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Teacher, Consultant, Executive Coach, Leadership Trainer, Kinesiologist, Alternative Media Investigator, Founder of Project Camelot, Producer, Director
Researcher, Author, Screenwriter, Expert in Intervention Theory, Alternative Knowledge Speaker
Filmmaker, Political Activist, Journalist, Chemtrails Researcher
Attorney, Contractor, Author, Photographer, Artist, Extraterrestrial Contactee, Psychologist, Pole Shift Researcher, Planet X Investigator, Beekeeper
Ancient Aliens Series Star, Consulting Producer, Publisher, Ancient Anstronaut Expert, Mystery Places Explorer
Author, Lecturer, Writer, Engineering Consultant, Conspiracy Theorist, Mystery Researcher
Director, Researcher, Subtle Energy Teacher, Healer, Crystal Skull Researcher, Cherokee, Elder, Author, Columnist, Speaker
MKUltra Project Talent, Psychic Warrior
Author, Ufologist, Underground Base Researcher, Speaker, Writer, Political Scientist, Paranormal Experiencer