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Saving with Steve, September 14, 2021

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Steve Severaid and Chris Klesh

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Steve Severaid and Chris Klesh

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K is risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton

thing under the centrally do you having a happier or healthier relationship with money I want to thank you for joining us my name is Steve Sexton appreciate you sharing this with your friends family.

Six hundred thousand followers today we have a wonderful show how would you like to go on vacation in your dream those vacations are typically a little daunting and sometimes waiting on her but don't worry we have Coach Chris that's Chris class here to talk to you about the Insiders tip tricks to do on that dream vacation without breaking the bank sometimes as much as 90% off you want to stick around for that part of the interview there were to be talking about how to generate tax-free income in retirement and on the first half of the show we're going to have Steve separate we've got the West Coast wildfires it's that season many homeowners are at risk they're worried about how they can rebuild their lives at the disaster strikes weather insurance will try to have fun for the repairs expert Steve separate from the Greenspan company adjusters International acts as advocates for insurance falling disastrous situation that panel hundreds of wildfire claim earthquakes I'm too many other were to be talking

what home owners going to do to avoid the big pitfalls and filing claim that their property laws and now an insurance regulation means to homeowners with homeowners can do now to get best prepare them for dealing with the insurance to the Future there's a lot of things going on with wildfires disastrous the holeshot you want to stick around for this one I would like to introduce you to Steve Chevrolet Steve welcome to the show I'm glad you're here

thanks for having me Steve really appreciate it yeah you know what you know what the hell I think people would like to start out with no besides knowing that you have a great dinner wonderful background and experience it's what is a public adjuster because you're a public adjuster for grief & Company International gestures I got that right adjusters International out of the Run sorry about that and how can I help you do your homeowner save money if they have a claim a lot of people have never heard of a public adjuster somebody's it's licensed by various State Department of Insurance to represent the policyholder never the insurance company so just as you have an insurance company that brings out an adjuster either an employee of the insurance company or they hire what's called an independent adjuster which doesn't make him independent at all actually because they report the insurance company in and work for the insurance company the opportunity of ballet

scale with the insurance company Alder experts by bringing in their own that for the public adjuster who advocates for their interest exclusively in preparing presenting an ultimately negotiating the claim to get the best benefit from the insurance policy purchase okay so let's let's just talk about some of the pitfalls that people have nowadays especially when they're looking at Lovelace just go through the I'll tell you what I know somebody that we talked to you earlier than we talked about early in the week that has been with their carrier for 35 years to lo and behold find out for three reasons the claim that they have was just not covered

and you know what she finds that hey I have this coverage is good there's no issues I just didn't think about it kept paying it so why should people who have had a policy for 23 years be concerned about the type of policy that they have an hour or more portly what's in that policy questions if there's certain events I think we talked about that situation was a little bit unique and the damage but one of the problems people have to buy their insurance policy 20 or 30 years ago and they don't do regular check-ups insurance policy has it and I demand it that raises the limit just a little bit each year but that doesn't keep up with inflation especially in today's market with all the inflated costs of construction materials and labor but even before that happens these policies that people have for 10 15 20 30 years often times aren't representative of what should we build in cost to be a fire somewhere

tragic loss and so it's it's really important that you do out more current evaluation don't just rely on the fact he had this policy on this time cuz you might not be covered nearly as well as you think you are so let let me let me make that real simple for a few people who are listening so let's say you have a house that's 30 years old you're in a wildfire in the house burns down and it needs to be replaced Gates they have to replace that house using the current building codes as opposed to using a two-by-four they have to use a four-by-four is opposed to using 6-gauge wire they have to use 8 gauge wire to no longer need to they can't use galvanized pipe ASD use copper pipe now when we're talking about Lumber would have lumpers with three hundred times more expensive than it was last year. Yeah so when you when you look at that you say I hate you know what it's going to cost $200,000 plus my house but if they're framing that house it might cost $100,000

just for the lumber for that house meeting if you only have $200,000 of coverage you might have to write a check for an extra couple hundred thousand dollars to make sure your house gets built correct actually touched on a couple of things there Steve first of all is making sure that you have the proper amount of insurance for a rebuild cost your right and those rebook costing as escalated and there's often a provision in the house to get some extended coverage beyond the policy limit so you can't really rely on on that as your as your buffer your cushion the other thing you brought up with changing the building materials because of the latest building ordinance or law and that's really a separate are the falls to the standard policy doesn't give you any coverage for that so often times they'll be some coverage at some time let me get the 10% of the policy are you really want to look and see what that could

look like for you and you might want to increase your coverage make sure you have enough cover it for those changes in the building codes because otherwise you could be on the hook for those differences in between what you had and what they're no source to build with

do you know what you've dealt with earthquakes and you know what the state of California has the California earthquake Association and even you know what a lot of people will purchase that policy thinking that they have it completely covered and you know what is that necessarily true

no. Better does Steve I'll tell you right after the LA earthquake in Northridge earthquake earthquake covered became almost impossible to get they came up with this California earthquake Authority the coverages were really bad the deductibles were really high. Market has loosened because we haven't had a major earthquake event so it is more affordable and averages are getting better but those coverage is certainly are not as complete and and don't cover you nearly as well as your typical fire policy covers you so you got to realize when you're buying earthquake insurance that you're still you're still going to have some skin in the game or something bad happened to your property so it's just it's just one of those things where the earthquake coverage doesn't cover everything you think it's in the reason why I'm saying that is your what

people should understand what's in the policy OK from a technical level but more like what exactly does it cover like for example your pipes burst we're not going to fix the pipe they're going to fix the things around the pipe but I couldn't use their Steve has that the pipe is the cheapest thing to fix it but I will pay for that it just won't pay for that one piece of pipe but you are correct they don't take for the pipe they pay for all the damages caused them and the Damage you caused to get to the pipe to fix what I need to do is I need to take a quick little break I would like to thank score for sponsoring the segment of our show I did you know the average American is 97.6 and add to the credit store but no idea how to get them to data scientist scoremaster of crack the code on how adding 97 points your credit score is like found money and me some fast loan approval huge discount low interest rates at everything from buying or refinancing a home at leasing a new car or just a plain

credit card how fast is scoremaster one member raise your credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple weeks scoremaster so easy if you hurry you can try scoremaster for free that's right by scoremaster for free see how many points you can add to your credit score savings savings again score saving account with more from Steve sevareid public adjuster here with Greenspan company adjusters International more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show

don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money does Financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon

welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton a welcome back to the show or talking with Steve never a public adjuster with Greenspan adjusters International day before we jump back in I want to truly thank you for tuning in and letting your friends are family and Associates know about the show all the plays are available at ww.w shaving with Steve. You asked if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information inside and saving with Steve and encourage you to subscribe to our Spotify or apple channel so you never missed a show about a few of our affiliate that UK help radio CBS radio talk radio in New York City e360 TV Las Vegas TV network all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirit and live life of trident own personal freedom also you can follow us on Facebook join us at the saving with C-section Insider Club to get replays gas kiss behind the scenes the whole shot now

text you're talking with you several now we're talkin about wildflowers what should people be doing now

to get prepared to be looking at their policy to get prepared if they're you know what they're dealing with a wild fire or even a business owner that could get hit by an asteroid disaster vandalism, or whatever the case may be the first thing I tell you is you don't want to wait until after the event to get your policy or after agent for a copy or policy to look through it because you can't change anything. When it's what's done is done and what you have to work with is what she bought before the disaster struck so really important to get that off have a conversation with your agent or broker and talk about what today is values are the second thing I would encourage everybody to do is go through your home with your business and take a video tape open up the drawers in the kitchen video go in the closet just do a quick video of everything and then make sure that you

sure that video to the clown keep it in your house because if it burns down you will lose the evidence of that but that's really valuable when you need to recreate if your home Burns To The Ground is nothing but a and your nail stuck to recreate everything that was in your home down set pencils and paper clips and how many shoes you had on socks and all that stuff it's a really huge job is part of what we do is Greenspan but I can tell you it makes our job a whole lot easier if somebody's got good documentation that can be a simple video to get 5 5-10 minutes to your home and it's such a good foundation for developing an insurance claim should that ever happened to I used to work for the automobile club as an executive I talk to many people when there was a fire and you know what it's really hard for an insurance company to replace a couch they never seen

so if you have that nice leather couch if you spend ten or twenty thousand dollars on it's really hard for an insurance company to replace that but if you have a video of it makes all the difference in the world so I encourage that in fact we've done that all insurance companies are not created equal there's new company come to the market their technology companies you know what should cost be a primary driver of who get your insurance who you place your insurance with is a funny thing a lot of people buy insurance for their home because they have to because they have a lender in the leg requires and Dev insurance they look at it more it's just something that they have to buy the name of a choice they want to get the cheapest product they can to make the lender happy that's really not the right way to do it I can tell you that anybody was actually had a loss doesn't buy insurance based on that. Because they've actually used it but I need to practice recognize how important it is so there's some new online a tech companies coming into the market for the not really do

rate analysis their scent selling a product that doesn't have nearly as much inside the policy and isn't as a consumer don't really know one policy from another but I can tell you that more comprehensive policies with higher sub-limits and bigger coverages and and cover you for more types of loss was really important valuable cuz you don't know what might happen to so to buy something online without really knowing or something box stores are now getting in the insurance business and selling insurance it's all about the price and that's that's really not the right way to be protected for a little bit more money you can get a lot better coverage in a lot more comprehensive coverage and a little safer little safer bet so when we when we talk about coverage help me out with an example of that

well we talked about building ordinance or law coverage a little while ago Steve and that's an optional coverage that some policies don't have any coverage for in if you're in an older home that could be really important policies don't have an expanded replacement cost I mentioned that earlier so you buy a policy for $500,000 on your house often times you'll be able to get what's called extended replacement cost which will give you some percentage of all of that number should have cost more that might be 25% of might be 50% of make the hundred percent and so that can be a big difference in coverage if you're looking at one product it has 0% of the policy limit another product that doubles our policy limit that could be hugely impactful especially or coming into labor crisis and material cuz it's really important understand especially with the value of homes said they increased since all that buying frenzy and you know what it it makes a lot of sense to really evaluate with whoever you're Asian is to make sure you know exact

see what you have cuz it's what you don't know that actually hurt you especially when it comes to insurance now

your what

when you have somebody in the Wildfire areas what's the best way to prepare their home if they're dealing with the Wildfire area you know what can you help us with that

well obviously aside from insurance things like like videotaping and making sure you have your policy documents and recovered properly aside from that lot of people recommend you do not Harden it so that means clearing brush out from your home so that you get rid of any trees overhanging your your roof that could catch fire on the next sure your home on fire just be thinking about hazards that are surrounding your property and how the bite by not tending to that dried grass out there the brush out there could actually put you in a worse position should say is that come through the area yeah it is it seems like it would make a lot of sense to have oily brush 50 or 60 yards away from the house as a lesson on fire in front of the next to your house I see okay so you know what

something look around your property and pay attention to if you've never had a wildfire you wouldn't even think twice about it in fact you probably don't even pay attention to a lot of things but if it hit you it hits you right in the face and it hurts and you don't want it to hurt so what do things you if somebody's involved and a

residential disaster meaning like they're they're involved with a wildfire in their house gets burned down or partially burnt okay what is the list of some of the things that they should be doing right when that occurs

well obviously taken care of your family and priority and having a place to having a place to sleep is a priority so the number one thing is is find a plane wreck in the don't find a place to quickly because some people were run out the rent an apartment on the rent the house right away and then in a month or two months to get claustrophobic and they realize that they they ran out and do something quickly take a little bit of time it's a motel rooms figure out where you want to be this is a long process when you're a victim of wildfire it's not over and 60 days it takes months and months sometimes years to recover so recognize that when you are out of your home find a comfortable place to stay but make it temporary while you get your head on straight and figure out what to do you notify your insurance company to claim keep all of your receipts for everything you're spending money on even if the cup of coffee at McDonald's in the morning all these things are important when documenting a claim later it's hard to find a receipt

doesn't exist 6 months from now so and then on the receipts make sure you write little notes yourself so if there's a nondescript receipt you can figure out 5 months now when you're going to receive what was that I don't even know what it was on it and document every conversation you have with your insurance company and I would also decide whether you want extra help and attention but your claim at the top of the stack and make sure you get the best response you know what Steve I want to thank you for sharing this information with us today and I want to add this you know what I used to work for an insurance company property Casualty Company and I remember that they really didn't like in a Public Adjusters in the reason being is because they paid out a lot more money so it was one of those things where you were far more comprehensive cuz I also know when your captive working for a company you have certain guidelines that you have to follow

you have a certain expenses that you can you know certain limits and all that kind of stuff when you have somebody really understands what's going on and can detail things obviously you're going above that limit so you know what I think it makes a lot of sense for somebody to take the time to find a public adjuster a good one that can help me get more for their claim so they can get their house built back up or their business and so on

I totally agree with you stay now I want to tell everybody this you know what Steve separate in Greece man company International Jester's have you know what being racist with some additional information so if you go to the resource page and saving with Steve. Us you can get a sample of residential inventory list this ice exhibit two images you need to pair for personal property claim if you're in that situation you're better off doing this in advance you know what there's a business owners guide a residential recovery checklist even if you weren't able to write down everything that Steve's dad Wildfire factors to consider frequently asked questions on when it comes to stuff during a major loss why your business needs prepare for disaster plan now you're like some great information you going to want to go to the website Steve if somebody needs to get ahold of you or Greenspan to get a public adjuster how do they go about doing that

I were easy to find online website is Greenspan a you can also reach her office at 1 800-248-3888 and where are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week we respond to disasters as part of our business so it doesn't matter whether it's a Sunday at 8 if you're on burns down or you need help we know the exact things that need to happen to take place right at the fire trucks are leaving and we're always available Steve thanks for joining us this is Steve sevareid the Greaseman company adjusters International hey I appreciate it also like to have you back again especially if we are going to a disaster has happened there's hurricane floods earthquakes the whole shots I would like to you know possibly have you back when those things are curved. Then say your the disaster guy I think there's some insight for people who dealing that with that or not dealing with it and would like to know that would be timely so I think again thank you I hope you stay safe and healthy and enjoy that.

right beside this weekend I look forward to being back on the show as well sounds good I'm here sick with this we're going to be right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show

don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money it was Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending less your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon

welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton welcome back to the show mounds of information that can make a difference in your life and make sure your money isn't following through the grass and the almighty Dollar Tree in Kevin Retirement Village first of all talk a little bit millions of Americans are worried about running out of money in retirement Boomers and gen-xers are playing catch-up to one have to drastically reduce their standard of living and retirement lower your taxes on your retirement income increasing your tax retirement income can be a help to strengthen those valuable retirement account if they aren't surprised by their tax bills are likely working with the financial resumes prepare prepare them for secure retirement income stream

check her match in which case low tax liability as we are hopeful coming to the end of the coronavirus the government is build-out trillions of dollars in student care of this was record deficits during the Trump era and at some point taxes will need to increase is alone should encourage you to be more proactive with your tax planning for retirement also looking for ways to ensure you have at least some extra income return the more taxes you expect in retirement the morass that you'll need to generate after-tax income so here's the thing when you're looking at tax free if you have a tax read count you pay less in taxes which enables your portfolio to not be drawn on as much in that case you're in a position to allow the acid in that tax report fully up to grow when it comes to a Roth IRA the rules are you can put 6004 year if you're over 57,000 why you don't get a tax deduction for the contribution your money goes tax-free and most importantly the money comes out tax free retirement you may ask why don't I put all my retirement savings into a Roth IRA the main problem

where is partly contributory limited means you can only put in so much but you can obviously do a Roth conversion text sweet time to do that is once you're retired and your incomes lower all the way up until you have to take a required minimum distribution the reality if you can choose six thousand each year from the time your 22 to try each 65 Andrew 10% each year you would have more than 3.5 million dollars if you did that until you're 70 you have almost five million dollars tax-free there's many people who've utilize Roth IRA is to their advantage on high producing assets to avoid taxes later on and you can too if you started at age 40 and contribute $6,000 a year to a Roth IRA at 65 to me a 10% return you know about $590,000 nice numbers for tax-free dollars other things you can do with 401K Roth 403 b for tax free retirement income their action auctions and features employer plans allow it's similar to a Roth IRA

do you have the ability to contribute 19504 year as well as a $6,500 catch up if you're over 50 you'll pay taxes on the contribution but there aren't enough income restrictions for these play started age 15 contribute $26,000 a year you could become a millionaire to me a 10% return in a 401k if it grows to 1.5 million dollars by 70 tax-free municipal-bond Muni bonds the most investment specific of those tax for you if you'll need to decide if these bonds fit your investment needs never one if you also want to take the risk the short use at the income history for these bonds is not subject to federal taxes if you reside in the state where the bond is there's no state taxes for this reason interest rates of the bomb and generally lower than taxable bond is Vons at various investment risk values specially now that we're on a rising-rate environment when they reminder look at tax-free income you can receive a retirement next thinks health savings account you can contribute 36

hundred dollars per year for $4,600 a year if you're 55 or older to a health savings account you need to have it linked up with a savings account but if you're taking out money to pay for medical expenses it's tax-free what about the cash value life insurance a lot of people call us a rich person strategy but I know a number of people who do myself who created large life insurance policies with significant withdraw strategies that are tax-free special woman trial most people don't think of life insurance is part of the retirement play some believe it isn't needed every time I give you a wonderful tool to bridge the gap to Financial Freedom if you're married and have kids at Max Ira contributions to a retirement account or a high tax bracket am not going to go into all the benefits of life insurance but think of it like this you can let the money grow inside the life insurance plan and let's say your 55 years old at that point there's no restrictions and taking income and all you're doing is you're taking a loan from the policy and Loans are taxable when you take that it doesn't show up on your tax return and if you were diversify your

it's tax-free proportion taxable portion that is taxes Justin you can have the significant lower tax bracket allowing your other assets to grow from the chaste here's another thing life insurance policies yourself completing think about this you convert your IRA into a life insurance policy which means you're going to pay some taxes on the money that goes into the life insurance policy but it grows for 10 years and you do this in your mid-forties now your 55 the person had a life insurance policy passes away the death benefit is significant enough to complete funding of the retirement plan that way you know what if your pass away your family is taken care of and it's a self completing retirement plan what you really want to do is be proactive and develop a plan to reach your financial goals including a comfortable retirement income stream diversification of taxes in retirement can help you minimize taxes on selling your home business or will be receiving inheritance talk with a financial advisor

today about how to plan to pay the fewest taxes for your life savings as you approach retirement is a couple things that were added here and I'd like to add him right now did you know if you're in the 12% tax bracket you don't pay any taxes on your capital gains and dividends 529 program or is it 121 exclusion if you sell your house it says you're the first 250 $500,000 or non taxable so there's a number ways to create text Breann sister one of them with you one of my clients I had an $83,000 or $83,000 we talked about reducing taxes they just didn't want to deal with it cuz things are too comfortable when they came to me saying hey look I want to fund my grandson's College nowhere to put $4,000 in there so why don't we take the money by reducing your payments to the IRS see what we did here is we put all their interest income Investments That We're earning interest they had to pay in taxes on each year into a tax-deferred structure which meant that it would grow but they would have to

taxes unless they took money out or dividends and capital gains and taking distributions from a Roth IRA as well as receiving Social Security because 12% tax bracket in the capital gains taxes for tax rate leaving only to have taxes on Social Security and some of the other items what are taxes went down from $4,067 to $42 now they're funding their grandkids College ra tax reduction and they're not having to pay the IRS more importantly they no longer have to worry about your taxes going up and you know I love without any taxes cuz they're in a wonderful situation for them in stores just like this you're really want to sit down with somebody that I understand how to diversify your tax allocation if they do that you're going to be in a wonderful situation where you have rental properties so on I have many people that no one person has a $200,000 income but you know what they're only paying taxes on $60,000 how do you structure the other ass

do you want to have a conversation with somebody you know what the realities fees and expenses on the second largest drain on the market correction on your assets in the reality is every percentage points that you dropped from your taxes or your fees will allow more of your assets to grow in retirement they have you more Bountiful return I want to share that with you, master did you know that the average American is 97.6 and add to their credit score but have no idea how to get that the data scientist scoremaster crack the code on how adding 97 points to your credit score is like found money it means fast loan approvals huge discount low interest rates at everything from buying or refinancing a home at leasing a new car to apply for credit card how fast is scoremaster one member raise your credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple weeks scoremaster so he's it takes about a minute to get started if you hurry

you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free and see how many plus you can add to your credit score again that score savings a look stick with this we're going to be right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show

don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon

welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton they welcome back to the about the ins-and-outs of money I've been waiting all day for this it's travel season people love to travel how would you like to travel the world for pennies on the dollar we have Coach Chris year to talk about the benefits of travel he's going to teach you The Insider tips tricks that will show you in a maze you and get you going on vacations you so well deserve I just want to make sure everybody is listen you're going to hear some things here you go ahead and maybe that's not true but you know what when I was having a conversation with Chris he said here go use this code go sign up for this I signed up for this credit card he gave me sixty thousand American Airlines points you guys don't realize that's enough to take me and my wife to Europe for free

so I'm Sol and the cool thing about it he doesn't really make his money on coaching individuals he makes it with corporate speaking gigs and things like that so we're really thankful he's here Chris welcome to the show thanks Steve it's a pleasure to be here at listen to a lot of your episode since I got connected with you and I know you provide value to all you all your listeners your shows growing and that's what it's all about providing the value of money we're all struggling a lot of us are still struggling in this hard time yep that's true but if you can go on vacation for a lot less than what you thought people can go on more vacation now since my listeners haven't heard before you're an AT&T marketing executive and then you transition and now you're the number one travel Guru and Coach so tell us about that transition has been in my blood I was 12 years old spending four weeks with my parents in Europe my golfer I got to travel on business it's in my blood

I live in Florida now but I've always been a part of New York and Broadway seeing is the next conductor that was part of my military service conducting military band so I just love the aspects of travel one of my mantras I say are the best things in life aren't the material things or not this hello this is that a $35 Costco watch it ain't no Rolex but the best things in life are your friends and your health your family and those precious memories and experiences and we all know a lot of those precious memories and experience to revolve around travel where there be a wedding graduation a family vacation a reunions excetera and especially now when we've been with this covid situation a lot of us have been stuck in our homes for 14 16 months and now with the vaccinations we now can travel so becomes up more important to reunite to get these precious memories and experiences with our families and friends cuz we really do travel

not to escape life but for life not to escape us but wasn't a problem like you said that's what your shows all about why don't we afford it it's expensive so that's what I speak about on stage you don't have to be rich to leverage that's what I'm all about I love that and I also agree with you a hundred percent on you walk out in the box and in many cases you can't take the watch and the belongings and be really only reflect upon the memories of relationships that you have so I'm a cancer survivor so I totally agree with that so let's get into travel

top three travel tips for families to save the maximum money on their travel basically the most expensive aspects or travel or airfare and accommodations so I'll hit on those number one air fares now it's supply and demand or in the capitalistic system the airfares are rising there but to take a family on a vacation whether you go to Hawaii Arabian Europe excetra is expensive well with Coach Chris this is the truth I haven't paid for a flight in 14 years I fly for free and I'm not married to a flight attendant and here's the background every Airline is associated with a bank has their own credit card and a lot of these Airlines have huge signup bonuses you get their credit card as you're in the financial business you know obviously paid a credit card off at the end of the month you know you don't pay interest on any credit card

number one number two you do got to keep a decent credit score and your plight of credit cards but yeah I have a credit score 700 so every airline has its Associated Credit Card Princeton Delta is with American Express they have about three credit card options where you spend $2,000 and 3 months to get 70,000 Delta SkyMiles United has a credit card Southwest Airline is with Chase bank and they have a variety of credit cards we could actually spend their minimum amount over a. Of time and wind up with enough points now they called rapid reward points where you and a companion and fly for free even the cheaper Airlines low-cost airlines Spirit Frontier excetera so my advice to your audience the list and it picked the airline where you want to fly to your destination and investigate what credit card options they promotions are available to get the signup bonuses I mentioned to you

call the best one out there on fly frequently is American I'm here in Florida and I go to have a place in Lake Tahoe when I go to jail I'm a ski bum you could actually fly free like I do you want American for buying a pack of gum that approves you. Get you a credit card one billing cycle like you said I showed you 60,000 miles roll into your account that's the round trip ticket to Hawaii you leverage this with your family your wife or your grown children that that just multiplies and you're flying first class around the world and you take it one step further even if you have a business like I do you're not tripping or solo entrepreneur you get the business card okay you might have to spend $1,000 but he'll that's y'all gas restaurant money for a month or two months to get another 60 or $70,000 so every Airline

is associated has a bank as a credit card so my advice again just to sum it up choose your destination what airlines fly there were you want a vacation where your travel to with your family or on business get their credit card start up these are promotional bonuses they change lot of these things are on resources that I show people on different blogs cuz they change I recently just re-upped on a another Delta card I got 70,000 miles that's the round trip just about anyplace for spending mm I put my homeowner's insurance on a credit card which is like 2500 that made the minimum and I fly for free so in other words you're already in myself yourself you have a credit score 700 don't overdo it get a few of these Airline credit cards and then you wind up line for free your family flies for free and if you have a business get the business version

the credit card and you don't have to worry you basically said hey look you can get an individual and a business card you can get sixty or seventy thousand miles each but the important thing that you said there is you didn't you don't have to go and buy travel or dinner out or whatever you could use that credit card for your everyday expenses and obviously just pay it off at the end of the month so you're not buying anything special you're just using it on your everyday expenses and you're gaining a hundred twenty thousand miles goes a long way so if you're doing it on Florida State football player lines I mean three hundred fifty thousand miles just three Airlines wow you could fly a lot of places for nothing which is wondered that's what I've been doing I rinse to give you another idea like I fixed this lineup I had before covid his goal

we should take his son to his many baseball parks in the summer wanted to travel and he loved baseball I tell her to plan for him we could get you credit card spend a minimum put the always Insurance on there is car insurance is homeowner's insurance in a large expenses as utilities except he wound up with enough credits or miles to fly him and his son the five or six destinations for free with Southwest and also with these credit cards another Advantage Rent since I mentioned the American Airlines you don't pay for baggage check-in that's the benefit at the credit card you also get free baggage check in so if your family afford what's a 30 bucks slimes for $120 each way and in addition you get priority boarding after first class boards they allow the credit card holders with that Airline it's like one Realty the porch you're not fighting for that overhead compartment space when all the planes are feel that's another Advantage these promotions change you have to stay on top of it but you can like

I do and I showed you how you can fly for free I don't want you to go anywhere we're going to take a quick break and we're going to be right back everybody with more coach Chris more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show

don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talked about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve sex and out of saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon

welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton coach Cruz has given us a wonderful travel tips already that if you just follow that one you could be fine for free pretty much wherever you want to go just like he does it's just not too good to be true which is awesome that was one day travel tips next one is on a combination cuz that's the other big expense to what tips do you have four combinations yeah that's the second biggest expense travel vacation before covid-19 weeks a year and I'm not a Motel 6 guy I like first class you know 4-star 5-star Resorts and here's the biggest step when you go in on that typical family vacation I'm not talking about a two-day trip for such I show you how to stay at hotels for free that way I do but the big tip typical 579 family vacation reunions forget

the word Hotel sprocket from your vocabulary forget the word hotel for your site why because Mary got Hilton Hyatt Weston Disney Starwood Wyndham even the Ritz-Carlton they all have timeshares or Vacation Club type products and you get on the internet here's a resource for your listeners redweek not calm and rent a timeshare from an owner why not stay in a one-bedroom two-bedroom three-bedroom unit at a luxury resort get a full kitchen flat screen TVs 3 flat screen TVs washer dryer Hole Resort amenities and here's an example I set it up for my friends they do it for myself I'm a ski bum I've been doing it for twenty or thirty years we'll see yous fails

sample everybody here today I'll number one it's all going to luxury ski resort a hotel room from the Marriott in Vail ski season 750 night okay and by the way another $50 to park your car

half mile down the road you go on the internet and you could rent one or two bedroom unit Marriott same bed Marriott standards sleeps 4 6 8 3 flat screen TVs wood burning fireplace the woods for free underground parking it sleeps for six or eight full kitchen washer and dryer and you're going to pay half that price for that night that you do from the hotel and you're going to get a clubhouse or Resort amenities in like I do in Vale indoor-outdoor pool sauna steam room free Transportation you don't have to own these timeshares you could rent them from an owner it's not using him and the best resource for that is and he's timeshares will hotels now because it a bad aspect people think so high sales pressure if I'm sure if they change him the vacation plus and here's the other thing safety for all concerned about

safety now in covid some people don't want to go out and being proud and dinner you have a family excetera by having the full kitchen and all the amenities you don't have to go out to restaurants and other savings you could cut their they all have balconies resort activities I spent I spent literally months needs timeshares I live in Florida and my son comes down where in the oceanfront on the beach overlooking the ocean with full Resort amenities for 4 Less Than Motel 6 prices so for that family vacation now go to any destination they all have whether it's why the Caribbean your Disney World with your golfer Hilton Head even the York where I am and Palm Beach area Florida ski resorts think about to go to the hotel's rent somebody's timeshare Vacation Club you're going to get Triple this space trip all the amenities for one-third the price of a hotel

in most families your listeners you know you want to take the kids to the grandkids are all there you got three TVs my go to Vail I feel like I'm Donald Trump I got a wood burning fireplace I bring the damn luggage cart down to the garage and I loaded up with firewood help for logs in at the grocery store course $5 I probably burn $100 worth of firewood at night they are all luxury and you don't pay tax on this Resort fees you live in pure luxury it's the only way to go for travel when you're looking at families this alternative and the hotel chains there's a lot of time she was out there I said I would recommend staying with the major Hotel changed the Marriott's the Hilton's the highest you know the westons in this way you're going to get that Perfection sanitization that that cleanliness standards that you expect me to talk about to go find that now what other block or travel-size

to get the current best deals for travel yeah well that's an excellent question it's like a drug Ivory 50 of them a day they're all out there one is if you want to learn how to fly for free with your family travel gal. Cam is a program she's the expert in Southwest that she shows you how to take your family really anywhere in the world travel gal. Tom there's miles the memories. Cam Johnny Jett has a travel blog that's very useful there's another one called 10 x travel

dot-com connect you to Google this I think it's 10xtravel that has all these travel deals travel pulse pulse is another blog there's about 20 of and I'll make it simple for those families that are traveling that plan on a lot of vacations another one if you use a timeshare that I think it's excellent is tugged I'm sure use a t u j. Org de lis timeshares for rent or sale and if you get into the timeshare routine and you know the ins and outs and you get into the system you could buy a Timeshare now for a dollar just pay the maintenance then you part of the exchange program they run all sorts of they call and get away specials we could stay in Las Vegas for a week a week now that one bedroom with a keishin for $300 it's a game you have to know the inside secrets and other words it's possible out there really to travel in this one

surrounding these are all Luxury Resorts now for pennies on Eliza I'm a golfer to I live in the golf resort I shoved some of my clients that I've done it myself help it everybody knows help my head they played your golf or the week after the Masters they played at Harbortown plastic and help seapine you can stay at a Marriott again times your vacation club resort sleeps 8 okay take all your buddies golf in your family's golfing at the office read the cards are free you get $2,000 worth of golf expenses for free by just stay in there and you don't have to own just rent from an owner that's well that's that's that's another tip you could basically do whatever you want in luxury while utilizing

timeshares or vacation clubs in New verbage now is vacation plus so they're the key here is to just look for the deals find the best places but stick to the ones you know and don't go off any of The Crazy Ones cuz you know exactly what you're going to get yeah there's a lot of time she was out there but I I believe in luxury I stick to the major the westons the Marriott you know like Marriott has like I think 40 locations excetera and you know the standards another word of warning lot of people are in the Airbnb now but with this covid pandemic lot of times you don't know what you're going to get somebody's home you're not going to get all Resort amenities are you staying at these Resorts you're going to get the whole plethora of Resort amenities you're going to get the TV's the washer and dryers the Privacy you're going to get a workout room Etc Transportation it it's going to work out for you has had is how will travel change in the next 12 months and then

what is how do you plan for your dream vacation I want to let you know we have about two minutes to go before work for we're closing out the show but I'd lie I love you if you can fit that in there yeah I think traveling again you have to plan it Advanced you got to ask you three aspects of travel planned this damned trip you know when your children's vacations are got a plan in advance to save money to get that accommodation if you want to go Christmastime excetra that's number one and obviously you get the adventures and experiences and with all these gadgets now we share our experiences build a legacy some plan as far in advance that you want to go to a destination pick it out travel is work going it Revenge travel now that the pandemic Sun people are back so you going to be seeing more people that have been cooped up now traveling so it's going to be more expensive if you got a plan ahead to get the best deal cuz Chris how do people get ahold of you how do you work with people I know you're just there to help so how does that work yeah I normally like I said I'm a

professional speaker so if any of your listeners have corporate events Association events where they think this topic would be a relevance by all means give me a call my email lifetime Leisure. I'm offering your listeners are free consultation with Coach Chris cuz everybody's travel needs and dreams are different so if they go I set up a separate URL coach Chris book a 15-minute call with me I'll be glad to answer any of your questions guide you in the right way give you the resource I repeat coach Chris speaks. Org answer a few questions about your where you want to travel how many in your travel party with the call I'll give you a call back and we'll both take it from there to see you anyways I could help you because you know that's what we're here to do my mission statement is we're here my company lifetime Leisure experiences we look forward to service in your dreams

bringing your family together so they're memories last forever and a lot of that is through travel and Leisure Chris I want to thank you for being part of her show today in fact like to have you come back very soon travel season just so we can get people excited about it and show him how to save some money so hopefully you'll be able to do that if you're not skiing or golfing or going somewhere else and enjoying yourself again I want to thank you for being part of the show I wish you health and safety safe travel and we'll look forward to seeing you next time I'd love to come back like I said I could speak ours on this again the benefits of travel for your health

your Wellness that taking that vacation you're better at your job reduce stress except for its all there better relationships how important travel and Leisure is but it has to be affordable you don't want to break the bank so you have to know the deal so that's why you have me weak coach the deal thanks coach Chris have a good day and we'll see you bye-bye alright thank you you know wasn't coach Chris wonderful you listen to this again and again cuz he gave wonderful chips now I want to thank for for sponsoring that segment did you know the average American has 97 points they can add to their credit score but have no idea how to get it now the data scientist scoremaster crack the code on how adding 97 points your credit score is like found money it means fast loan approvals huge discounts low interest rates on everything from buying or refinancing a home the leasing a new car to play

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call from uplift your spirit and live a life of personal and Financial Freedom also you can follow us at Facebook and join the shaving with Steve sex and insiders Club all those episodes are there is saving with Steve. You asked the Augustus a whole shots look forward to seeing you next week we're going to have a wonderful show me safety healthy thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton

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