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Music for meditation, inspiration, healing, and enlightenment, spiritual artist

Brooke Medicine Eagle, Native American Earth Keeper, Wisdom teacher, Healer, Visionary, Singer/Song Writer, motivational Speaker, Author of "Buffalo Woman Comes Singing" and "The Last Ghost Dance", shares her wisdom about living a sustainable lifestyle honoring Mother Earth and all our relations.

This week, my guest will be Brooke Medicine Eagle, Author, Singer/songwriter, Recording Artist, and Visionary Wisdom Teacher.. She is of mixed heritage - Native American and European - but has chosen to walk the Red Road honoring the sacred teachings of Ancestral Native Americans.

My guest was Simone Soucy, Colorado Artist, Organic Farmer, and Teacher of some of Tom Brown's Wilderness Survival Classes. She shared her wisdom about sustainable living, permaculture gardening, being in harmony with nature, and foraging for wild edibles like mushrooms and berries in the Rocky Mountains.