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Bill Douglas
Your Pitch

Dear Radio Programmer,

The world is on the verge of massive change, but human consciousness has not evolved as fast as technology, and is unable to let go of old images/patterns in order to realize the potential our future holds. Mind-body scientific research proves that mind-body practices, if practiced on a massive scale worldwide, could be the catalyst that enables a truly new age of human evolution.

I have had several angelic experiences, starting at 6 years old, and then again several times in my 20s, which led to my founding and creating an extraordinary global healing event held in over 80 nations, and covered by mass media worldwide. This global event's mass media coverage has exposed over ONE BILLION potential readers/viewers to mind-body practices via coverage of our event by BBC News; FOX News; CNN; Agence France Presse TV; Associated Press TV; China's Xinhua News Agency; China's CCTV International News Network; South China Morning Post; New York Times Sunday Magazine; and national media in nations across the globe.

The motto of this global event is "One World ... One Breath" and has brought people worldwide together across racial, ethnic, religious and geopolitical boundaries to focus on personal and global health & healing, including mass events in Israel, Iran, Russia, America, China, Egypt, etc. etc., including over 80 nations.

This global event I founded and organize has been officially proclaimed by 22 US Governors; Senates & Legislatures, including: New York, California, Puerto Rico, the National Congress of Brazil, etc. etc.

See below short video of global healing event I founded 19 years ago, and organize each year: "Change the World - Share This Video - World Tai Chi & Qigong Day - One World ... One Breath" 


Bill Douglas is the Founder of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day - World Healing Day, held in 100s of cities in over 80 nations each year. Bill is the author of a best-selling tai chi book, "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Tai Chi & Qigong," "Tao of Tai Chi: The Making of a New Science," and award awakening-fiction novels "A Conspiracy of Spirits," and "2012 The Awakening."

Bill has a been a source on Tai Chi and mind-body practices for media worldwide: New York Times; Reader's Digest; BBC World Radio; Wall Street Journal; China's Xinhua News Agency; Prevention Magazine; etc.

The global health & healing event Bill founded and has organized for 20 years, held annually in 100s of cities in over 80 nations ... has been officially proclaimed by 22 US Governors; Senates and Legislatures, including: California, New York, Puerto Rico; and the National Congress of Brazil.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Tai Chi & Qigong (4th edition)