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The UFO Report, September 26, 2023

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The UFO Report
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The War in YOUR World

The War in YOUR World

In a world gone mad with aggression, violence and destruction, how do we deal with the war in our own personal and interpersonal world?


Tonight we’ll discuss:

Where UFOlogy Got Stuck

The war in YOUR world: Using ‘Emotional Tai Chi’

Consciousness Workshop: When you make friends with yourself on the inside, you can make friends with the world on the outside.

More Confirmation of Meier’s 2017 Predictions

“Unexpected mutations” from popular Covid antiviral drug corroborate Meier

Escalation of War and Nuclear Threat

Lab-grown meat center in Brazil…

Fast-talking Dr. Shiva


We’ll also feature:

Meier’s writing for the Plejaren Sent Directly to Them

An interview with Brigitte de Roch

Elements of the Creation-energy teaching

The UFO Report

The UFO Report with Michael Horn
Show Host
Michael Horn

The singularly authentic Billy Meier UFO contacts are still ongoing in Switzerland…for over 80 years. They are the reason for the UFO cover-up because they reveal the truth about our real history, how humankind is enslaved by dead-end politics and utterly delusional religions, with their imaginary gods, saviors, saints, devils and demons. 

Authenticated by astronauts, US intelligence supervisors, NASA, aerospace, scientific, photographic, special effects, legal and other independent experts, the Meier contacts contain hundreds of incomparable, still irreproducible, pre-digital, UFO photos, films, video and an even higher standard of proof, i.e. over 250 specific, error-free examples of prophetically accurate scientific, environmental, geopolitical, medical and economic information. 

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