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Historic footage of the church occupation that forced out the truth of genocide in Canada

Historic footage of the church occupation that forced out the truth of genocide in Canada
Genocide survivors and Kevin Annett seize 'holy rosary' catholic church in Vancouver
on March 16, 2008, provoking the residential school 'apology'


After years of protesting and petitioning for justice, the survivors of the ‘Indian residential school’ death camps raised the stakes on March 16, 2008 and began seizing the Catholic, Anglican and United churches that killed more than 60,000 indigenous children.

This historic footage of the first of these occupations features traditional Squamish chief Kiapilano, who legally evicted these churches from his territory across Vancouver; Kevin Annett, who was made Kiapilano’s legal agent to enforce the evictions; and three survivors who were subsequently murdered by the police and in St. Paul’s hospital after leading other church occupations: William Combes, Bingo Dawson, and Ricky Lavallee.

Less than two weeks after this first church occupation of the Catholic Holy Rosary Cathedral in Vancouver, the Canadian government admitted that children had died in large numbers in the ‘Indian residential schools’ and announced a “truth and reconciliation commission”. But the cover up of these crimes by Church and State continued.

Building on these church occupations, traditional elders from nine indigenous nations have recently banished the Catholic, Anglican, and United churches from their lands and are reclaiming the wealth, lands, and buildings of these genocidal churches.

Share this important video in classrooms, libraries, and among your family and friends. And join this campaign to erase Canada’s genocidal legacy! You owe it to the slaughtered children and the fallen heroes who forced out the truth at the cost of their own lives.

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Issued by indigenous elders in alliance with the sovereign Republic of Kanata.

This footage is taken from the archives of Chief Kiapilano, Kevin Annett, and the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ). In February 2013, the ICLCJ successfully convicted Canada, the Crown, the Vatican and its churches for crimes against humanity and forced Joseph Ratzinger (‘pope Benedict’) from office.

Three of our murdered brothers who took part in the March 2008 church occupation, and who appear in this video: Bingo Dawson, Ricky Lavallee, and William Combes - Earth, cover not their blood!