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Voices of Courage, June 20, 2023

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Voices of Courage
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Guest, Arielle Ford, An Expert In Love, The Courage to Walk into the Unknown With Love

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster

Guest, Arielle Ford, An Expert In Love, The Courage to Walk into the Unknown With Love

Love is the key to lasting happiness. But how do we find love? How can it be so elusive? What needs to change in us to be more loving? How can I attract my soulmate? Answers to these questions and more in, The Courage to Walk into the Unknown with Love.

Guest, Arielle Ford

Guest Name
Arielle Ford
Arielle Ford
Guest Occupation
Author and spiritual movement contemporary
Guest Biography


Arielle Ford is a leading personality in the personal growth and contemporary spirituality movement. For the past 30 years she has been living, teaching, and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is a celebrated love and relationship expert, author, speaker, and is the co-creator and host of Evolving Wisdom’s Art of Love series. Her mission is to help women Find Love, Keep Love and Be Love.

As the president of The Ford Group, Arielle was widely recognized as America’s foremost book publicist and was instrumental in launching the careers of many NY Times bestselling self-help authors including Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Neale Donald Walsch, don Miguel Ruiz, and Debbie Ford.  Arielle was the publicist for dozens of other top selling authors such as Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Louise Hay, Gary Zukav, Dean Ornish, Joan Borysenko,  Jorge Cruise, and don Miguel Ruiz. She is retired for the PR & marketing.

Arielle is a gifted writer and the author of eleven books including the international bestseller, THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction (published in 21 languages and 40 countries).

She has also written many groundbreaking books including Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate: A Practical Guide To Happily Ever After and Wabi Sabi Love: The Ancient Art of Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships, and  Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate.   Her latest book is Inkspirations, Love By Design: Coloring the Divine Path to Manifest Your Soulmate, the world’s first transformational coloring book.

A long-time “Student of Love,” Arielle regularly presents workshops around the world including England, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Kuwait, Canada, Romania, Ireland, Austria and Bali as well as personal growth centers such as Omega Institute, Kripalu, The Chopra Center, Esalen, Alternatives in London, AwesomenessFest, Celebrate Your Life, and many other prestigious venues..

Arielle has been called “The Cupid of Consciousness” and “The Fairy Godmother of Love.” She lives in La Jolla, CA with her husband/soulmate, Brian Hilliard and their feline friends. 

Voices of Courage

Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster
Show Host
Ken D Foster

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