This episode of The People Speak features two professors: Professor Noam Chomsky of M.I.T. during the first half hour and Professor James Tracy of the Florida Atlantic University during the last half hour.
Author, Writer, Speaker, Educater, Lecturer
UFO Contactee, Photographer, Conscious Channel, Clairvoyant, Medium, Mystic Artist, Soul Traveler, Animal Intuitive
Author, Theory Instructor, Recruiting Officer, Unit Secretary Officer, Military Intelligence Offcer, President of Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Consultanti
Peace Activists, CODEPINK, International Rights Organization Global Exchange
Informer of Man's Off Planet Origins, Blogger, Educates and Frees Humanity from Control and Tyranny
Comedian, Actor, Author, Political Conspiritist
Contactee, Communicator of the Zeta Message, Producer of the Zeta Report, Radio Host, Maintained a Hydroponics and Vermiculture Lab, Web Mistress
Writer, Researcher, Filmmaker, Musician, Inspirational Speaker