My Medicine Baskets are my prayers, my stories, my songs of creation, my vessels for alchemical healing, for medicine, wisdom, love, courage and hope.
I claim, untangle and weave my thread of consciousness back into the fabric of the Universe, the tapestry of this precious life on Earth.
I began weaving again after returning from the cosmos after a near death experience on June 11th, 2012 and experiencing several strokes.
I choose the path of non traditional self healing, I went to live in a tent in the woods to let nature help me heal myself. Safely cradled and loved in Mother Natures lap, I gathered her gifts, and began to weave my way to health and wholeness, rewiring my brain to remember how to speak, and to reclaim the use of my body.
I use pine needles, natural fibers, plants, feathers, fur, and found objects to reweave the threads and strands of my consciousness, soul, psyche, brain and flesh into a new life and story.