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Threshold Radio, January 28, 2017

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Threshold Radio
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THR 75 - The Embassy Move: Truth and Consequences Part 1

Threshold Radio with Johnny Blue Star

Johnny Blue Star & Hugo Rodier, an integrative physician with a concern for the political health of the citizens of the U.S.- discuss the thorny controversial move of the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel, its global implications and its challenges to the legal foundations of certain elements of International Law. Blue Star and Rodier present the religious reasons why East Jerusalem was projected to be the capital of Palestine- including a mention of the sacred sites on both the East and West areas of the Holy City. They then discuss Trump’s declaration of his intention to try and broker the peace and his choice of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner to handle the details. The fact that Jared Kushner is an orthodox Jew, whose family is close to Netanyahu, the current Prime Minister of Israel and whose family trust has significantly financed Israeli causes, including the hotly contested settlements by Israel in Gaza- does raise credibility as a significant emissary to serve the cause of peace in the region. The settlement issue is also discussed as an extremely contentious issue which opponents claimed to have violated various international agreements, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Hague Regulations of 1907 as well as various Security Council Resolutions. The pre-knowledge of the consequences of the move by the State Department was widely evidenced by the events immediately following the U.S. official declaration to move the Embassy. To listen to our shows.

Threshold Radio

Threshold Radio
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Johnny Blue Star

Threshold Radio is a radio talk show postulating that personal connection to a Higher Power is the most profitable way of being connected to your life, your destiny and to the Source whose purpose is embodied in the nature of things. Threshold seeks to help the Seeker find his or her place in this world by adding another level of experience to one's daily activities and a true methodology of transforming the personal, business, social and political life of this world planet. Realizing that the ultimate connection to the Creator is between the Seeker and Divinity, Threshold provides whatever guidance it can to assist the listener in making that connection and how that connection can provide powerful spiritual and practical solutions to health, business and political challenges. In addition to this, Threshold explores threats to our intrinsic rights as spiritual beings, rights like personal privacy, liberty and pursuit of happiness and opportunity aligned with the American Constitution, the Declaration and the vision of our Founding Fathers. Threshold affirms that the torch of liberty should be held aloft to encourage peace and prosperity for all citizens of this planet. Regarding music as a potentially intrinsic bond between all peoples and cultures, it presents the work of songwriters, composers and performers to foster a healing connection to all people on planet earth. Threshold is a global media event with an outreach to all people of good will in a world struggling to be perfected

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