Taming The Tida, September 27, 2018
Taming The Tida with Sharmin Smith and guest Ajay Matta
Guest, April and Ajay Matta

Ajay and April Matta have interviewed over 1200 entrepreneurs and have hundreds of client success stories! They are influential leaders who serve with excellence and integrity. Together they are a dynamic powerhouse of progressive brain power with innovative social media strategies and high energy, creating longevity, prosperity, and success!
They are former former insurance and financial professionals with over fifty years of combined sales and marketing experience. Their expertise includes insurance and money lending, to sales and online radio, media training, and social media marketing. For over ten years they owned a successful Property & Casualty and Life Insurance Agency and also originated mortgages back in the glory days.
In 2009, they sold the business and kissed their client files good-bye forever, and never looked back. Shortly there after, they got into the broadcasting world with ZERO experience and launched the highly controversial and very entertaining show Spiritually RAW 'The Ass Whipping Truth'.
Over the course of eighteen months they interviewed over 1200 people from around the globe, and built up a vast consulting clientele along the way. Since then they've helped countless entrepreneurs and authors turn the ideas in their head into valuable content, get more sales, close like a pro, and build dedicated customers.
Fast forward to today, they are back in the broadcasting world to interview the top thought leaders and marketing experts. Online marketing is the ultimate gateway to financial and personal freedom, and also the evolution into Ajay & April's ultimate mission...philanthropy.
Welcome to MISSION RICH Marketing.
“Together We'll Turn The Universal Key To Global Harmony and Create A Unified World”
HOSTS of The MISSION RICH Marketing Show
Die-hard entrepreneurs and media professionals April & Ajay(Jay) Matta headline the MISSION RICH MARKETING Show...rather self-explanatory. Entertaining and enlightening show featuring champion online marketers, entrepreneurial superstars, and influencers who've walked in your shoes, and made it to the top of their industry. The MISSION RICH MARKETING Show is for anyone who wants to write their own rules.
RAW insider secrets and revolutionary practices revealed. Leading industry experts weigh in on all things business and marketing, with a straightforward approach what it REALLY takes to make money, and how they did it. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. In understanding their methods to develop a better strategy and life for you.
Real-life factual information. Going from the trenches and surviving, to exploding their business and becoming RICH. Insights into how they make money online, marketing, social media, increase sales, entrepreneurship, funnel successes, affiliate marketing, creating traffic, email follow-up, content creation, digital courses, webinars, getting qualified appointments, conversions, and pitfalls to avoid.
The only question we have for you...HOW BAD DO YOU REALLY WANT IT?
Ajay Matta: 321-216-8047
Taming The Tida

Tida is a Hawaiian word for “Aggressive Female Personality Who Will Fight You”. You do not tame a Tida. Tida tames you. Sharmin believes..."There's is a little Tida in us all!"
Host, Sharmin Smith speaks on various topics to include the Environment, Homelessness, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Trauma, PTSD, Abortion, Death Penalty, DNA, Spirituality, Conspiracies, Trump, Putin, and much more. Sharmin wrote a book about uniting the nation and has watched her dream turn into a nightmare, and now it's time to take it back!
Sharmin has 20 years experience in the financial services industry, and want her hands on the US budget! Not only does she have solutions to the deficit, she is confident on how to slow the banksters roll. Sharmin is Pro-Choice because she knows what it’s like to be born to a mother who doesn’t want you, and a father who wants you for all the wrong reasons. Her parents were violent alcoholic pedophiles and her mother was a pro with a coat hanger.
Sharmin's mother had terminated multiple pregnancies -and not all her own. Her mother tried several times to terminate Sharmin -unsuccessfully, and told her throughout her life that she wasn't supposed to be here, but that wasn't the truth. The truth is Sharmin is meant to be here!
Sharmin supports the death penalty for pedophiles and believes that if we shine a light in the darkest corners of our society we can end this nightmare in our lifetime. She wants everyone to know that (the next massive land shifts are coming and) we have a rare opportunity right now to address our societal issues so that we ensure what survives is humanity. We absolutely cannot have pedophiles, rapists, and murderers heavily armed when real mayhem breaks loose.
The best way to show the parties that they do not control our country is to elect someone from outside the parties. Sharmin will share her views and impress to listeners, that she IS a solid option.