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Peace and Justice Activist, Writer, Author, Self-Described Revolutionary, Traveler, Co-Founder of the U. of Montana Green Party and Ozark Heritage Region Peace & Justice Network, 2004 Nominated Democratic Congressman in Missouri's 8th Disrict
Alien Researcher, Investigator, Director, Spokesperson, U.S. Navy, Talk Show Host, Ufologist, Advisor
Corporate Journalist, Editor, Author, Radio Show Host, Correspondent, Mysteries Explorer, Music Composer, Photographer, Surfer
UFO Experiencer, Environmentalist, Peace Activist, Reporter, S.P.A.C.E. Founder, Journalist, Writer Columnist, Media Advisor, Speaker
Science Researcher, Religous Researcher, Prophecy Investigator, Author
Egyptologist, Lecturer, Teacher, Author, Air Force Vet, Archaeologist, Research Scientist, UFO Experiencer
Author, Most Documented Extraterrestrial Contactee, Orion Channel, Hypnotic Regression Channel
Native American, Canadian Human Rights Campaigner, Crimes of Church and State Researcher, Author
Writer, Author, Alien Agenda Researcher