RENATA & STEVEN ASH in England will rejoin us to continue the conversation we started on March 15 about the 13 Chakras, the meanings of the ones above the head, and how they have developed flower and crystal essences to work directly with the chakras. Renata will share how she has felt called to channel the energy of Quan Yin, and to perform the wonderful Sabai Ceremony. Join us for a special Quan Yin Blessing!
Numerous studies have been conducted in recent years specific to sound therapy used for babies. The results show that certain sounds create a calming effect and bring balance. Sound is the first sense to develop fully. The fetus ear is ready to perceive sound at 4 1/2 months, therefore we must give special care and attention to this stage. My guest Regina Murphy of and Heather Clarke, will share with us insights into the developmental stages from utero to childhood.
Art as a spiritual path can help us knit together the ideals and convictions that guide our lives. It is about allowing Universal God-Source to express through us, and to bring out the artist in each of us! Today my guest Leah Young creator of Soul Articulation will share with us her vision of what Soul Art is, and how it can help us manifest the life we want!