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To speak of God as She in today's society is regarded as either brazen feminism or the deliberate reformation efforts of religious liberals. However, the tradition of the feminine aspect of divinity has a long history. Our planet has a need to reinstate a sense of the "Goddess" for within it, is the nurturing principle of the female that is needed to help guide our way through the maze of accelerated change which surrounds us. My guest today is Iyale the founder of Harmony Pathways, her work affirms, illuminates, celebrates and honors the Spirit of women and all humanity.

Numerous studies have been conducted in recent years specific to sound therapy used for babies. The results show that certain sounds create a calming effect and bring balance. Sound is the first sense to develop fully. The fetus ear is ready to perceive sound at 4 1/2 months, therefore we must give special care and attention to this stage. My guest Regina Murphy of and Heather Clarke, will share with us insights into the developmental stages from utero to childhood.

Being-ness is who-you-really-are, your Higher Self, your Super Consciousness. Being-ness is who you are meant to be. Are you ready? As we prepare to cross the threshold on 12/21/12 there are many questions, and my guest today has the answers! Ka't Mandu is a writer, metaphysician, and teacher of transformational change and spiritual realization. Hailing from Brisbane, Australia, she has been teaching and coaching in esoteric studies for the last 20 years. Ka't Pleiadean Mandu's newly released book "The Book of Meditation for Lightworkers" can be purchased at

How do we clear those mis-creations that no longer serve our best and highest good? How do we transmute the fear-based, fragmented consciousness that has dominated and manipulated us for lifetimes? With the gift that Father-Mother God has gifted us, The Violet Flame. Today I will share the Violet Flame with you and together we will transmute what no longer serves, so that you can embrace this shift!

Are you sick and tired of waking up paralyzed by guilt or dread over past mistakes, fearful of how you will get through the day, and suffocating with anxiety over tomorrow? So what is an "Alpha Chick," you may wonder? An Alpha Chick is a spiritual being who has worked to deepen her connection with and faith in the Divine Presence within in order to meet life's challenges with purpose and strength. My Guest this week Mal Duane is the bestselling author and she will be sharing with us the five steps of the "Alpha Chick" process.

As women, we often times give the entire essence of who we are to others, not honoring our own self-worth, nor understanding how to balance the life we have created or been given. "Sacred Sundays", was written to help the powerful and powerless super women living on the edge of burnout and breakdown, find ways to press pause and take time out of their busy schedules to restore and rejuvenate their mind and bodies, as well as how to find spiritual transformation through personal and sacred intimacy. Isn't it time for you to care for yourself the same way you care for others?

Consciousness is generally defined as the ability to be aware of our own existence. Or, we can think of it as a tool used to create an inner reality that makes sense to us. The importance of attaining higher consciousness is regularly mentioned in connection with spiritual awakening and growth. As this awareness in the human mind grows and strengthens, life becomes more liberated, joyful, peaceful, and love-dominated. The fear which creates isolation and despair begins to diminish in thought and feeling. You are free to live the life you were born to live.

This is a bi-monthly series that will help those ready to clear at a higher level and embrace this transformative time we are living in. Join me and my special guest Kane who is the founder of the Clearing Institute as we discuss the processes of clearing the unseen forces as well as unresolved mental, emotional and etheric energies from our higher dimensional selves. Thus allowing higher levels of your own energy and consciousness.

Egospiritualism is a form of human consciousness which reflects an awakening on both the egoic and spiritual levels of our being. A person's healthy, in-balance ego is merging with their Divine Self to experience all of the goodness that they and life have to offer. It is not a religion, doctrine, or dogma, but honors all religions and faiths. An egospiritualist is any person who embraces and is working with the potentials existent within both their human self and Divine Self.