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Saving with Steve, October 18, 2022

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Saving with Steve
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Guest, Quinn Driscol, business coach

Saving With Steve with Steve Sexton

Guest, Quinn Driscol, business coach

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton<br>Steve show we talked about having a happy healthy relationship with money I want to thank you for joining us here again my name is Steve Jackson right here on saving with Steve you know what I really appreciate you sharing with your friends and family and Associates were expanding internationally obviously overseas through the through I think I'm going to 56 countries now so we just getting getting larger and larger and I want to thank you so much for just being there and Sharon with this last week we had Paul Evans in the founder of the happy healthy human Academy you want Paul talk to people about sabotaging themselves or getting in their own way Paul Walker's through three pillars of Wellness work how do you help people overcome that that doubt so you can make more money and let you know I do think she actually love you know if you're interested in going to check out that episode go to sitting with Steve. Us at sitting with Steve. Us and look for episode number 95 now today I'm going to be<br>talking about money moves retirees never regret a big thing big thing big thing but we have one special guest today in her name is Quinn Driscoll you don't want to the biggest challenges especially with the great race Nation with business owners accident entrepreneur you know what but they have it but they really talk about it it's what it's called it's called holding on to that mindset rather than moving into a c o Mine step of their finances you know if you're a business owner accidents pretty or you're going to love this first of all I'd like to introduce twins are so you can see she's a beautiful lady on the screen you know what what are the biggest things that people don't know about when is it he's a CPA a business coach a money Mentor she's the founder that her company called a value gal she brings Wall Street knowledge to main Tree Business<br>do Nursery coaching programs that teach Financial skills and strategies now here's the cool thing prior to Value go Quinn spent more than a decade as a financial expert witness who works in the high-stakes world of Litigation Consulting you guys don't know how intense that is I have a few friends and stuff like that and they're like okay I'm done but to really make it work and be a valuable witness at the big she's a frequent speaker guess Factory on financial topics including building a valuable business money mines have goal setting for business owners and more so when that was a whole mouthful welcome to the show are so happy to be here I just like to start talking about the great resignation the statistics that go along with that and how long can your employees are increasingly quitting their job<br>and we have a lot of people that are that accidental entrepreneur now definitely so I have seen you know some different statistics but a lot suggesting that recently the race of the older longer tenure workers leaving the workforce are getting higher and higher and surpassing the younger generation so there's a just a lot of indicators that people are getting ready for their second act and they are ready to move on from maybe corporate life and do something different when we first started with covid number of companies go through this okay I need to purchase some salaries so they started going after those people in their mid-50s<br>and I actually have a few clients in the financial planning business we're all of a sudden this level management just got cut out but you know it's a multi hundred-thousand-dollar salary salary and when you start cutting out two or three hundred like that you're getting a lot of money savings there and it was really interesting is a lot of them got asked to be hired back and say two-thirds of what they're getting paid before and somewhere to go hey I'm going to be here for a couple years I'll do that but other said no see you bye I'm going to go do this on my own so we see that now with inflation and with all the changes in the market were seeing some companies either hiring in summer sing hey you know what it's time to return to a little bit so people could be pushed out into that accident a lot to face it so what is some of the lessons that entrepreneurs can take from the corporate world to build a successful business<br>large corporation works and why they need to be successful those are at the same principles that apply to a small business just on a much smaller scale so one thing that you want to think about is you know the CEO of a large company has a board of directors and there's a board of directors for a reason it's because you need input from people with different skill sets and different expertise and experience has to help you with what you don't know so the beautiful thing about being your own boss and expertise or add in a small business is it that you get to choose who you surround yourself with so what you you know it's really important to think from the beginning of your business bad what there is a circle or a mastermind group or a coach with a different you know skill said that you just don't have from your corporate background<br>I really think about the things that make like major corporations successful and bring those things into your business on a smaller scale so definitely don't try to do everything by yourself remember that you probably had a team and the CEO of a large company has so many advisers and people working with them so don't wait on kind of bringing in the people who have been there to help you on the second so you were successful in at your corporate job for a reason so you know even if you are someone who was pushed out unexpectedly or wasn't I wasn't quite ready to be an entrepreneur start start talking to people about what you know and really documenting what were<br>winds in your corporate job you can pull out your old performance reviews and you know look at the things that people said that you were good at and just remind yourself that I mean this is a crazy crazy time where you can have a business that is anything honestly so you have so many skills if your long tenured employee has so much experience to draw on and so it's really helpful just to start jotting those things down and those will really help kind of spark the ideas of what you should be focusing on in your business Whataburger questions for viewers like to send the first person to this answer the question you talked about building a board Amy from San Jose said what about having my friends on this board<br>well then I would say it first think about the roles in the objectives that you want to spell and then think about the people who would be good at that so instead of starting with the people start with the rolls are start with a skill so if you're thinking like for myself I am you know I'm a CPA I have a financial background I never had to sell anything in my life before I started my business that is one thing was like I need somebody who is going to help me figure out sales and marketing that's number one priority so whatever you know whatever those things are if it is financial if it is you know you know you're going to need other people to work with you building a team or just other entrepreneurs who have similar space<br>you like to just benefit from their experience I would say to start with the you know the rules that you want to fill and then think about the people to fill those roles if you have great friends who have all of the skills you need that right but yeah just to kind of think about it in that in that border the other part I just want to add my own to sense cuz I've lived through this before is it is that you want to have a friend that's going to tell you the unvarnished truth and what I mean by that is you know what if you're not being a a good person or acting out of data line they don't have a problem telling you that you're that a hole so they hit they can see if it doesn't say this is the way you lie and say you don't have to worry about somebody saying yes<br>yes I agree you want to have somebody Whose advice you trust and who is going to give it to you straight in your own business you really don't have time to sugar coat to many things otherwise it just doesn't work so there's a lot of people in their mid-50s like forties or early 60s what are some of the common misconceptions about starting a business as a second act is believing that you can't do it because you're too something so if it's the second act it's too old too shy to specialize in your field that there's just is an opportunity my personal experience and belief is that if you have that mindset that you can learn new things you're not to anything I mean it's really going in with the expectation that the first several times of anything is practice and that you're going to get<br>better as you go so you know what to feel like when you are a long tenure to employee who has been great at your job you know what you're doing you feel like you need to get everything perfect the first time and it's really hard really hard shift to realize that when you're starting something totally new is it's just not going to be perfect the first time and that's that's part of the best part of the journey it just is part of how it goes if you have to practice and you have to just jump in and do new things and realize that it does get easier you just going to get back to being in basketball in third grade for you didn't know how to dribble the ball bounced off your shoes in about 3 months to get to the point he doesn't have anymore this is great I realize so much with my kids I have two young kids and then I'll be like you know like I my shoes is so hard and it's like we just got to practice but you forget it<br>you do as an adult it's like you forget that you don't know how to do anything the first time and it really is just practice we're going to take a break right now or going to eat more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so she ate it with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve Sexton on a saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton they will come back to the same thing with Steve Carell the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun related to money you know what if you're looking for some place you can always do the same with Steve. You as if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information it inside and save me a seat I encourage you to some scribes are you to channel our Google Play Channel and you know what I want to appreciate our Filly its UK help radio BTS Radio AM FM 247 talk radio New York City Andy 360tv all these networks are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirit and live a life of personal financial Freedom if you'd like to follow us on Facebook and get the gas gas behind-the-scenes stuff go to saving with Steve sex and now we're back with Quinn Driscoll the value gal one of the things I wanted to ask I look at this to go you know what am I doing<br> as a person that runs my own businesses are multiple businesses what are the three ways that an employee mindset blocks business growth I mean by employee mindset so when you are in corporate you do you look around and you see what other people are doing and you listen to what people are telling you about how you're doing and that's how you judge if you're doing a good job and so when you when you get into your own business and you are still in that employee mindsets you it's really easy to get stuck because you might be holding on to you now you're feeling guilty that you're not working normal hours right now you're so ingrained should 925 you know you open up the computer from 8 to 10 every night and that is what the that's what you do when you're working hard and another one who would be a<br> finding unnecessary busy work to fill those hours because you're not you know if you're not doing anything you're not being productive you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing you know another thing is thinking about just thinking about your ability to make money as an entrepreneur in the same way of when you're an employee may be salary or hourly employee that you need to work more hours in order to make more money so if you are stuck in these types of genotypes of thought pattern you're really hindering your gross because maybe what really Sparks your idea of how to get through a problem is stopping and going for a walk in the middle of the afternoon and or maybe it's you know not doing the things that you're comfortable doing like for me I build you know I build hourly financial consulting work for soul<br> that it's like if I'm not in a spreadsheet doing something that I can see at the end of the day for a long time it felt like I'm not working I'm not doing what I need to do even if it's really that meeting with people and talking to business owners and talking about money and their business is really what's driving my business forward so it's you know kind of reshaping the way that you think about being productive the way that you think about the hours that you need to work and the way that you think about what it takes to actually make money that can hinder your business bro I just thinking of going okay I did that one but I think we all do that though cuz I think my problem is I think things should be moving faster than they are and it just drives me nuts even though I work at multiple things I think you know what I've got some dead time what should I be doing here I get that I totally get that how can you move out of that employee mindset into a CEO mindset<br> big things that is really hard about going from an employee to entrepreneur is that you don't have those indicators of when you're doing a good job so you have to build in time for yourself to reflect on the winds so you don't you don't you start thinking like well am I shouting into the universe like I hear this all the time from husband where is who are in the early stages like is anybody listening to me is anybody hearing what I'm saying doesn't do I make any sense I'm so it's stopping to think about those you know the small wins about you know today I went to a networking event and when I was talking about my business people were really interested in asking me questions like that is a win that I know I'm on the right track that you know things like that where you're really stopping to think about those win<br> that are kind of intangible that are going to keep you going and another thing would be I think just trying to really step into maybe step back and forth between a door and a Visionary so you kind of need to you need to have both where you can stop and be the Visionary CEO that's thinking about where am I going with my business like what do I really want to achieve with my business and then switching back into the door of okay let's work backwards what are the tasks that I need to do to get there or what are the people who are the people that I need to bring in to do those different things so it's you know it's just a multi-faceted type of mindset where you need to be able to kind of I like to say zoom in and zoom out where you're looking at the big picture and then you're looking at the day-to-day and finding<br> that balance that works for you your business a little bit your money mindset guide and I just liked it and just didn't tell everybody what is all about where to make sure everybody can get it they can go to the shaving with Steve. Us website just go to the resource cab and you'll be able to get Quinn dress gold the value gals money mindset guy so if you could tell us a little bit about that that be wonderful you've heard me talk a little bit about being a CPA Esso money and numbers are my zone of Genius that I love to help business owners with and you've also heard me talk a lot about just the struggles of being an entrepreneur and the ups and downs and how important it is to stay positive so one thing that is really interesting and crazy about just being humans is a concept called negativity bias and that means that your brain is wired to remember<br> negative things that happen five times more than positive so for a lot of people who have negative past experiences with money and negative feelings around money that just keeps perpetuating because you feel like I don't know what I'm doing and especially when you add the pressure on top of it and now I own a business and now everything is relying on me to make that you know to make I don't know that it can be really hard to want to stay on top of your finances and want to get a good handle on them when you have time all of this negativity from the past holding you back so I have my money mindset guide it is as I'm just a quick and easy and actionable tool that you can use to start racking up some of those positive thoughts and experiences with money<br> to help you just look around and start to see it kind of build everyday indicators that you know what you already have what it takes you can be great with money and you just have to start with those baby steps to start realizing that that's the truth and to feel like you can really get a good handle on your finances so that's a great tool for everybody looked again you can go to the value the value gals website or you can go to saving with Steve. Us go to the resource tab it'll be right there for you I got to do is click it and you can take it or what how do people get ahold of you they they're like to utilize your get your help with my website, I have a lot of resources on there I had a link if you want to hop on a free strategy session call and talk about money in your business and another place to find me if you are more of a social media person is<br> Instagram at Valleydale when there's a lot of information about my coaching Services you so much for coming on the show today it was wonderful because there is a massive transition that you know what people are making right now because of all that's going on in the world and making sure you have the money right mindset will make all the difference in the world so I want to thank you for being here I wish you a safe and healthy nuts and I appreciate you being with it have a great day<br> take a break right now with stick with us we'll be right back with more than shaving with Steve more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending left your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton they will come back to the same thing with Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money again I want to talk to you and say thanks to our feel it's at UK Health radio CBS Radio AM FM 247 Talk Radio in New York City all these networks are dedicated to empowering us all from one lift your spirit live alive or personal and Financial Freedom against if you would like to listen and find out information there's nothing wrong with going to viewers at saving with Steve. USS Butte in with Steve. You have to say you know what I want to find out about this you're the reason why I say that is because of this the next segment is all about the money moves that retirees never regret so what's the deal with some regret and let's talk about those money Moon number one getting out of debt eliminating debt before you enable you to return interest instead of paying interest many people carry High interest rate<br> revolving debt to count I mean mean credit cards and sewing which means your expenses go up and right now and interest rates go up so does your interest rate making your monthly budget unpredictable especially, especially if you have there is increasing debt and for this reason a limiting Davis win the most high priority specially when you're looking towards retirement and this is one of the things that I work with clients on especially when they're preparing for retirement saving and investing more retirement is a long-term accumulation event you've heard of dollar cost averaging what dollar cost averaging is that you start buying into the market you put $100 a week and your butt when the markets down you can buy more shares which means you accumulate more cuz that's all saving for retirement about the earliest start saving and investing the more financially secure you'll be in your goal here once you started that used to stay the course and be consistent the goalless amassed more than you expect to need in retirement which one Ada you to preserve More Travel Hobbies<br> appearances especially in your golden years have a realistic retirement plan figure out how much money you'll need in retirement from all your income sources that includes Social Security savings pencils rental income and more the key here is to be realistic and honest with yourself about the estimate hey don't think you're going to make 10 or 12% a year especially with the markets only averaged 8.1 5 for the last twenty years or so but even then make sure you understand the sequence of return to make sure you have a regional rate of return so you're not pulling yourself short because you overestimated now they have a realistic plan requires you to think outside the box you know it's not just the numbers you have to ask it where do I plan to live when I retire what do I do in retirement do I have a plan to work part-time or volunteer how much do I plan to travel these are important lifestyle questions it will help you develop a more accurate realistic plan for the long-term you want or have a plan that's based off of your<br> Bruce not assumption understanding what insurance plans work for<br> 70% of people over the age of 65 we'll need some sort of long-term care this is a big number so I'd advise you to start looking into this as early as possible because the rates will be less expensive not all policies of the same this isn't time to do due diligence and make sure you know what you're getting into was it be long-term care life insurance Medicare there's always a little ins and outs in those icebergs Under the Sea are the ones that get you maximizing Social Security that you can start collecting age 62 and maximize the benefits in 870 the reality is 57% of people take their social security early why you don't sometimes it's cuz I work this hard and I want the money others they think Social Security's going to go away folks this is not the way to do it 57% of people if they just wait a little bit longer with their social security they can accumulate more assets look for ways to maximize your Social Security in the context of early retirement to match now<br> on your income but your retirement savings and again you got me looking at the long-term last but not least have an estate plan if you know what if you own something in love somebody you have an estate plan make sure you have a trust a will or power of attorney over financial help K it make sure to dress is all those things he's dock machine you readily accessible to somebody you trust in the event you're not even a financial or medical decision quite frankly couple of documents will save you're right I want to thank you all for joining us right here on saving with Steve you can always go to the stadium with Steve. You was to enjoy those replays get gas gives help encourage you to never miss a next time I'll look forward to seeing you all next week right here on saving with Steve stay safe stay healthy will look forward to seeing you again bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve<br> got us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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