Medium in our Midst with Daria Justyn

Join psychic medium Daria Justyn, author of "Angels Whisper to Us ~ Decoding the Messages in Daydreams" as she discusses the nature of energy, spirituality, psychic development and the endless journey of our soul. Featured guests will share their inspiring stories, and Daria will take live calls from those wishing to connect with the "other side" and answer your questions. Her mission is to help people from all walks of life expand their views of not only the afterlife, but also the here and now.
Daria Justyn is a psychic medium and intuitive counselor, with an international clientele, doing readings privately and publicly. She has spent her life cultivating her ability to channel messages from Angelic energies, spirit guides, master teachers and souls who have crossed over. “I am a messenger to what lies beyond this world. We are all Souls who have come here with a higher purpose. Knowing this has enriched my life beyond belief".
Talk Radio Show Program Information Displays
Medium_in_our_Midst, October 6, 2010 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Medium_in_our_Midst, September 22, 2010 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Medium_in_our_Midst, September 15, 2010 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Medium_in_our_Midst, September 8, 2010 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Medium_in_our_Midst, September 1, 2010 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Medium_in_our_Midst, August 25, 2010 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Medium_in_our_Midst, August 18, 2010 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Medium_in_our_Midst, August 11, 2010 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Medium_in_our_Midst, August 4, 2010 | Courtesy of BBS Radio |
Daria Justyn
Biography from:
Daria Justyn is a psychic medium and intuitive counselor, with an international clientele, doing readings privately and publicly. She has spent her life cultivating her ability to channel messages from Angelic Energies, Spirit Guides, Master Teachers and Souls who have crossed over.
"I believe the path of our lives can be daunting. Knowing we have love and guidance from the other side, can expand our joy and ease our sorrow."
Born and raised in New Jersey, Daria grew up in a family where psychic dreams and premonitions were commonplace. Her mother always spoke of seeing relatives that had passed over, and everyone discussed their dreams, knowing some would become predictions. It was when she met famed psychic Lydia Clar , that her path became clear. Lydia told her she had a gift, and needed to use it. Since Lydia was the psychic who started John Edward on his path, she knew she could trust it. "I always knew I was supposed to do something special with my life. Meeting Lydia was one of those moments when dreams and destiny collide".
Daria helps people to understand what lies beyond this world. "We are all souls who have come here with a higher purpose. Knowing this has enriched my life beyond belief."
Daria was invited to be a prospective medium for the VERITAS Research Program at the University of Arizona, headed by Dr, Gary Schwartz, author of "The Afterlife Experiments", whose work was featured in a documentary for HBO and included such luminaries as John Edward and Allison Du Bois, the inspiration for the network television show "Medium." This evolved into the scientific research study, Survival of Consciousness, conducted by the Windbridge Institute for Applied Research in Human Potential, from which Daria has been officially granted Medium Certification from the most rigorous 5 year scientific study of Mediumship done to date.
From Dr. Julie Beischel, Director of the Windbridge Institute for Applied Research in Human Potential:
Dear Daria,
It is my pleasure to congratulate you and my honor to officially convey upon you the title of Windbridge Certified Research Medium. This certification involved eight thorough screening, testing, and training steps during which your ability to report accurate and specific information about the deceased was scientifically tested under blinded conditions by Windbridge Institute Director of Research Julie Beischel, PhD.
More information about the certification procedure, click the Windbridge Institute image to the right:
In addition to private readings and group events, Daria is the host of 'Medium in our Midst' on Blog Talk Radio on the internet, and a frequent talk radio guest. She is the author of "Angels Whisper to Us ~ Decoding the Messages in Daydreams," a manual that teaches the reader how to access and understand the powerful guidance, inspiration and acknowledgment that comes to us from Angels, spirit guides and loved ones who have passed on, via our daydreams. "On a clear sunny day, I received a message from the Archangels. It came as a voice whispering, yet filled every fiber of my being with a 'knowing' that daydreams are a doorway to a higher consciousness, a bridge between the physical and spiritual world." Daria also teaches seminars and conducts teleconferences.