School of Human Potential, May 7, 2014
School of Human Potential with Allen Vaysberg and special guests, Dophin Kasper and Susan Kasper on BBS Radio!
Guest, Dolphin Kasper

Dolphin grew up in Vancouver BC. For as long as he can remember he has been a passionate student of life and the human condition. He loves the opportunity to share and grow with people through his work and brings a clarity, sensitivity and playfulness to it. With over 15 years of experience coaching and facilitating workshops to tens of thousands, Dolphin is a beautiful combination of insight and action. He is constantly inviting others to join him in a more authentic life; the one that we all are here to live.
“I do this work because of my strong belief and trust in each person’s ability to heal, grow and live a deeply satisfying life. We cannot do it all, or fix everything. We can, however, do the good that is there to be done in this moment. In that, we can be the ripple that touches the entire surface of the earth “ ~ Dolphin Kasper
Guest, Susan Kasper

Susan grew up in NYC, where she taught teens in a Brooklyn ghetto. She has been facilitating workshops, retreats, and individual sessions for over 35 years. She has over 10 years of extensive training in Gestalt Therapy, Encounter, Rebirthing, and several yoga and meditation techniques. Susan has parented 3 children, who are all thriving and vibrant adults. She has also fostered teens at risk. Throughout her life she has sought insight, mentors, and experiences that have broadened her abilities and depth of humanness.
This is what Susan has to say about her work:
“All of the workshops and offerings of EVOLVE NOW are based on the premise that it is within each of us that the greatest treasures in this world are to be found. Inside, we find rest, tranquility, real happiness and satisfaction. In that place lives the genuine confidence in our innate value as human beings. We are able to become benevolent authorities in our lives. In that way we become a gift to everyone and everything we touch.”
School of Human Potential

Becoming a well-rounded person in our modern society is no easy task, never mind finding your true purpose in the process. Thus at “School of Human Potential” radio program we invite world renowned experts for a discussion on how to achieve both and lead a healthy, wealthy and fulfilling life. Topics are all over the Mind, Body & Spirit spectrum and guests range from Lisa Williams to Yakov Smirnoff and everyone in between. Listen live, call in and allow us to help you reach your full potential!