. We deserve better. Our representative's job is to listen to us, and to advocate on our behalf. Better government can start right here in MD's First District.  No more "out-of-touch" reps. No more special interests. No more excuses. Just common sense and common values.

Who is Allison Galbriath?

I am a native of Maryland’s First Congressional District, raised in historic Bel Air. Because of my professional experience, I know how the federal government works. I know where the problems are. Because of my educational experience, I know how to save the federal government money and make it run better. Because of my personal experience, I know what happens when it doesn’t work for us. I will fight to make the government work better, for all of us. 

I am a small business owner specializing in federal contracting and acquisition streamlining. I have extensive experience working in the day-to-day operation of the federal government. I’ve navigated the complex regulations and processes, developed new and tailored approaches for research and development programs, introduced process improvements, and helped programs to operate on reduced budgets and deliver products faster. 

I’ve worked with many different federal programs and portfolios—information systems, military medical products, multi-billion dollar rapid development programs, and more. These efforts spanned all stages of development, from basic research through advanced development and sustainment. I’ve served at multiple organizational levels, from the lowest of the unionized positions at the Aberdeen Test Center to the staff of one and two star General Officers and the Senior Executive Service. I’ve worked in many areas—Chemical and Biological Defense, Intelligence and Electronic Warfare, Defense Health, Veterans Benefits, and more. I’ve seen the challenges of running government programs first hand.

I help small businesses on the industry side as well, writing proposals to bid on state and federal contracts. My clients are primarily Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses bidding on Department of Defense, Veterans Affairs, and Health and Human Services contracts. I know how complicated and burdensome it is to write and manage proposals and grants, how this makes it difficult to do business with the government, and how this deters companies from bidding, increases costs, and hinders innovation. 

I am also a daughter of two college professors, and a graduate of a public high school and university. I’m a working single mom. I was married to an Army Veteran for more than a decade. We are now amicably separated, living in the same school district, and working together to raise our son, Ben.

I depend on the essential benefits of the Affordable Care Act to obtain the private health insurance that allows me to own my business. I know what it was like to not be able to afford private insurance, and why the high risk pool didn’t work then and won’t work now. 

I have fought to obtain special education services and relied on the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to obtain an Individual Education Plan for my stepson. I know the frustration of having to hire an advocate to obtain services that are plainly required. 

I understand the struggles of our Service-members, our veterans, and their families. I have raised kids alone, while working full time, because my spouse’s military training as a helicopter mechanic wasn’t recognized in commercial industry and he took work out of state because he couldn’t find local work in his field. I was the breadwinner while he used the GI Bill to complete his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. I was there when he exhausted it, and we could not afford for him to complete his degree without taking on student debt.

I’ve lived paycheck to paycheck, I’ve faced job uncertainty, I’ve been laid off. I’ve experienced sexual assault—I’ve also sued, and won. I’ve been treated differently in the office because I’m a woman, and know many suffer much worse every day. I’m a homeowner. I purchased my current home using an FHA-backed loan, and the previous one using a VA-backed loan. 

I’ve watched loved ones become addicted to painkillers, and lost friends to the opioid epidemic. I’ve been a part of caretaking decisions for my disabled mother, know how sickening it is to debate what is and is not covered by Medicare or insurance companies while making critical healthcare decisions, and participated in difficult end-of-life decisions. 

I know how government programs benefit us, how they could be made better, and how critical it is that the government work for us, not against us. I have the perspective of the people, the perspective that we need in Congress, and the skills to fight to make the government work for working families, rather than against us. 


The daughter of two college professors and a graduate of a public high school and university, Allison Galbraith was raised in historic Bel Air, Maryland. Galbraith was married to an Army Veteran for more than a decade. They are now amicably separated, living in the same school district and working together to raise their son, Ben. Allison is now a working single mom. A small business owner specializing in federal contracting and acquisition streamlining, she has extensive experience working in the day-to-day operation of the federal government. Allison helps small businesses on the industry side write proposals to bid on state and federal contracts. She depends on the essential benefits of the Affordable Care Act to obtain private health insurance. Allison is also a homeowner. She’s been a caretaker for her disabled mother and participated in difficult end-of-life decisions. Most recently, first-time candidate Allison Galbraith ran in the Democratic Primary Election on June 26, 2018, in Maryland’s First Congressional District and finished second.

Life Changes Show Guest, Bill Rotella June 25, 2018
Singer and Songwriter


Singer-songwriter- Bill Rotella is a solo artist and also a member of the “folk n’ soul” duo Amber & Smoke. Bill has recorded 9 albums, both as a soloist and with his bands Dakota, Baywoodand most recently with Amber & Smoke. The Amber & Smokedebut album, “Riverbound”, was released in January 2018.

Bill’s songs have appeared in films, documentaries and in music videos. Bill comes from a family of songwriters. Bill’s father, Johnny Rotella, was an L.A studio musician and songwriter. His songs have been recorded by many icons in the 60’s and 70’s including Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony Bennett and Doris Day. Bill’s father performed and recorded with Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey, Steely Dan, Frank Zappa, Neil Diamond and the Turtles, to name a few. Bill’s uncle was big band arranger Jerry Gray. His list of musical arrangements for Tommy Dorsey and Glenn Miller include String of Pearls and Pennsylvania 6-5000.

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