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Spiritual Activist, December 22, 2018

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Spiritual Activist
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Guest, Ray McGovern

Spiritual Activist with Rahasya Uncensored

Guest, Ray McGovern

Ray McGovern was a CIA analyst for over 25 years and has started talking about…well, everything from the CIA assassination of JFK, 911 being an inside job and all the black operations spending trillions of dollars that falls on the citizens of the United States as debt, which at this time they say is 22 trillion dollars. Ray makes everything very clear when it comes to the inner workings of our government, let me rephrase that…the workings of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. To explain this a little to those of you who don’t know that our government is a corporation, we lost control of our government as a sovereign nation starting way back in the 1800’s. There have been presidents that have fought this along with the illegal banking cartels, like Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln and JFK with no success and had an obvious downside for two of them. This is a little bit of a sore spot with me, I mean how did we as Americans let them assassinate our president on national TV and let them get away with it? Why is it that we turn a blind eye to all the children sold into sex slavery and passed out to pedophiles like treats. Why is it that some of the other people I’ve interviewed like Kevin Shipp who has given up everything to be a whistleblower and let us know what’s going on are looked at as conspiracy theorists and not given the appropriate attention? The answer to all these questions is “Apathy” and a very successful dumbing down of America through our educational system, drugs and mind control. What else would explain why 80% of the American population believe that we are not alone in the universe and are being visited and a long list of countries like Belgium, Mexico, Canada, and France and yet the government still denies all of this. It’s time to wake up…a very good book on the subject of America being a corporation is “You Know Something’s Wrong When…” available on Amazon. But it because it explained everything in detail.

Guest, Ray McGovern

Guest Name
Ray McGovern
Ray McGovern
Guest Occupation
Political Activist
Guest Biography

Ray McGovern leads the “Speaking Truth to Power” section of Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in inner-city Washington.  A former co-director of the Servant Leadership School (1998-2004), he has been teaching there for more than 20 years.  His current course is: “On the Morality of Whistleblowing”

Ray came from his native Bronx to Washington in the early Sixties as an Army infantry/intelligence officer and then served as a CIA analyst for 27 years, from the administration of John F. Kennedy to that of George H. W. Bush. Ray’s duties included chairing National Intelligence Estimates and preparing the President’s Daily Brief, which he briefed one-on-one to President Ronald Reagan’s five most senior national security advisers from 1981 to 1985.

In January 2003, Ray helped create Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) to expose the way intelligence was being falsified to “justify” war on Iraq. On the afternoon of the day (Feb. 5, 2003) Secretary of State Colin Powell misled the UN Security Council on Iraq, VIPS sent a blunt memorandum to President George W. Bush, in which VIPS gave Powell a C-minus for content. VIPS ended the memo with this:

“No one has a corner on the truth; nor do we harbor illusions that our analysis is irrefutable or undeniable [as Powell had claimed his was]. But after watching Secretary Powell today, we are convinced that you would be well served if you widened the discussion beyond … the circle of those advisers clearly bent on a war for which we see no compelling reason and from which we believe the unintended consequences are likely to be catastrophic.”

On July 20, 2002, CIA Director George Tenet had told his British counterpart that the “intelligence and facts were being ‘fixed’ around the policy of ‘regime change’ in Iraq.”  On June 5, 2008, Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Jay Rockefeller, announced the main conclusion of a five-year study by his committee, saying, “In making the case for war, the administration repeatedly presented intelligence as fact when it was unsubstantiated, contradicted or even nonexistent.”  In sum, the “intelligence” was not mistaken; it was fraudulent.

As an act of conscience, on March 2, 2006 Ray returned the Intelligence Commendation Medallion given him at retirement for “especially meritorious service,” explaining, “I do not want to be associated, however remotely, with an agency engaged in torture.”  He returned the medallion to Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R, Michigan), then-Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Hoekstra added to the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY’07 (HR5020) a provision enabling the government to strip intelligence veterans of their government pensions.  HR5020 passed the full House, but Congress opted instead for a continuing resolution.  Ray was thus spared from having to go back to driving part-time for Red Top Cab.

On December 11, 2014, Ray had an opportunity to tell Hoekstra exactly what he thought of Hoekstra’s Lone-Ranger attempt (he did not inform his House Intelligence Committee colleagues) to make it possible to revoke the government pensions of people like Ray.  He confronted the former Congressman off-air, after the two were interviewed live on CCTV’s “The Heat” about the Senate Intelligence Committee findings released on December 9, 2014 regarding CIA torture.  The interview itself offered Ray a unique chance to hold Hoekstra publicly accountable for condoning torture.  And the Michigan congressman rose to the occasion. (See minutes 8:15 to 10:41 of:

On the early afternoon of May 4, 2006, in Atlanta, Ray confronted Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on live TV with pointed questions like: “Why did you lie to get us into a war that was not necessary and that has caused these kinds of casualties?”

The impromptu, four-minute mini-debate that followed is still receiving hits on YouTube – Accused by TV pundits that evening of “following the Secretary of Defense all the way down to Atlanta,” Ray explained that he had gotten to Atlanta first – to receive, that same evening, the ACLU’s National Civil Liberties Award (won the previous year by Coretta Scott King).

Ray’s opinion pieces have appeared in many leading newspapers and other publications in the U.S. and abroad.

Ray still serves on the Steering Group of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. 

He has debated twice at the Oxford Forum, most recently in Jan. 2013, when he chose to take a lighter tone in trying to explain why it is still possible to dream the American dream.

Ray has appeared on The Newshour, C-Span’s Washington Journal, CNN, BBC, a number of domestic Russian TV channels, Aljazeera, RT, PressTV, CCTV and many other TV & radio programs and documentaries. Ray’s favorite gig was debating Iraq with yellow-cake-aluminum connoisseur and ex-CIA Director James Woolsey on Charlie Rose on Aug. 20, 2004. (See minute 17:48 when Woolsey plays the “anti-Semitic” card against Ray.)

Ray was in NYC with film-maker Robert Greenwald for the debut of his full-length documentary, Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War. Ray is often on the road, giving talks and interviews to a wide variety of audiences in the U.S. and abroad.

His B.A. and M.A. degrees – both from Fordham University – are in Russian history, language, and literature, with minor concentrations in theology and philosophy.  He also holds a Certificate in Theological Studies from Georgetown University and is a graduate of Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program.

A Catholic, Ray has been worshipping for many years with the ecumenical Church of the Saviour.  He has been invited to lecture at various interfaith and ecumenical events around the U.S., and has preached during services at a number of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues.

Ray is particularly fond of the “substitute teaching” he has been invited to do at local universities and colleges.  At George Washington University, though, he quickly wore out his welcome when he stood silently with his back turned toward then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  He was seized and badly beaten directly in front of Clinton while she spoke eloquently about the need for freedom of expression – in Iran.

Ray is fluent in Russian, German, and Spanish.  He and his wife have been married for 55 years; they have five children and nine grandchildren.

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Spiritual Activist

Spiritual Activist with Rahasya Uncensored
Show Host
Rahasya Uncensored, Rahasya Poe

NOTE: The Spiritual Activist Radio Show is a community supported non-profit project sponsored by the Charitable Partnership Fund so your contributions are what make this possible.

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This page is the beginning of me, Rahasya, telling it like it is, which is not meant for everyone in today’s sedated society. But if you are reading this you should bookmark this page and come back frequently because this is the “Uncensored” section of Lotus Guide where we are allowed to do that lost trait called “Thinking for Ourselves.”

I’m in the process of starting an Internet Live Radio show that will be a community supported non-profit endeavor once I can get my non-profit status.  To talk about the things that need to be talked about I need to be free of commitments to advertisers so it will be entirely a non-profit mission driven show.  The show will be called “Spiritual Activist Radio with Rahasya…Uncensored.”  The reason for this is because after many years of looking, and dealing, with life’s problems I have come to understand that they are by their very nature, “Spiritual” problems which means that the solutions need to be Spiritual solutions. When I use the word ‘Spiritual’ I could just as easily use the word “Consciousness.” 

Albert Einstein once said that we will never find the solutions from the same level of thinking/consciousness that created the problems.  I’m sure you have noticed that no matter what we do we end up making it worse or the situations connected to it worse.  Over the past few centuries the only thing we have progressed at is to come up with more efficient ways to annihilate each other and destroy the world around us.  Martin Luther King once said that “We have guided missiles and misguided souls.” 

We have cut ourselves off from the very nature around us that supports us and we need to reconnect. Without an evolution of consciousness…this will not happen.  The answers we seek lie within.

So we all need to be a “Spiritual Activist” which simply means that we need to take action in the world around us using a higher level of awareness. Our world leaders, sorry to say, are on legal and illegal drugs and for the most part are sociopaths making decisions about our lives.  It’s time to Wake Up from THEIR madness!

You are not alone when you get this feeling that something amazing is happening even in the face of all the chaos and destruction in our world. Our strength lies in our ability to come together with other like-minds and together we can and will change the world…Join Me and millions of others.

Thank you, Rahasya

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