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Diana Garber
Your Pitch

Your living and working environments have a big impact on how your life unfolds. Business clients that embrace Feng Shui show quantifiable results such as major improvement in gross margins, higher morale and productivity, to millions more in profits.

People who incorporate Feng Shui into their living environments report similar results ... meaning quantifiable. Many clients report improved health, relationships, satisfaction, and even remission. Testimonies are all through the blog.


A reporter once remarked in his article that Feng Shui Master Diana Garber ‘isn’t your typical candle-sniffing cloud watcher.’ In fact, her results have transformed the minds of many skeptics.

She lived a disciplined corporate life while simultaneously pursuing Feng Shui. As VP at a fortune 100 company she oversaw 65,000 workstations and 2,500 servers. She’s worked command centers for the NY terrorist attack, Hurricanes Lili & Isidore, the Ft. Worth tornado, and more.

Diana thrived through 20 major surgeries, two near-death experiences, and the loss of children. She says, “manage your environment consciously or it unconsciously it manages you©.”

She has achieved much success in the Feng Shui world including serving as the Feng Shui practitioner for The Ohio State University. Diana is the only Feng Shui Master to be speak at a national medical convention and has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, and NPR.

Fastest growing personal development series in the world.