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Saving with Steve, September 7, 2021

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Isabel Leong and Tina Ginn

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Isabel Leong and Tina Ginn

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place Welcome To Die saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton<br>saving with you so we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun and release of you having a happier healthy relationship with money my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining us appreciate you sharing this with your friends family and Associates were well over 600,000 listeners were very thankful for that today we have a wonderful show for you it's really interesting a lot of people don't know this about me but about fifteen years ago had about a colon cancer tumor stopped at the old coal in the whole shot but when I got into the hospital and realize I was going to recover I kind of realize it I was completely unprepared or had my family I'm prepared for this on top of that every day we hear about tragedies covid someone's getting murdered you find that a friend has a medical emergency or some unexpected other tragedy while we have paid again she's a financial expert best-selling author podcast<br>talk about those financial taboos including preparedness strategies for medical emergencies son death and unexpected tragedy America to keep moving on with our travel special as you know we had Wayne Dunlap he and his wife had her the number one rated travel bloggers in the world for Travelocity and we had Chris plus she's the group when it comes to reducing travel and now we have Isabelle Leon is going to go by Bell or Isabel<br>yeah, it's about some of my friends they like to call me just so you know my understanding Isabella is<br> you've been traveling since 2015 around the world is that so what countries have you been to Styles ranging from my travel experience really because I bought that one way to get to pranks to do my school exchange for a semester and that was what really kick start my whole journey as a kid family we used to go on trips around Asia around Australia about once or twice a year during the school holidays so that really everything at around age I've been around Asia in around Europe most of Central America and Central Europe in West Europe I was doing that as a student and I was traveling so<br> oh and I didn't budget since then I've been around the US and right now I'm in South America country in South America and I did it is really exciting thing that I get to do this in South America this year because it wasn't totally unexpected like the one that hid and so really there were no plans to travel at all to being able to be here and spending the next few months are on South America traveling it's really going to be very exciting in Columbia right now is that right yeah that's that's really cool me personally I used to travel a lot for business so I've been to South Africa Australia and New Zealand most of Europe Canada Pacific Rim a few other places but nothing where I've had the opportunity to sit down there and just hang out and get to know it done that a couple times and it was a<br> great experience I've looked at your website and there's a lot of great tips there we're looking at moving out of this post pedantic world I mean people are getting an itchy trigger finger to travel other try to figure out what they want to do when it comes to World Travel what's the best advice for somebody who's looking to get started to do that are going on that dream adventure to look at the kinds of experiences that somebody is wanting to do like what is going to cities like or if he wants to do or maybe it's going to the mountains so from there you can narrow down the types of travel preferences you like and then figure out a budget that works for you because different countries have different cost of living in different expenses and so you can narrow it down even more from their trick that I really like to use is to go on Google site<br> do they have this Explorer feature we're basically you have your Point of Departure which is where ever you at in now and you just clicked Explorer it actually give you a wide array of different routes line from your Point of Departure and you can adjust the slider based on your budget so if you want a slice to be under $500 and they will show you a different flight routes that go from your country that you're flying out from saying is if they had since we could explore they'll have the ability to look at all the different flights that are going somewhere so they can actually just kind of burned out put it up on the wall and throw a dart and say I want to go there and then they can say hey you know what I'd like to do it for less than $500 and they will show some routes that you can take this chick within your budget<br> and it's really respond sister is very easy to just explore the destinations you can go to way to navigate that I have Lyft in Japan where and I'm very local Mountainside town where nobody speaks a word of English and and now in the past 6 months I've been traveling through Costa Rica and Mexico and now in Columbia I've had really travels with communicating with people because I don't speak the language and so I mean it's kind of language but Google translate really works wonders you can just download the app you can download the language that you want to translate to offline and even if you're in destinations where there's no cell service you can just use it offline and there is this conversation<br> Glastonbury you can just speak and it will translate and then the other person was speaking a foreign language and you'll translate that into the English or whatever language that's wonderful I love to cheat like that you can just find your camera at the label off a product of something in the foreign language and it instantly translate in the chamber view Precinct a boy back in the late 80s I traveled to Spain to help set up a big business deal I thought my Spanish was good enough but it turns out it's like you go to Mexico into Spanish this is a little more of a slain compared to Spain because it's the king Spanish so I did a very poor job of trying to translate with somebody else was saying and I didn't do too<br> well but when it came to food I was thinking you know what I'll just go make something you know the little flat they have for me and all that stuff and I didn't realize I got the wrong one I just thought it was the right one and it was the one that was really spicy and didn't work out for my stomach for a couple days station I don't want to be lost like that a quick little break and we're going to come right back but first I just want to thank our sponsors score did you know the average American is 97 points they can add to their credit score with no idea and how to get them the data science is a score massive crack the code on how adding 97.5 found money that means fast loan approvals huge discounts lower<br> straight on everything from buying or refinancing a home that leasing a new car to applying for a credit card how fast is choremaster one member raise their credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple weeks scoremaster so easy and just takes a minute if you hurry you can get scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free and see how many plus points you can add your credit score so go to score saving saving again that's for saving more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton I want to talk about the ins-and-outs of money we have is Italian food in Columbia talking to is about wonderful travel tips to talk to us about Google flights Google translations which could save your stomach just like it would have been for me too bad it's about 15 years too late but that's the way it goes now since I do have is this<br> there's some times where I had wonderful experiences where I got to know a couple local people how do you go about getting local recommendations where's the best place to find those recommendations so you find great restaurant maybe hotel or entertainment and or even travel suggestions<br> I would say the first point of contact whenever I go to the far destination would always be the accommodation and so as much as I can I try to stay and local neighborhood I'll try to stay with a local holes you could go buy Airbnb to find a local hose one travel tip that I recently came across this that the destinations at least in Latin America they do a lot of renting off their properties on Facebook group it's been really eye-opening is change the way I booked a combination of knew about this you can lie is that me with the host on Facebook group and radio work out a price and so usually this is much much much cheaper than going through third-party platforms like Airbnb where they were mock-up the price with that Beast to answer your question yeah this would be my first point of contact<br> speaking to the local halls favorite restaurant restaurant local would the best mode of transportation so far with this house that I'm staying with no ID for everybody thinks that Uber has the cheapest way to get around but actually if you haven't been to Latin America is pretty well known in in Mexico and in Columbia getting a text to and fro as much people on this app then on Uber for instance I'll try to join local Facebook groups as well for example in Columbia in a couple of digital Nomad jobs and they always recommended or best sushi restaurants around I mean I could go research it on different websites but what better way to learn than from people that actually list and have extra<br> the counter here when we were in Rome my wife did her best to speak the language because we had a Crazy Taxi Driver and my wife said an Italian I'm going to throw up if you don't slow down and he started laughing because we're we're we're going to have lunch because I take you to a place best lunch ever had your life I was less expensive than most of the places we ate there it was one of those things where the owner actually medicine is really nice and he just too. Take care of you I've never seen my wife and daughters fight over dessert before at a restaurant but it was great so I don't like the great ship no one of the big issues is and I travel overseas and I've used a specific credit card and I actually prefer a debit card cuz the charges aren't really there but what's the best way to handle a different currencies cuz you're in Columbia now if you go to Mexico or some other place you're going to be looking at different curry<br> does your drama Nations different exchange rate so what's the best way to deal with that everywhere I go I got the chance to use it I have been stuck on it because I withdraw money to this wise account let me tell you what it is it's the account you ever since I started using it this car allows you to spend in over 200 countries in the local currency and so it's been very easy the best thing I liked about it and that piece of very low it's one of the lowest when it comes to sending and receiving money and also they use the local currency currency exchange rate it doesn't match any of the exchange rate conversion so if I was changing in Mexican pesos and I had USD<br> in my account they would use the most cost-efficient exchange rate to to charge if the US dollar wasn't that way they would use my Euro to exchange to pay the equivalent of the Mexican peso dollar or the British pound or the Australian dollar to do the exchange for you because it's going to be better for you yeah clients of different currencies so it's been really very easy for me to transfer money to even to my assistance from other countries in an Indonesian Rupiah in Euro and US dollar different cards<br> all over the world okay so let's talk about internet connections is it usually the hosts house that you're staying out and has a great internet connection and that's where you do all your work or how do you operate that way like a Hot Topic among people who work remotely job and asked to go on constant calls with that company they would have to have constant connection where is funny because I manage my own time and my own business and most of the time that I can work that I do I don't have to constantly be on calls. It's been pretty flexible the way I filled my business and so usually I'm able to work out of my home or if I fancy I'd like to go to the cafe to work for a different environment that was this particular case in the last three<br> I was actually in a beach house in Puerto Escondido Mexico everyone before going there because it was there a Relentless and two is going to be the bane of all remote work that's because the Wi-Fi there is no capital of Mexico and I want a beach break we went there the first location we had eaten by that was fine but then when we moved our second apartment best Wi-Fi speed from a scale 1:200 developed countries you would probably have maybe at least 50 and above the current one I have is in meta-gene is 20 and the one ahead in Puerto Escondido you can imagine how it was for me to work I was constantly<br> say that because things wouldn't load one way that I found out that was to go to the Internet cafe like Selena is a popular one at the co-working space where I go get high-speed internet to get things done but apart from that I mean it's been good that most of my work clothes my businesses have been awesome 8 that it's nice I do have this down time where I actually have time to read because my Internet isn't working and Netflix isn't working so if it's a nice break for me from having to constantly be on my computer at the moment I wake up someone when I see her all the time but I'm just thinking here I said there's so many people that are probably driving along you know it's 11 in the morning or one or two or three or whatever it is listen to her she'll go on you know what<br> Isabel's living the dream she's traveling the world she's working she's making a living and she's seeing things that we all want to see but haven't and you've just told us hey this is how I do it that's how I make my life work and this is how I experienced my joy my fun so I want to say kudos to you and thanks for being of the kind of a role model and what I would like to know is how can people get ahold of you if they want to be use you as an SEO code where do they connect with you to get travel tips cuz I know you're a rabid blogger is because with SEO you're able to go there traffic organically without pay for it to be able to do that so if you want to get ahold of me I am on Bell around the wall. Call you can find me on every single social media platform out there I'm most active<br> on Instagram so if you really want to see my day-to-day Life as a kid you don't know Matt or my Avengers and managing and Columbia and Beyond I'm going to Bolivia next on my website also has this free SEO course if you guys are interested to learn more about SEO and learn how to automate your business I want to thank you so much for being here at the Bell around the world, if you'd like to get hold of Isabel keep up the travel I'd love to have you back. Just to hear about where you been in the next couple months is that okay I'm in Columbia stay safe and stay healthy okay go around the world we're going to take a quick little bacon when you're right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tuna to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton while wasn't Isabella Lyon wonderful show me she's just living the dream she's traveling all over the world she's working have a good time it's just wonderful out by the way I want to see y'all for tuning in I appreciate you letting your friends and family members know about the show all the replays are available at saving with Steve. Us at saving with Steve. Us if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information and inside and saving this deep then I encourage you subscribe to our Apple play our Spotify so you never missed a show and you can check out all of our Affiliates of UK Health radio BBS radio talk radio New York City e360 TV and all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirits and live a life of personal financial Freedom also follow us on Facebook<br> doing the shaving with Steve Sax in the Insiders Club at sitting with Steve. Us it all our replace exclusive access to our after show videos guest gives to take your life to the next level today we're going to be talking about the state of retirement in America many Americans spend their entire life working hard for retirement boards and dreaming it means being strategic focus on saving money and other things the average retirement in America's age 66 or did the Gallup poll back in the 1990's is actually 60 while Americans life expectancy average is 78.7 years and that's a good twelve years more. Enjoy your life after work and hopefully this more paste the big issues we have almost 48 million Americans according to the US Census over 65 with an average income of<br> free $8,500 an average net worth of $170,516 with numbers like that can be challenging how are you going to plan your money but if you look at life expectancy many people are living till her eighties and ninety according to Social Security ministration a healthy 65 year old has a very good chance of living to age 86 a 65 year old male can lift age 84 so older adults should shave retirement that can last twenty or thirty years depending on when you retire your fortunately Americans seem to be taking the possibility of a longer life and heart or did you study the 81% of Americans are shifting assets and preparing for a longer life than their ancestors did by reducing expenses find secure life insurance maximizing their contributions when a big issue that is happening nowadays<br> is on the flip side of planning for a longer life there's a trend of Americans are dipping into the retirement funds early survey shows 44% of Americans are taking money out of their plans taking money out of your retirement plan early<br> usually comes with financial penalties the most financial advisors are fighting as a consultant advised against it the reality is also according to the TransAmerica Center 77 Americans working have the saving for retirement through employer-sponsored plan however that means only 33% of workers without any real retirement saving so they might be working for the rest of their life really is despite having 77% of Americans have retirement plans. Just don't have enough stage for actual spending their post-retirement wife the same level work they are in fact the government accountability office<br> the average person's between the ages of 55 and 64 I only have $107,000 that would translate into about 300 Dancewear 23 or $30,000 if you are invested in inflation-protected annuity the other things you might not be able to count on Social Security because according to Social Security Administration it's only guarantee funding l23 5 when we looking at 14 years away that means people who are already taking Social Security will have a reduction people who are expected to take it might not even get paid and the reason for this is Americans age 65 or older by 2035 it'll go from 56 million people the 78 million people that means we still have the same pool of money but more people get her from it the other thing that happens with retirement and some people get Big Air Force too early in the retirement and this usually happens with health issues things like that but 50% of retired people<br> they retired the quicker than they spot because of layoffs caregiving responsibilities Builder aged parents unexpected change in their financial situation and how the reality is in order to keep your living at Dad's or Lysol working you need to have anywhere from 500000 to 1000000 Dollar Shave in order to finance the retirement pay for in addition to that 70% of Americans over 65 for the US Department of Health and Human Services will need some sort of assisted living currently that Assisted Living cost about $4,051 a month and I will double for long-term nursing homes that does include other costs that's why many other adults are opting for some sort of long-term care is young people actually think they can retire early before they're sixty but that typically changes when they turn Thirty and they realize hate life's little more expensive than I thought so what is this all means<br> is your five to ten years away from retirement take the time to analyze retirement understand how much you'll need to live travel have fun in your own retirement added inflation tax it rejected medical expenses want you to find the expense number to track how much you're going to receive from guaranteed income like pensions and Social Securities and then you'll come up with a number that you need to withdraw from your investment after that just want to start savings you know the numbers you know the goals you want to start shaving make sure you get it filled in give you an example one of my clients husband's getting $82,000 for a pension between a social security to know the 31 so they have $113,000 expense is there going to be about a hundred fifty thousand but they saved $890,000 in their investment account so they only need to take out 4.2% or $37,000 a year inflation is<br> adjusted in order to have the life they they want but here's the thing they realize that they're going to need to show up another $40,000 over the next five years in order to make sure they have the retirement of their dreams so you know what I hope this makes sense you want to make sure you're taking the right steps if you don't know how go find a Financial Consultant or financial advisor you can help you put your situation in that place this segment was brought to you by score wonderful group did you know the average American is 97.2 can add to their credit score but no idea how to get them the data Sciences at scoremaster crack the code on how adding 97 points your credit score is like found money means fast loan approvals huge discounts low interest rates on everything from buying or refinancing a home the leasing a new car to applying for a credit card how fast is 4<br> member raise your credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in two weeks scoremaster so easy it's about minute to get started and if you hurry you can try to score massive her free that's right I scrum mastering for free and see how many Flex Points you can add your credit score again that score dating advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton welcome back about the ins-and-outs of money I just want to just write what a lot of people don't realize or even know about me is about 15 years ago I had about a colon cancer the reason why it was a sudden type thing is because I was in excellent shape I was a guy who worked out all the time I bought was 36 I had body fat at 7 you know I look like the Adonis obviously don't look like that now but that's the way it goes and I started having some issues with going to the bathroom and it actually went on for about two weeks before you finally went to the hospital and I had to have emergency surgery where they had to remove the tumor in the colon and I had like 13 packed up behind there a fluid it was about a six-hour procedure when I finally woke up and my<br> family and I already left everything and the doctor told me he said you got here four hours later I probably wouldn't be on the show because he said either had a tumor that had grown into your organs and you were going to stage 4 instead of a stage 2 or you would have went through renal failure because there was so much fluid backed up so you cuz you're just really lucky but the reality is when I sat there and realize what was going on and I looked at what is happening with my family I realize we were completely unprepared for what could have happened what did happened we were lucky to get through it but you could have been a lot better and right now you look at the news everyday you talk to your friends you hear about the covid as someone's getting murdered on TV at the car accidents sudden emergencies from friends and family members that you now these things you need to get prepared for but the reality is nobody really talks about him cuz they do<br> don't want to deal with the fact that he might die or something bad might happen that's why we have Tina can hear she's a financial expert best-selling author I know she has a podcast she talks about those financial taboo topics including prepared to strategies for medical emergency Sundance unexpected tragedy Gina thank you so much for being on the show I mean we have 650,000 people on the show many of them are close to retirement in the middle having families summer retired and they're going to get so much out of this because just for my own experience it was just like I couldn't believe how unprepared we were it was just scary and when I was even going through chemo I realized whether people have a lot of money a little money good looking good shape whatever they just don't know what they don't know and if they don't know what they don't know they don't know what have questions to make food in for my name<br> so thank you for being here appreciate your being on her show all thank you thank you Steve thank you so very much I always loved to ask what your backstory is how did you get started with Havanese tough conversations with people what was behind all that<br> well you know I I created an app called you back up plan and it real<br> started from just like your story a friend of mine who had just turned 60 had gotten lung cancer but she didn't know she had lung cancer like yourself she had a cough and her husband had called me and said I just dropping Kathy off at the hospital can you pick her up after her tests are complete I said Absolutely I'll bring her home for you to make a long story short he called me and said she won't be coming home he has stage 4 lung cancer and she has to stay in the hospital<br> so I would go and visit her and as you know it's scary it's so scary that when you have the elevator doors open in front of you your vision most all please God let her be better than yesterday<br> and of course it's deteriorating very quickly each day and I went in with a cup of tea always brought her a real good cup of tea because you know the hospital stuff and you know it's these little things in life that make a difference when when you're stuck in there and we went inside out on the patio at one point in her six weeks that she had she sent you know Tina I just want to hear the birds I want to see the blue sky and I want to feel the breeze on my face<br> and I said oh my gosh that took me back because nothing else matters at that point you just want to be present you want to be with person you want to be helping in the Murray cover or you want to be helping them be there in the last moments you want to be there you don't want to be worried Kathy where is your bank account where is your Investments at how do I get into your house that has anyone fed your dog or cat yet all of these problems we shouldn't have in those moments we should be present and we should be in the moment to really be available to the person because it's only love that's going to make the person either feel better or recover faster or it's not going to be stressed<br> it's not going to be worried and it's not going to be fighting amongst the rest of the family either because that's what you get when you're not prepared and that moment took me to create it out to say people need to be better prepared and let's take an example of the condo collapse in Florida recently where they prepared no we didn't know it was going to happen is it faith that certain people survived in certain people didn't certain people didn't go to the building at that moment<br> I don't know but are we prepared I don't think any of us are prepared we're not prepared for a tragic earthquake we're not prepared for a wildfire with the what would you take what would you Grab & Go when you're giving up 5-minute evacuation notice and I'll tell you everybody if you're given a five-minute vacuolation notice you should feel blessed that you are given that because in a lot of circumstances we are not given five minutes before that car accident a hold on the second don't hit me yet I'm not ready<br> you know it doesn't happen like that it doesn't happen the condo doesn't collapse and say you have 10 minutes to get out nobody is prepared we don't know where our documents are we say all welded might be in that drawer that closet that filing cabinet is it still there is it in a safe is it at the bank who knows but we all say oh don't worry it's all together and it's never is so I put together an app to be better prepared for anyting whether the wildfire that takes your house you be able to find you art collection on your app you be able to find your jewelry collection on your app you be able to find anything for insurance purposes because insurance companies going to ask you what did you have<br> do you have any receipts do you have any photos well no it's all birds in that house so so that's where I was at and even with the condo collapse now all those families are having to find the objects that they are finding who do they belong to how do you know what your mom and dad have how do you know what your aunt have how do you know what your sister has it<br> I don't know if they're ever going to know who belongs to what and I seen that before I used to be with the AAA the automobile club out in California and the reality is the insurance companies are to replace things but if they have no idea what it is how can I replace it if you have an art collection that's worth some money and it hasn't been appraised or documented how do they know what it is and how can they actually put a value on it it's really very very hard the fires up in the wine country area few years back one of our clients basically had whole video of the house knew everything had it all documented the replacement cost was close to million dollars and because they had all the documents are there was one of the first ones to get a check they don't have to worry about stuff they haven't been here it is and it was simple as easy I totally get that and on the other end when you talk about what you<br> car accident how can people help you if they don't know how to help you and one of the best things ever heard from the lawyer and I love that app situation there is because this he would say he need to put your power of attorney in your glove box cuz they're going to go look through it when they find it they're going to give a call to the person who can make decisions for you and sad one of my clients who actually had a stroke in her car at 2 in the morning basically they ran through there and they got ahold of her physician and he actually came down the hospital in manager can tell she was ready to go back home but they wouldn't have any idea how to do that if they couldn't find the document right and that's why I love the app to somebody can just say hey<br> go to the app absolutely and there's so much unclaimed money it's growing every day because we don't know if there are other Investments out there that Aunt Sally had is there more bank accounts out there that we are unaware of what about her willpower returning all those documents it's all fine and dandy to have them but if you don't know where they are what's the purpose of having funeral arrangements done if you don't know where they were done or what was done and so it's awesome to have it all in one place so that<br> your guest user whoever you choose that being your guest and have access to that information helps guide you through like an assistant me to complete the section now a more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show we're going to be talking about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune into the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton C-section were talking about the ins-and-outs of money I want to thank you all for joining us today during this with your friends family and Associates we have over 600,000 listeners were very thankful for that right now we're talking to Gina Jen again you know if you're just joining us unexpected tragedy happen all the time you hear about people passing away you hear about people have an enlarged heart that they never knew for decades they got for run their passing away and all the sudden this husband on his wife is leaving their spouse and three kids and it's a mess because they don't have things like trust Wheels taxes and stuff like that it's just so interesting and Gina's here just got this Back-up Plan app and I'm going to have her walk through it one more time<br> and I want to ask her to just talk about what things people should have on a backup app or place at somebody can go to the information that's required so they can get help if you're near mid-fifties you obviously got a parent or maybe you do but if you do my parents are 85 there's going to come a time when our mental things start to dissipate it's just life in the reality is one day you're going to realize they don't know where they are and how are you going to be able to help them financially how you going to help them with help if they need a long-term care policy all that kind of good stuff so I would love for you to speak about that and help our audience understand the type of things that they're going to need in the backup app or just have somebody being able to get ahold of his supposed to put in a safe deposit box key on the shelf and say it's over there but not tell him where the bank is<br> that's exactly yet or make funeral arrangements and not tell them where the funeral is you know it's crazy because we all think I did my funeral arrangements and it's all hunky-dory but hey where is it I have so many clients that sat by the edge of the bed up their mom and said called me and said Tina what do I ask<br> how do I get this information from but the problem is when they're lying in bed like that and they're passing it's too late because when someone gets to be that sick they are fighting death so they feel definitely they're not going to die so why are you asking me this question why do you want to know I'm not dying they haven't come to an idea that the other person may need to know this information I find it's too late you need to do it when you're a good sound mind you need to have that family conversation with others whether it's your brother or sister family friend<br> best girlfriend best guy friend whatever it is sit in the man cave it doesn't matter I have that family conversation and you can use my worksheet to go down the list and make those tick marks fill in the blanks and that way you've asked all those pertinent questions what do you want do you want to be cremated cremated there's a lot of people out their families that argue and fight over little objects like a cup and saucer they have they fight over lamon didn't want this mom wanted that there's so many questions and so on our podcast we talk aboot these are all taboo subjects that no one wants to talk about but we try to make it fun and we put them in sections so all you have to do is go<br> down each section filling your will power of attorney your living well representation agreement whatever it might be called in your country or state you go down the list and you create photos of your rooms for insurance purposes you go down the list and you put in your medical information if you're sitting at the doctor's office you pull up your phone and you say I'm going to the doctor for this cough and here click here is a picture of my prescription so you're logging it all for yourself as well as whoever's going to be looking up to you at some point whether it's a spouse or family member still have that information no Mom tried that prescription it didn't work or she tried it three years ago I can see it in the list<br> so you're better I want to give you the empowerment note to know what you have to understand what you have what is your life insurance policy look like how do you understand it how do you how do you know when the premiums going up how do you know when it's ending how do you know do I want it to end maybe I wanted to continue what about disability what do I have work there so many questions and they're all encompassed in the app I think it's great that you have the ability for people to put in the name of their advisers such as financial advisor their turn either CPA that way if somebody still alive they can know where they have to go to bring the power of attorney to them so they can start helping with those decisions when I was going through chemo one couple that I talk<br> I called the second track where he had a high stage cancer but he been going to oncologist oncologist in the ecologist I went to doctor while it was probably the 3rd or 4th one but she made all the financial decisions for his wife and all she did was write the check but he said he tell you how about all this stuff once I get past his first procedure and the reality is the first procedure follow along with medication and Therapies in his mind was just too cloudy to do any of that so it was a lucky shot that I was actually there to help her understand that stuff but most people aren't that lucky and the other thing is you know you have kids that are looking to take care of their beloved their parents to go see him from time to time and they don't realize how things are when it's a depreciating her curating and all the sudden one day they're like oh my God and I've been with people where it actually told me you need to go through all that files that you gave him a hard time for for not throwing away or shredding<br> and I had somebody actually found a half-million-dollar policy will actually there's three different people where I know they have found tons of money that Mom and Dad just forgot about in fact they were getting extra support from the state because of they have to have a low income in low acid it turns out they have a lie ass it's just that Mom Dad forgot about<br> a lot assets I mean there's like five or six million dollars like wow I totally understand what's going on but it's just crazy how people don't quite understand there's things that they just need to do in my feeling is this if you own something and love somebody you play it The Back-up Plan app and what you're talkin about Gina is exactly what people need to be doing in this day and age that's for sure and you know Steve if we go back to Little House on the Prairie time what did they do they sell brown paper and they wrapped up their documents and typing Titan they shut them in the Attic or in the rafters in the basement and said everybody knew that's where the documents were what do we do now<br> we don't even know where this we we don't we don't know where it is if somebody said you have five minutes to get out grab your documents who has not ready but if you're with your Back-up Plan you have it already it's already done for you you only have to update it every year you know and there's a fun section of it to do with the treasure box where you can start putting things into that you're leaving that Legacy to those that you love behind as well you know what might be shirt has your perfume on it it might be artwork that you've done or music or a video that you've done and you like to do one every year or whatever that means favorite recipes that grandma made you're going to pass that on you know all of those things that the poor people in the condom collapse lost they lost<br> their life is lost all the background to everything that their grandparents and their grandparents have so it makes you make all those Tech marks for all of those boxes<br> on The Back-up Plan. You know I looked at it but I didn't get really deep into it and people save pictures they're yes so you don't you don't actually have to put in account numbers and you know actual account numbers but we need to know what branch you were at what bank you're at and once you go there you'll find out what the accounts are so you can stay secure you can just click on the picture on your phone take a picture of a policy you can take a picture of your will and then put a note weird in<br> so that you can update that and you'll get notified all the time about is it up to date you want to get it up to date you'll be notified so it's like you're having it all prepared for you that's wonderful I want to thank you for being on the show today the information you've been part of his wonderful and everybody needs to know about it because a lot of people just don't want to think about the phone call I'm going to make right after this is somebody just like that so do they just go to your Back-up Plan. Com to get the want to work with you as a consultant to coach how do they get ahold of you at the same place or<br> we have a Facebook group page that they can join as a VIP so that even if you don't personally talk to me you can talk to others you know there's lots of people that are going to be asking or or adding in oh I just discovered this or I have a question about Aunt Sally and so there are there's a real communication Community page is wrong as well as on your back-up plan you can message me you can email me as well we will have the emerging blueprint which has a membership program designed just for people to have all the worksheets have a library videos that they can go and listen to for 10 or 20 minutes and really get better informed and be empowered to understand what is it they need to understand that's when you don't know you don't know<br> good decision I want to thank you for being with us today I hope that you're safe and healthy and I'd like to have you back sometime in the future to talk about this again cuz this is a message that needs to continue to go out thank you so much thank you already have a great day by Steve thank score did you know the average American is 97 points to add to their credit score but no idea how to get them the data scientist scoremaster of crack the code on how adding 97.06 credit score is like found money it means fast loan approvals huge discounts low interest rates and everything from buying or refinancing a home to leasing a new car to applying for a credit card how fast is scoremaster one Memories the credit score 33 points in just five days pay another 43 points at a couple of weeks by scoremaster it's so easy takes about a minute<br> and if you hurry you get to try scoremaster for free that's right I score for free and see how many plus points you can add to your credit score to go to score savings that score savings again that's core saving I want to thank Isabel Leon to talk to us about the great travel to look at and admired for being able to travel the world which is your dream and still run around business take the heart that do you know the status of retirement and American what you can do and I want to thank you again for just talking to us about The Back-up Plan in case something unexpected happened will look forward to seeing right here on saving with Steve next week safety healthy thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve.<br> US Vets saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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