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Threshold Radio, August 27, 2016

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Threshold Radio
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Threshold Radio with Johnny Blue Star

There are few people in the United States who have not been impacted by the 2015-2016 Presidential Campaigns. While their content has not gone unnoticed, attention by the public has been riveted by the success of two non-establishment political outsiders, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Whatever you may think of their actual policies, they have pointed to the widespread corruption in government, a product of billionaire and corporate financing of electioneering; the campaigns, resulting in part, of the economic downfall of America through destructive trade agreements. They have also pointed out the fact that the popular vote may not really have anywhere near the power they expect, particularly after the Colorado public primaries.  There have been many other aspects to these campaigns, not for their extreme contentiousness, name-calling and surrounding behavior in the rallies before and after recent debates.  But with all this attention, do the actual policies proposed by the various candidates actually make sense- guiding America to real prosperity and a safer world. This program features a  Round Table Discussion with Threshold Radio Host, Johnny Blue Star; Novelist/Attorney Kenneth Eade and Sarah Westall, Host and Producer of Business Game Changers on Conscious Business Radio- as they address the meat of proposals and policies and why, for the most part, they do not really solve problems connected with borders, citizen rights, economics, safety of our food, air, water and medicine and other grave national issues. The discussion focuses on issues like “The Wall,” deportation of 11 million undocumented Mexicans, the ban on Muslims from entering the country and his one association with a topic central to Bernie Sanders’ campaign, the free trade issues, the debate on health by Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Ken Eade is an attorney, novelist and environmental and human rights activist, who has devoted himself to the creation of two major novel series, the Brent Marks Legal Series and the Involuntary Spy Espionage Series. To learn more about Ken Eade and his books, go to His books are riveting calls to actions about serious social issues encompassed in dramatic, powerful, suspense novels.  Sarah Westall is the courageous host and producer of Business Game Changers, a radio show devoted to analyzing disruptive technology, paradigm shifts and big issues facing government and commercial enterprises through key interviews with the heads of companies, scientists and technologists involved in creating these powerful new realities. Learn more about her show at

Threshold Radio

Threshold Radio
Show Host
Johnny Blue Star

Threshold Radio is a radio talk show postulating that personal connection to a Higher Power is the most profitable way of being connected to your life, your destiny and to the Source whose purpose is embodied in the nature of things. Threshold seeks to help the Seeker find his or her place in this world by adding another level of experience to one's daily activities and a true methodology of transforming the personal, business, social and political life of this world planet. Realizing that the ultimate connection to the Creator is between the Seeker and Divinity, Threshold provides whatever guidance it can to assist the listener in making that connection and how that connection can provide powerful spiritual and practical solutions to health, business and political challenges. In addition to this, Threshold explores threats to our intrinsic rights as spiritual beings, rights like personal privacy, liberty and pursuit of happiness and opportunity aligned with the American Constitution, the Declaration and the vision of our Founding Fathers. Threshold affirms that the torch of liberty should be held aloft to encourage peace and prosperity for all citizens of this planet. Regarding music as a potentially intrinsic bond between all peoples and cultures, it presents the work of songwriters, composers and performers to foster a healing connection to all people on planet earth. Threshold is a global media event with an outreach to all people of good will in a world struggling to be perfected

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