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The Debut of The True History of Our Galaxy and NESARA, a talk radio show with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna on BBS Radio.

Topics: The True History of Our Galactic World and The Birth of NESARA; Universal Spiritual Economic. We will discuss the intricate details of World History, Earth's Destiny, The Galactics and The Truth about NESARA. We will discuss Hard News, Holographic Universe, and current events.

Hard News on Friday with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

The Debut show of Hard News on Friday, a talk show with Rama Arjuna and Tara Green, on BBS Radio!

James T. Tague spent 5 years in the Air Force, had a career in the automobile business rising to top management and is today recognized as a top researcher on the Kennedy assassination. It was an accident of timing that he was in Dealey Plaza that November day in 1963 and received a minor injury during the assassination of President Kennedy. But it was no accident that James Tague spoke up 6 months later when the Warren Commission was about to ignore the missed shot – his testimony changed history.

The mission of the Liberty Foundation is to raise donations in order to purchase newspaper space to tell the USS Liberty story. The USS Liberty Veterans Association (LVA) has tried for over 37 years to expose the true story of the deliberate Israeli attack on the USS Liberty to the American people through books, news media, movies, and letters to the President of the United States and congressmen. While we have encountered politicians and news media personnel who were willing to help, they have been unable to interest their superiors or others in supporting our cause.

Show #4 for Encrypted with Loret Love and David Redding, on

Encrypted - Show #3 on BBS Radio every other Wednesday at 9pm PT - midnight ET on Station 1

Encrypted Show #2 with Loret Love and David Redding on BBS Radio!