Medium in our Midst, September 8, 2010
Medium in our Midst

Join psychic medium Daria Justyn, author of "Angels Whisper to Us ~ Decoding the Messages in Daydreams" as she discusses the nature of energy, spirituality, psychic development and the endless journey of our soul. Featured guests will share their inspiring stories, and Daria will take live calls from those wishing to connect with the "other side" and answer your questions. Her mission is to help people from all walks of life expand their views of not only the afterlife, but also the here and now.
Daria Justyn is a psychic medium and intuitive counselor, with an international clientele, doing readings privately and publicly. She has spent her life cultivating her ability to channel messages from Angelic energies, spirit guides, master teachers and souls who have crossed over. “I am a messenger to what lies beyond this world. We are all Souls who have come here with a higher purpose. Knowing this has enriched my life beyond belief".