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Threshold Radio, March 18, 2017

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Threshold Radio
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Threshold Radio with Johnny Blue Star

For those curious about what life is like after death, this show reveals remarkable new human experience going beyond what has been commonly called the Near Death Experience, whose early research was developed by Dr. Raymond Moody and followed by his newer research into what is called the Shared Death Experience. In fact, in Paula Lenz experience, recorded in this interview on Threshold Radio, shows how a living person can plucked out of the realm of the living by a person now fully residing in the land of the Dead- in this case, her brother, Don. 

The event occurred during a time she was driving, still struck by unyielding and painful grief, testing her will to live and enjoy her life. At that time, she was safely driving when she was hurtled by her unexpected companion, the very brother she was mourning into a new world and entirely new perspective on life and death. It is a message of love, the grandeur of the mystical experience and a departure of the world view ascribing death to the end of human existence. As Kenneth Ring, Ph. D., author of Lessons from the Light and one of the founders of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), said, Paula Lenz’s book shows how the deepest grief can unlock the greatest spiritual treasures. 

The story of how the death of her beloved brother Don also provided her – and us – with incontrovertible evidence of life after death should convince any skeptic that we live after we die. 

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Threshold Radio

Threshold Radio
Show Host
Johnny Blue Star

Threshold Radio is a radio talk show postulating that personal connection to a Higher Power is the most profitable way of being connected to your life, your destiny and to the Source whose purpose is embodied in the nature of things. Threshold seeks to help the Seeker find his or her place in this world by adding another level of experience to one's daily activities and a true methodology of transforming the personal, business, social and political life of this world planet. Realizing that the ultimate connection to the Creator is between the Seeker and Divinity, Threshold provides whatever guidance it can to assist the listener in making that connection and how that connection can provide powerful spiritual and practical solutions to health, business and political challenges. In addition to this, Threshold explores threats to our intrinsic rights as spiritual beings, rights like personal privacy, liberty and pursuit of happiness and opportunity aligned with the American Constitution, the Declaration and the vision of our Founding Fathers. Threshold affirms that the torch of liberty should be held aloft to encourage peace and prosperity for all citizens of this planet. Regarding music as a potentially intrinsic bond between all peoples and cultures, it presents the work of songwriters, composers and performers to foster a healing connection to all people on planet earth. Threshold is a global media event with an outreach to all people of good will in a world struggling to be perfected

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