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Saving with Steve, October 5, 2021

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, Athan Slotkin and Zack Zeller

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, Athan Slotkin and Zack Zeller

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place Welcome To Die saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton<br>gaming with Steve show when we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun to release that you having a half your healthy relationship with money my name is Steve Sexton want to thank you for joining us today I want to thank you for sharing this with your friends family and Associates and you can follow us on Google play Spotify and many other streaming channels so we'd love for you to join us there to you can also go to our website as saving with Steve. Us and get all replays of all or episode that's a wonderful ones this time we have a great episode for you first of all let's think about this prescription cost expensive people are getting tired of it and June the AR be released for the name brand drugs the prices are out of outpacing even inflation it's nuts and some people are getting creative on how they purchase their prescriptions we have<br>Zac Zeller the CEO and co-founder Sprint go to help us get our prescriptions for costs a ton of money you want to stick around for that I'm going to be talking about auto insurance auto insurance is an expensive thing and it's going up but there's ways you can reduce or eliminate your cost when it goes to auto insurance so what you really want to do is listen to this thing I'm going to give you about 10 tips lot of discounts on the way to look at it because I used to be working for these AAA what's the Automobile Club of Southern California so I'm really into that type of stuff specially saving you money and next up oh my gosh listen to talk about the landscape here corporations are having a hard time filling jobs after this Global pandemic I left millions of people unemployed and completely redefine workers I give job security and ultimately the meaning of life and working so instead of working for a big company<br>contract mini wooden lost their own entrepreneurial dreams or dabbled in freelance where the aliens were parallel the uncertain economy that's driving people towards self-employment young grad you can't find work also the unique opportunity to move right towards self-employment<br> word beginners get started and what business are doing right now I want to point this out to you we have AIDS and Slocum she notices Shadow Co he's going to share a top 5 tips on how to start business if you're going to want to stick around for that you tell you a little bit about a Ethan Ethan or you can say serial murder but he's actually a Serial entrepreneur he's an award-winning business plan strategies you successfully tested launched multiple businesses across Industries is a rabbit interactive heavily in its little to approach has been key for over seven hundred yuan in 2019 and 2011 busy guy you know he's helping them pack is their business with business plans Financial models presentations will teach him how to become a stellar CEO he's been featured in things like on Springer a magazine Forbes KTLA you speak at conferences worldwide 8 and I want to welcome you to the show and a thank you for being here we're lucky to have you<br> appreciate it thanks for that intro and Loans be entrepreneurship world I love you and that's yours so cool our listeners of actually doubled since the last time you were on the show let's talk a little bit about your background and then we'll walk into those five tips cuz I know that you know everybody's looking for the 5 kids so I think it's important to know your background like weird background where I came from Consulting Corp in the places but ever since I was sort of weird things like that service has all kind of things in between years ago and people started to ask me for help with their butt and become more of my time and what feel like what I do<br> to be honest with you just all sorts of things come in which is fun and exciting you know I think we're pretty good at that point having try the whole lot of things myself together I think that's really cool you said that the likely path we have business cuz there's a lot of people who go hey you know this be a great business I'm going to go ahead and start it and then grind at it for seven or eight years and not get anywhere because it's not really a business so it's interesting to understand that or there's a lot of other things but we'll get into that I have a number of relatives one recently got out of college and said you know what this is crazy I think I'm going to go figure out a business to start I was thinking you know what you need to listen to the deficit and I said do you want to talk to me or you want to go to this website<br> I understand if this makes sense for you before you do it some people are excited with the prospect of a business and are frustrated by their environment but I think there's some logic that goes behind setting that thing up things that people should be doing and stuff like that the first big chip is pick up business model that people need and I think that's really cute so could you go into that little detail so people understand it I can't be in your business with picking something somebody<br> the problem is is that I see your company think that that's not to be able to start when in reality we need to make sure you at the office that there's a big difference between one and eat until his discretionary need an actual real pain that they will be happy to talk to you about what the problem is found inside the personal and tell you know how you could possibly open to stop and get her things you have the excellent form right now we can go using email surveys and get information<br> an impossible way Steven Salva as well he'll be happy to tell you about it and why do we pay you for it as long as it actually solves our problem is we don't need to drive dad brought me back to you I was watching the show where they had one of these guys that puts the idea on TV and sell the whole bunch of them on Channel 5 staff and he had these people come in and fix the stuff you know you're talking to one guy he goes yeah I've been working at this for ten years this is hopefully my opportunity and the guys that says there's no market for that<br> and that was it because I recommend you find something else to do or get a job that you want to hold anyone I guess there's plenty of them cuz everybody's going to want that how can you tell if it's worthwhile<br> easy to look at existing businesses that exists for groceries or whatever else they can function but we're not going to be at that stage for a very very very long time on top of that they were going to be things that come out your supply chain disruption Senior Services Supply other expensive expensive to be honest with you you're so many things that can happen in a new business that if you have a small margin just a small increase of costume makes you nauseous<br> verbal and then your granny got your dollar so I get that we're going to have to take a break real quick<br> the average American is 97.6 and add to the credit score but no idea how to get them to data scientist scoremaster crack the code on how at a 97 points your credit score is like found money means fast loan approvals huge discounts low rates on everything from buying or refinancing a car to leasing a new car buying a house to applying for a credit card how fast is scoremaster one member raise your credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple of weeks scoremaster so easy takes about a minute to get started if you hurry you can get the price scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free that way you can see how many plus points you can add your credit score so go to score is 4 dating right back with more Acres Slocum more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money so if you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> hey welcome back to the show this is Steve sexy with the same with Steve so it's from all about the ins-and-outs of money we have the shadow co-pays and smoking you talking about the five tips for new entrepreneurs looking to start from scratch we talked about the first to which is pick up business model that people needs and pick up business that has large enough profit margin which is really really important so let's go to 3 Pickett industry that you understand very well or are willing to become an expert in this is really key so let's spread the word about this one right here is actually more port in a face value. Therefore you're going to be on that beat<br> if there's something else you're going to have to be able to step in and then let's table the stage that to me on that and you're going to know the Nuance of operation of the day today to do something what it cost is that what you going to do for all of those reasons, but if you're not willing to acquire that knowledge to other people is probably going to leave you with some sleep and also<br> LG I totally agree with that I was listening to somebody and he said I've been involved with business as I know nothing about but one of the things I do know is that I can learn if I spend 30 minutes a day learning about that business by the end of the year I spent enough hours learning that businesses or within three years to have a PhD in it I think that's so very very important because if you know the ins and outs in the intimate details of that business and what works where you make the money it's just an educational process which is wonderful so I think that's great advice now think mid to long-term let's talk about that cuz a lot of people that get started it's really about how do I make a little bit of money and still have their head down and they're not really looking up<br> in the beginning it is all about doing things that people what does it mean how can you generate dollars and get customers even if it's not your Brianna, tedious work that goes in knightsen otherwise to be able to get to that point there for mental preparation will prepare you for whether you're willing to make a decision that you're comfortable don't get to that point<br> what were the deathly to go down even though one of our big problem in the media is that just seems like everybody gets it yesterday and you see these people who all of a sudden become stars and their young and all that and then you find out they've been toiling as a child actor for eight or nine years and all the sudden it hit member Regis Philbin really make it until he was 56 between 56 and 80 that's where he made all his money and we're all the famous I'm not going to say you need to grind out it for 30 years but I understand it's going to take a little time to get to where you want to go I saw picture of was a Jeff Bezos when he first started on his little broadcast with that little spray painted on sign on a bed sheet sets at Amazon in the next one is know your numbers financials Union economics inside and out could you tell everybody what unit economics mean<br> number to scare them. This is really how much does somebody pay me for the product or service and how much does it cost me to deliver at that we were in somebody else and how much does it cost me to either produce or purchase that two-by-four from somebody else that the revenue in cost out in the difference between that and why are they so important about how much always making sure that your unit economics and what is your business overhead and team he's going to be really true<br> inside now he has a really easy equation even from that people just always have one of my clients buys Farms Ranch of tution but his dad's a farmer is dad has a 7th grade education and he just knows if I'm going to spend a dollar I need to make this much and if I make this much as fine and that's all he cares about and I've spoken with them you know what you talked to him he's the most simple person in the world and if you get too complex that goes over his head my friend named sky and did he just said I just talked to him on a dollar<br> if you do this you're going to get this will actually we're talking about taxes and we showed him how to save 30% then he's like I can't we're good really good okay I see that was all you want to do I totally get that I think that's really really really cool down but other things that people should be thinking about if they're launching something new expensive for a college education in your business degree but you really don't have that much experience so what you thinking about if you're just brand new out of the box and there's two things that are like really on my mind these days that I really feel like you really have to have a new one is technology and automation<br> where everything is already seeing it around a little bit in the digital world and then also in person world as well it's an interesting time right now and it's a business owner who is going to need people in your business and also actually improved your call I even if you're not going to be really helpful for you for Friday for young people may be a little bit less of a concern but we have all of them if you do not get yourself out there shamelessly nobody is going to know to buy your product or service<br> how to get yourself out there just to know that you are named your personal life is going to be a little bit more intertwined with your business in the beginning I see you brought all your actions don't have the capacity to split off in like yourself and do something not so smart and it was not social media because your business as it relates to get yourself out there and I got to ask to look at a business with somebody else would happen is the person who was running the business passed away from a heart attack blue looking for leadership it was interesting because when we started looking at the processes and procedures and how they operated from work list and point we could probably<br> triple the size of their business just by automating and creating a project software that enables somebody's do it electronically and have touches go out it was just like oh there's capacity but you know I'm looking at it for somebody wants to buy it so I can really tell that everybody before we go I would really love for you to share information about your new book and also you do a wonderful job with people please let us know how we can get ahold of you should be coming out I'd say within the next month or so so the concept is how you can find out what's the latest opportunities every single day and related to that what is it<br> or either way and I have a new website that's coming out on that website will have useful resources for people as well get people down if we don't live but you know that we can make it that much more comfortable and increase the chance of success if you are sleepless nights the better is not sure definitely I want to thank you for joining us thank you for sharing the information with everybody thank you for sharing the website I didn't get that book and I think that's really really important we like to talk to you again sometime in the future hope you'll come back it'll be awesome thanks so much for having me and great to see you good to see you too stay safe stay healthy okay we'll see you buy that was 8 and you really want to go to this website at the Shadows<br> yo where Athens look for that book is it can make a big difference especially if you're looking to coming out for me or especially if you're out of school and you said hey I've had enough of this you're going to want to stick with this we're going to be right back going to talk about the different things you can do to lower your insurance costs and then we're going to talk about the Zack seller & Co scriptco about how you can get your prescriptions hot already sick with this will be right back<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> welcome back to the show that was Athens local time in the first half of the show ham would be talk to you a little bit about a truth before we do I truly want to thank you for tuning in I appreciate you letting your friends and family members know about the show all the replacer available at shaving with Steve. You was if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information and insight on saving with Steve and I encourage you to subscribe to your YouTube channel see it never miss a check out a few of our affiliate that UK help radio BBS radio talk radio in New York City e360 TV Las Vegas TV networks the solve problems uplift your spirit and live a life of personal financial Freedom faucet Facebook and join the saving with Steve Sexton Club there is saving with Steve. You asked you can get all your replay access to Apple show videos guest gifts and more let's start talking about the nine wings are 10 ways or 12 ways that you can lower your auto insurance I used to work for the automobile<br> Southern California and we went through with these things with people all the time but the reality is insurance rates are going up more accidents more all that kind of stuff it hits you in the pocket but let's take a look at how we can do this the first big thing is to make sure you have a good driving record so that means if you get a ticket make sure you go to traffic school that way it won't go on your record and you won't get nothing for it also insurance companies can keep accidents in tickets on your record and charge you for 3 years so make sure you got one that's going to go make sure it gets dropped off first you want to shop around prices vary from company company took place to shop around get at least three price quote you can compare directly or access to information on the internet you go to State insurance companies or the state insurance department for your state they have a link to all the major insurers and what the typical cost are so you can compare if you're going to buy it<br> it's really about protecting you financially and providing you peace of mind it's important to pick a company that's financially stable because the last thing you want is to pay for that insurance and find out it doesn't work way to do that to find out the financial House of an insurance company if you want to go to the rating agency the first one is called a am just go to a.m. or you can go to standards and poor their website is standards and the word & Poor's rating you can just go check out the ratings are going to be a b c d e f all those things also you can consult consumer magazine getting quotes from different types of insurance companies themselves through agents like the Allstate State Farm Farmers Automobile Club others they sell through independent agencies where they might have a broken little cell<br> 10 or 12 different companies others through the internet some sells directly to Consumers over the phone so it's all different don't just price shop alone ask friends family for the recommendation contact your state insurance department to find out whether they provide information on Consumer complaint information on the company pick a name or company representative that takes the time to answer your questions because if you can't get your questions answered you can't make a good decision create a checklist for yourself check them out with Standard & Poor's what you don't understand right those questions down to ask them next thing before you buy a new car check out and compare insurance rates you can go to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety iihs. Org but here's the things are premiums are based off your driving<br> the cost of the car to repair it there overall safety record the likelihood of it getting stolen and is based out of zip codes it's based off how old you are how much driving history you have okay so it's important to take a look at it you know a long time ago we looked at or look at getting a Range Rover<br> and we noticed that the insurance rate would go by about $1,500 a year and we want to spend that so we decided not to get the car we got a less expensive one with a lower rates so it's important to take a look at that thing what you want to do what you want to ask for a higher deductible what does his mean for you what happens with the deductible that you hit somebody you pay your $500 deductible and then the insurance kicks it by requesting a higher deductible you can lower your costs substantially for example increasing your insurance deductible from 200 to 500 to take you 15 to 30% when it comes to your comp and collision coverage hey if you increase it to $1,000 continue 40% but before you do that make sure that you have a lot of emergency money on the side to cover it in case you get an ax what about reducing coverage on an older car consider dropping collision and comprehensive coverage on older car if your car is worth less than 10 times the preemie<br> purchasing coverage might not be effective you can go to Kelley Blue Book your insurance company or your bank and tell you what the value if you want to review review that coverage at renewal time to ensure your insurance needs are being met because sometimes it just might not be worth it to have large coverage on a car that's not worth very much are your homeowners and auto coverage from the same and shirt Auto and homeowners insurance to give her a lot of times we get you a 20% discount it's still make sense to shop around because other carriers have multi policy discounts at you can get it wasn't maintained a good credit record this is really important because insurance companies use this as a way to understand how well somebody's going to get the tickets for accent because they seen a direct correlation to bad credit<br> in tickets are accident which could raise your rates so it's very important to make your payments on time to take out more credit than you need to keep your balance as low as possible and make sure your credit history accurate during this pandemic many people work from home I went from driving 30,000 miles a year and you know what I did I went from dropping almost I was like I'm a six or seven thriving cheer and I dropped it down to the second one save just a ton of money you can to so make sure you have a watchful eye on how many miles is right you might want to consider you have two cars splitting amount of miles so you can keep them both well you can also ask for group discount some companies offer rejections to drivers to get insurance for their group plan for their employer<br> unprofessional agency's business is alumni associations and other things ask your employer inquire with a group to see if there's something there you might be able to save some money next you want to seek out other discount obviously if you don't have any tickets are accidents you're going to get a good driver discount and if you're a student with good grades you're going to get a good student discount okay and if you have a lower mileage are you taking a course you going to get some just get so I'm going to list a whole bunch of discounts here that you probably want to listen to a couple times and ask your carrier about especially if you're not getting it so number one anti-theft devices hey reduces the ability for your car to be stolen so that obviously the race should come down Auto and homeowners covers with the same kind of policy discount you save money college students away from home so if you're a freshman in college and you can't have a car there your parents will receive a discount if you're in<br> how old is Jordan high school and you got these are age you can also get a good student discount driver self defense driving course has driver's ed courses higher deductibles low annual mileage low time consumer more than one card no accidents in three years no moving violations in three years about alumni associations there certain alumni associations for certain University especially with people have college degrees think typically have a better driving record occupation is a direct correlation to risk of related to certain occupation and if you have one of those occupations like engineer doctor things like that you can get a discount for having a degree in engineering or something like that so it's really important to look at that some of the discount so I talked about might not be available in your state or by your insurance company so always<br> one last point which is really important the key to saving is not the discount It's the final price a company that offers few discount may still have lower oil prices and you want to make sure<br> that they're good company I talk to people over the years who were with companies that did have good Financial ratings and they went with them because it was cheap cheapest I could find it hurt them because when they got in the car accident they weren't able to get their car fixed today cuz their company couldn't pay or wouldn't pay they knew that person didn't have the meme going to fight them so if you have an issue with an auto insurer or a broker you want to go to the Department of Insurance website in file a complaint if you can get some help with that that's sad I'm giving you 9:10 things that you can do to reduce moment it cost when it comes to your auto insurance make sure you check it out every year because things do change hey I want to thank score for sponsoring the saving was Steve show did you know the average American is 97 points but have no idea<br> scoremaster crack the code on how adding 97.0 found money in fast loan approved huge discounts low interest rates and everything from buying a refinancing a home leasing a new card apply for credit card how fast is scoremaster one member is a credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points and couple weeks scoremaster so easy takes about a minute to get started and if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right by scoremaster for free and see how many plus points you can add your credit score so go to savings or again that's for in and looking forward to self<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show we're going to be talking about the ins-and-outs of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending on your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve Sexton on a saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> go back to the shaving with Steve show on talk about the ins-and-outs of money ain't been smoking the shadow CEO he was wonderful we talked about how to reduce your cost when it comes to auto insurance and now we're going to talk about my prescription I just want to reiterate I said at the beginning of the show USA put out a report indicated a brand-name drugs are growing faster than inflation and cost quite frankly people had it we have a company here called scriptco Pharmacy the Run by and co-founded by Zach seller who's with us on the show who has set up a wonderful situation where people can lower the cost of prescription and they providing wonderful benefits of seeing him on multiple new segments I talk to somebody who is part of your program and they're very very happy cuz they're save some money so I want to thank you for joining the show sack preciate your being here thanks for having me see if I appreciate the time today before we could go and I was like to find out how did scripto get started what prompted you guys<br> going and then how it works and share some stories with us and then I have some questions that are very lives kind of blew up with ya Sue and myself and our CEO Mark or make Insurance base pharmacies here in Texas the saw all of the<br> inadequacy that are designed intentionally around patient cost patient access in so through a series of fortuitous events we started looking at the actual wholesale cost of the medication versus the patient copay Co deductible out-of-pocket expense okay what we found was about 80% of the time the wholesale cost was cheaper or significantly cheaper than the patient copay for the same drug test same day supply using your insurance we decided to leave the traditional Pharmacy space and we open what is the first membership-based wholesale Pharmacy in America and its<br> 585 year old mom and dad they take prescriptions how did the whole thing work it's very simple so there's a quote calculator on our homepage at any medication that we have access to is on that quote calculator if you can't find it on the Poke calculator we may have access to it but most likely it's either a controlled substance or a brand only medication but outside of that you can see in real-time what the actual wholesale cost is and what you pay as a member so if we save you money on your medications all you just put the join button is a very simple process of walking through name address phone number which membership you'd like to choose which we have two options either annual for $140 or corlee for $50 and then once that's done and send in prescriptions have your physician send in prescription from their office and the rest is history as we know it<br> receipt for the prescription we let you know when your medications ready for payment you just log in your payment portal to pay now button and then you get a tracking number tip be within an hour and a half of your education and pay for okay so let me ask you this question how would somebody that's using this instruct their doctor to you script cup scripto can accept prescription from a physician either by fax by phone or by East ride so if a position where to look up scriptco Pharmacy in Woodway Texas in the riomar they can immediately send a prescription to us directly into our computer system they can fax it to us or they can call us and talk to the pharmacist and get her prescription over the phone how long would it take for somebody to get their prescriptions if they are like where I'm at so we shift day of payment or day after payment and we ship everything USPS<br> priority so you know it's going to be there within 3 to 5 business days from the time we ship it but the time we ship it is tied to when the patient pay for it right there if you paid for on Monday it will ship worst case scenario by Wednesday about 85% of the time we ship same day the times when we shift next day is because it's either on back order and so you had to order it or it's a new medication that we never discussed<br> outside of that are average member gets their medication within four days in the time they pay for it or is it showing up on their doorstep and we give you a tracking number since break your email address that's on file so you can track a package the 2nd so that means if somebody takes a consistent prescription like a daily type thing they can get a a 90-day that's right and then come to you about 5 to 10 days prior and make sure they have their next one built medication refill reminders so we don't do auto refill because we suck it can be wasteful sometimes for whatever reason people of Miss dosing or what not but they're not ready for another refill but we do a notification prior to your medication but it's supposed to run out 5 school days in advance so you can either accept or request a new refill and we'll get that again mailed out the door used as bait for do I have to enter into any car<br> contract with you is there any time. It goes along with that note to our membership surveys done that three months of that 12 months there is an auto renew button on you can turn it off whenever you want we have about 15% of our members when they sign up the music down and turn off the auto renew with that we see it get turned back on after they tries for the first time this is going to help me function and try and make it really simple and easy other than the membership fee or the any additional cost of a member or a union member but above and beyond this Corporation has it is $6 per shipment that should make you have one medication violin it or I can have 20 medication files in it that's what we charge which is pretty much our cost on average so that there's no other fees or charges or anyting the script to accept insurance we down so the whole reason that were able to beat Insurance such a high percentage of the time from out-of-pocket<br> it's because we don't operate the insurance ecosystem at all if we did we would still be under the same rules and regulations that the other 88,000 pharmacies in America operating under and we wouldn't be able to sell medications at the actual wholesale cost because those Pharmacy benefit manager contract prohibit us from doing stuff so that's why we got out of the traditional Insurance space Retail Pharmacy space<br> does somebody need to have a prescription to get medication for you they do we have to have a prescription office or called in by a physician or smoke signal by position but it has to come from the position but outside of that you know again they can see if they can get that medication just by going to our home page I can do the pharmacy with Controlled Substances like Oxycontin if there's a prescription or that's not on the platform that sounded platform so we've chosen not to do any Controlled Substances whatsoever you just because there's a lot of challenges associated with those medications that<br> we wouldn't be able to financially bear in the model that working Rangers just too many cost that you're driven up by doing any type of controlled substance thing else will be kind of better because if you have an unscrupulous doctor or somebody that has control of a system they can easily support people who don't need to be supported in that world where do you get your medication from so we buy from 38 different and wholesalers based here in the United States is exact same wholesalers that CVS and Walgreens and Rite Aid H-E-B everybody else by from this really funny because once you're in the industry there's really only about 15 to 18 generic manufacturers right and so everyone from my perspective make this simple parallel four people on the show Chevy Dodge Toyota<br> Lexus like we all know these manufacturers write that make cars what's exact same thing in the pharmacy space it's dr. Reddy's its tether it's Lupin there's all these different manufacturers there's really only a handful of them that are approved by the FDA and that's just how you ultimately the pharmacy access any medication you are buying from the Shelf is through a dealer in there buying the Chevys Dodges in Fords of the world you just forcing them to different dealers in class so sick with us we're going to be right back<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> did you know the average American has 97 points they could add to their credit score but no idea how to get them the data scientist has scoremaster crack the code on how adding 97 points to your credit score is like found money it means fast loan approved huge discount and low interest rates and everything from buying or refinancing a home to leasing a new car to applying for a credit card how fast is scoremaster one member raise his credit score 33 points in just five days another 43 points in a couple weeks scoremaster is so easy it takes about a minute to get started if you hurry you can get to try scoremaster for free that's right scoremaster for free and see how many plus points you can add your credit score go to score saving that score savings against that score savings<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> go back to the shaving with Steve show I want to thank you for joining us telling your friends and family members about the show we're well over 600,000 listeners right now we are very much appreciate it if you'd like to get past Sigmund can go to saving with Steve. You as we want to thank our Affiliates UK Health radio BBS radio e360 radio Las Vegas they're all here to help you solve a problem uplift your spirit and live a life of personal and Financial Freedom if you'd like to go to the website to get guest gifts background behind the scenes videos and all that just go to stainless steel. Us or you can follow us on the website at saving with Steve Sexton now we're back more with Zak Stellar crypto I know you're doing wholesale and all that stuff you're getting the same price as CVS in all it's really happening is you your margins are really low or you know there's literally no more okay great that's what I want to get something cost $3<br> they're getting it for $3 as long as you remember one hundred percent and you can ship all over the United States are in 46 States as of today we're waiting on California Montana North Carolina we just Alabama so I guess we're in 47 States so I think we're just waiting on California Montana and North Carolina so once you get approved you can be shipped all over the California that should be a boon to your business we will be in California we should be in California with next two weeks we submitted our licensing there about 90 days ago so they sent it real close so what about a return policy no Pharmacy has allowed to accept medications and reimburse you for them because one of the pharmacies Kirby of control we can take them back right but once we ship the medication we don't reimbursed for that medication if for whatever reason you decide you don't want it<br> again most the time our average cost for a 90 day supply is less than $10 it's not like it's crazy right so just to give you some flavor around medication cost in general in Eric's right 910 medications dispensed in America are generic medications 9 out of 10 when you look at the top 200 medications dispensed in America they can 66% of every medication dispensed okay for 66 per cent marimed dispensed is $2.80 for a 30-day supply of those top 200 medications that is the actual wholesale cost of lisinopril it's always in the top one two three medications dispensed in America it is quite literally one penny for Kelsey so we buy that drug for one penny birth control metformin extended release one to two cents per pill<br> Barbara Staton depending on the strange 3 to $0.06 per pill Viagra Cialis meds 15 to 20 cents per pill the status part about what we're doing which is also the best part is it is truly enlightening to recognize how much Americans have paid for medications when you see the actual wholesale cost for the first time those numbers are just shocking to me I was like don't people pay like the Viagra or Cialis I don't know what they cost but I know they're forty-five $50 for a 30-day supply of Eastlake yeah I mean there's a lot of people that have been paying $8 to $5 bill for years it's 15 to $0.20 per pill lisinopril the one I was talking about the very first one we were looking at some data from two years ago and the average patient so paper 30-day Supply was $15.90 for Lisinopril 30 cents with us write a 30-day supply of $0.30<br> senior insurance is $15. You know just gives you some examples and some real data behind what we're doing versus what if insurance companies are forcing you to pay by using medications for your plan you know if you consistently had like the brand names pensive you from a whole set of cost basis Humira for example is a medication used for rheumatoid or or arthritis and plans for a diseased state is $4,000 for one month is the actual cost to ride the brand only drugs typically if it's an oral solid right up hill or capsule that you're going to take your talking 20 to $50 a pill from the wholesale cost basis so that's really when your insurance actually benefits use if you're on a brand only medication<br> but if you're on a generic like so many people are in America he know 90% again with medications and Spencer America a narrative using your insurance there is a very very high like I'm actually cancer survivor and there was a few of the drugs that they gave me that provided synthetic white blood cells and they were six and eight thousand dollars a bill you know what I'm thankful for insurance cover a man I never realized that some of the stuff that they're advertising on TV or that expensive against pills I just don't like taking them to the people who need to take the generic medications and things like that it makes a big difference so what's the best way to for people to get connected with zip code to they just go to the website is there a number of people you call cuz you have older people who don't really like website so they just like to have a conversation yeah they can call us anytime we have full-time customer service team 10 house literally everything that happens before our<br> Amber's is Under One Roof we have a 4,000 square-foot facility everything's done from customer service to medication warehousing the medication shipping pharmacists pharmacy techs were all in one spot so we can make it a super simple phone call or you can hop on the website and its that's and that learn all about us there to what was that phone number that you can call for customer service phone number is 888-201-0334<br> again that's 888-201-0334<br> perfect. And that's so you know what I've actually what's the website many many times I know the number of people cuz you as a Financial Consultant I deal with most people between the ages of 55 and 75 or 80 I always look at that medical side of things in those prescriptions and everything for some people are quite expensive and it's a significant cost on an annual basis in to know that there's a firm like yours that could be coming to our stay here shortly I'll bet you they're going to be really looking forward to it that's probably the reason why are you were blocked and actually just blown up a little bit over you guys<br> we started putting a little tease I hate like we're going to ask her to go on they're going to talk about how you can get a wholesale cost for prescription and it was almost sounded like wow this is a big thing I think you're disrupting the industry which I think is wonderful. I want to thank you for being on the show Bill Michelle and about this again could you tell people where to go to for your website scriptco comments and that's really simple to put your medications right there on the homepage and if we're saving you money clip that join button in the top of the homepage the simple process is it okay if we put your phone number on your blog so they can know where they can call cuz we do have a few people that don't mind an email that they want to call you cuz they're a little bit older yeah please do a 888 201-0334 number on there you know what I want to thank you for joining us today this has been wonderful as you guys are pretty too great service center shows all about the incident<br> the money this is perfect and can't wait till you come to California and I know we have a feeling it's all over the country now one of the things we have Affiliates in like England Germany place like that you shipped overseas at all not yet but it's definitely something that we're looking to do at some point if we kind of see the use case they're the only hard part is the shipping part right so another place we would we have big aspirations to help a lot of people so hopefully someday we'll get there that gives us hope for our people on that are in Europe and around the world show again I want to thank you for joining this this is been wonderful information we might want to have you back sometime in the future hopefully you're available for that and stay healthy stay safe and we'll look forward to seeing you next time thanks Zach thanks so much. I appreciate the time today you have a great one will see you at 5 I<br> if you're looking to find a way to reduce your prescriptions obviously Ryan California Montana just yet but they wouldn't be shortly and save yourself a ton of money especially if you're taking a lot of prescriptions can always call 888-201-0334 at 888-201-0334 or go to script show for everybody today we talked to 8th and Slocum the shadow CEO we talked about how you can lower eliminate your auto insurance costs and we talked about how rude Zac Gallen scriptco how you can significantly reduce your profession, so we'll see you next time bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we can see<br> you talked about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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