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Saving with Steve, November 16, 2021

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Saving with Steve
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Guests, David Parker and Andres Lares

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

Guests, David Parker and Andres Lares

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton<br>hello welcome to the saving with Steve show where we talked about the ins-and-outs of money pretty much everything under the sun released to you having a healthier happy relationship with money I want to thank you for joining us today well over six hundred thousand of years just here in the United States we reset become involved with UK help radio and Vac in a very short period of time we already have another forty-four thousand viewers are streamers they are there in the UK and threw another 56 countries which were really excited about say we're definitely talking about money you know a recent study from says 48% of people said they're always a chance of about the negotiation process where they realize it or not negotiations to come in activity in our lives we do it all the time however it's so common why do we dread negotiate it well many people are afraid to go she ate for a variety of reasons lack of preparation not understand<br>negotiation process not knowing strategy or tactics that they can deploy during negotiations don't worry we have managing partner and wrestlers from the shipyard negotiation Institute to help us understand what's happening in the strategy we can deploy one of the big facts that came out recently from the Better Business Bureau 3.4 billion dollars was lost due to fraud in the last three years in fact according to the FBI 475 million dollars was lost due to online scam we're going to talk to you about some of those online scams little bit later but now I want to talk to you a little bit about David Parker David Parker began his career in education at the age of 24 serve students of the San Francisco inter city public elementary school for 40 years as a music picture followed by 10 years as a volunteer while pursuing his career in education they Park also became a very successful real estate investor not<br>only that but David has accomplished musician he spent twenty years is a member of the Berkeley Symphony Orchestra 15 years is the leader of the David Parker sextet which has headlined at the San Francisco Fillmore jazz festival his new book is titled income and wealth they welcome to the show I appreciate your being here and you didn't have work with many many school teachers in the middle school high school college level it's interesting everybody in that system like I love the system been here for more than five or six years of working towards a pension I have one right now she's trying to figure out what our pension will be and if she'll get hurt Health Care pay for it 33 years all that kind of stuff they have chosen<br>to rely on their teachers pensions more to things that I realized with people that have been in that system and had been retired for a while they don't have a gigantic amount of savings so if they have life isn't how the van they could put themselves in a tough situation you're different from all those people you chose to simultaneous become a real estate investor where did your thinking change how did that all come about for you David in childhood I was fascinated the age of 12 a waiter at the same Francis Hotel in San Francisco died they discovered he was a multi-millionaire then it's my first teaching job I was talking to the custodian in his little corner discussing Pavarotti Italian food<br>I love coming to school and talking to the teachers but I don't know for apartment buildings I'm completely financially independent and those two things really spurred my young teacher so I'll start teaching in San Francisco and my comrades were my former teacher and one of them has David don't talk to me can you bought a house<br> play Majid Jordan her looking at a house I realized I just learned to finance with Alyssa and then my policy have a chapter in my book income and wealth how a person on minimum wage without any sophistication and become financially independent in 10 years<br> you saying half the salary you have to lose your license stop living beyond your means and every year with leverage by an income-producing acid doesn't have to be by the house next door don't worry about going to cost or buy her ice cream trucks in the corner store every year and in ten years those loans payoff address go up and you be financially independent then you don't care with the economy doing anymore you can be an artist you can be a schoolteacher open restaurant<br> if you're free. That's one team of my booking coming I find a lot of people feel that the union is going to take care of us were going to get this raise or the government's going to do this or that and we're going to be just fine I find a lot of people don't realize it until too late but that's not always the case especially when the covid hit some of those School teachers are very concerned because there were going to reduce the number of school teachers because they had budgetary issues or they were having people retire early things like that but I can see why you can't really count on your pension or Social Security in the America you probably can but I know the hours in Greece when the Euro crisis hit I'm talking to school teachers and they told me their pensions for cut in half that's how greasy is all their problem whatever they thought they're getting they're getting half<br> that could happen here we have a budget deficit than beyond for all income taxes go to pay interest on the budget is nothing there to pay the budget is no money cuz we're already seeing that has a mandatory 25% cut if we're not able to hit at least 75% of that payment that's expected to happen and what<br> a little more than thirteen or fourteen years unless something's done I understand where you're coming from I think it's very very important that people take those to heat so to speak now you're not only a longtime teacher but you're also a longtime student he went back to college to study politics mathematics finances at right now<br> i l s a t l sitting in a walk and I'm reading log books in the introduction to the law so interesting the series of law I realized I didn't really want to be a lawyer. Why don't I just tell you something I know about money I walked out of the class went to Golden Gate University I want to study economics have a graduate degree started off with a graduating class in economics and go whoa I can't do this I went back to economics one anymore math algebra and then I wrote my book that's great you know what a lot of people don't realize there's a lot of foundation that goes into the economics obviously you learn the quick way<br> economics is a lot of yeah I understand that and all that but they're there some Basics there that really help people understand what's going on so we're going to have to go to break real quick and get involved with talking to Dave Parker talking about his book is in coming as well stick with this would be right back<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tuna to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> hey welcome back to the shaving with Steve show me want to thank you for tuning in I appreciate you letting your friends and family members and Associates know about the show all the replays are available at dating with Steve. Us if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information and insights on saving with Steve then I encourage you to describe two are YouTube a Spotify and apple play channels so you never missed a show and check out a few Burr Philly it that you can't help radio BBS radio talk radio New York City e360 TV Las Vegas TV network all these are dedicated to empowering you to solve problems uplift your spirit and live a life of personal and Financial Freedom can also follow us on Facebook and join the saving with Steve Jackson in Kyra's Club so you can get all the extra plays access to guest gifts and you know it take your life to the next level we're back here with Jay Parker got his wonderful new book called incoming well I want to say this right now the books on Amazon<br> 4.6 stars out of 5 which is great you can buy it there Dave one of the big questions I want to ask everybody gets inspired to do something what inspired you to write the book I've been tearing around the idea of that are two separate matters since the age of 12 and I just wanted to get to the heart of that<br> and I realized it was economic goal should be Financial Independence because then you can read them whatever you want if you can plan B can become plan a you can be an artist you can be a schoolteacher open restaurant in Jamaica doing what you want to do in life because acquiring wealth is a different skill<br> but that still doesn't have to be so sophisticated I'm a sophisticated investor but it's your employer I give you a detailed spreadsheet on a position pay off and everything tax depreciation how do you say half your income and just purchase income producing assets they might be the house next door. Even worrying where they cost just buy it every year buy a house or Buy store instruction going to liberate our stop producing asset<br> blindly for 10 years and isn't too expensive I'm in San Francisco do it with your spouse do with your family friends or Partners she can afford it don't make an excuse because you're being an extensive location of things go in your favor you don't have to be sophisticated about it at all you don't have to have any negotiating skill and I'm a living example that isn't that you're my whole life I'm professional go to gym in a mistake she has to put in time to catch up making mistakes and learn from him<br> the whole life I never earned more than 20,000 years I never spent less than 100,000 and I never purchase list for a million dollars was a realistic for you over the past years we've all turned to the government for help of various kinds but in your book you argued that the role of government Our Lives should be limited how do we track the difference between proper balance in your opinion what government does the loss of money and economics are China and the middle class pays for everything you can't text the poor they don't have money and you can't text the rich they won't give it to you they know it's coming<br> directions to let it happen you can't get money from the rich company like apple is headquartered in Ireland with all this money is on Jersey Island in English most the company that's how one with the market goes around the middle class pay for a higher taxes they pay for a higher consumption the higher price of goods and services is passed along every piece of government legislation they should stop doing that if everybody back from Jackson person purchase of things they want in life and their standard of living will rise to three times<br> they were afraid to do it that's why we have to crash before it's happened nobody likes to crash though we've had the pandemic here when Society has experienced upheaval and turmoil loss can be a time to make changes for the better you've been very critical as stated that the public education in America what are some of the changes you believe should be implemented with education here in America standards have dropped as a teacher I will verify that they have dropped a half since when I started in the early 1970s all the way through Detroit young kids music and I know what I saw it off with him I would require the end of my teaching because they could not do more than half of what I started<br> do we drop the standards because we were so afraid of fucking students or disciplinary actions or sending them home curriculum was so eurocentric that that was the reason students were failing me<br> inside still debating because they're not study reported them from India Asia American public schools are not turning out students were capable of working in the workforce this country is going down in that respect as a public schools curriculum Nationwide will not teaching students the history and culture of British and American democracy and prosperous country<br> witchy everything else with teaching about the bad things this country has done which is fine we had done bad things<br> portion of the young students, we are all very fast track in addition to being a scholar and teacher and investor and author you've also accounted jazz musician has being a musician help you and these other aspects of your life and my riding are spontaneous and there are creative and they all reinforce each other the Jazz group is Reedy I have some of the jazz festival in San Francisco one so it's Play the song play last I saw you did that last time nobody repeat themselves and don't go with the flow<br> the way to drop the dish on the floor at 20th and drummer get your symbol in the next like going to come into the soul just go with the lawn and the admission very good Nationals Park instance and Tiny and judgment<br> minus a few errands. That's a good thing though and you can't win and everything and you learn from the things that don't go as well as you planned but you've been around long enough to where you figured out how to put plans in place that mitigate the risk or the errors that you made<br> all you listeners who want to get ahead in life if they don't make mistakes when you're talking about earlier and you make a mistake just write down what you did wrong it don't do it next time I never go to the bank that I want to make a loan and make arrangements then I go to my bank has a lot of people will go look for loans here in there and they'll go to their primary bank and then get turned down they don't know why but if they were to figure out what the issues are they can take care of him and then present properly cuz a lot of people don't realize it's just presenting you in a certain fashion so they say you're a good person so we'll lend you the money and that's it the first time you do or the second time you do it you might not have it all for dinner properly and they say no but that's okay cuz sometimes they have this a third time<br> the First Bank drive to be so sophisticated but you have to persevere and stay in it a David I want to thank you for sharing yourself with us today and talking about your booking coming well where can people go find your book besides going to Amazon they might enjoy my website David Parker s okay so that's David Parker so if you'd like to find out more about David Parker go to David Parker s h., if you're looking for the book either go to Amazon or David Parker at David again I want to thank you for joining us I wish you health and happiness stay safe and healthy out there okay<br> thank you very much is 6 pint in the computer to her to have a great day everybody want to get his book is on Amazon store in cumming while it's a wonderful book has a wonderful and sides more importantly you can learn a very simple way cuz you can tell from Dave's talking he's a very simple guy about how to build income and wealth and as he said before if you follow what you see in the book you can probably be there in 10 years old which is great especially if you're in your twenties or thirties at the Graco so thanks David thanks for joining us will look forward to seeing you next time everybody hate stick with us we're going to be right back we're going to be talking about how to prevent yourself from getting hooked up in those romance can talk to you soon be right back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> hello I want to welcome you back with a David Parker wonderful simple basic he's a teacher who figured it out early didn't make much money but turned it into a lifestyle of wealth and income for Michelle got to live the life that he loved we're going to be talking about something it's really important what a lot of people don't realize is that according to the FBI there's been over 1,800 complaints about online romance scams from January to August of 2021 in fact the FBI said that is resulting in over a hundred and thirty-three million.<br> in just the first three months of the year this is crazy these victims were coerced into sending money digitally or trading cryptocurrency for another person basic what happens if the scammers initiating contact is typically made via dating ABS or other social media sites the scammers getting the confidence and Trust of their victims through establishing an online relationship and claimed to have knowledge of cryptocurrency investment opportunities that will result in substantial profit at the scammers direct the victims to a fraudulent website or application for an investment opportunity after the victim is invested in the initial amount on the platform is he's on a ledge or someone of a prophet the scammers allow the victim withdraw money from the account further dating the victim's trust will think about this all they're doing is taking best in this you made some money take it out<br> that's more money because you know how my trust they'll ask him to miss a large amount of money and often express and act fast typer proach eggs when the victim is ready withdraw the funds again the scammer creates a reason why this cannot happen even more funds or distracted for the victims when cybercriminals say there's additional tax fees that need to be paid some scammers include Customer Service Groups to siphon off far funds from the alleged victim and they generally stopped communicating or answering the message when the victim's run out of money the FBI said earlier this year that this is one of the biggest complaint that's occurring and you want to make sure you know this it just isn't happening in knighted states Interpol had a similar release that was done in January just so you know they made some progress in July<br> Houston Texas to people they got jailed for seven years over romance scams and business cans letting them 2.2 million dollars of former Army reservist was sent to three and a half years for conducting Romancing email compromise scans the Privacy Advocate at comparitech then 2020 alone reporter romance G reach 300 $4000000 a 50% increase over 2019 the FBI X reported 475 millions in losses in the same year from scammed Federal Trade Commission actually believes romance scams the numbers even larger cuz people are ashamed actually report it the realities of the majority of people who are scam are women over the age of 50 according to the FBI given the Elder fraud is a hugely unreported the real figures are likely much higher the scam<br> dating a social media where they approached the victim grooming for the process you know what these things involved was called The Love bombing or sharing the victim with affection to make him feel bad she waited The Next Step involves things like the victim sending something that the scammers can use against them such as a compromising photo so you got somebody encouraging the send you a sexy photo or something like that cameras often try to trick the victim in the sending money victims can also be used as a mule for money laundering or smuggling illegal Goods elderly often the prime targets of these type of scam especially during this covid-19 process because so many people been socially isolated and in need of personal connection you know the realities he's romance scams are what's called a slow play I mean they often go on for long times with victims continue said money even after they realize they're being scammed due to the<br> romantic feelings they have for the scammer or because they're actually being black male romance scams has long been a go-to method for cybercriminals to steal money and I will information for people US military members last 92 million dollars through scams Over a four-year period ending in 2021 their average loss was about $2,500 I don't have much that means a scandal lot of military people know let's just talk about what the romance scams are all about I'm going to give you the step-by-step you want to take notes or a couple times in the reason being is if you can start identifying the X and what's going on and take emotion out of it<br> you have the ability to identify what's going to happen to you because the reality right now is there's a lot of people dating on all the different online apps okay so here we go the big takeaway here is this it's a romance scam cybercriminals on the hunt for potential victims were looking for love if all our users are dating sites and social media sites these criminal Enterprises pour through information users share publicly and create a comprehensive Persona that Wisin users likes dislikes your emotional triggers your life got understand it is essentially open book on social media platforms all the ones you frequent there frequently as well so they can build his profile they create a fake online profile that is crafted me all the target expectations and here's the thing<br> a lot of people think he won't look at this guy they're too good to be true and you know it and then their established in contact the fake profiles been planned to the smallest detail in Shrek Katz's the old Target the tension including the name and photo okay they're doing that the target you the next step is to his laptop to the victim the cybercriminal will wait for the Target to show interest and sow the seeds of friendship by proceeding to Showcase how the profiles likes dislikes through the process is perfectly matched your own it's also important to note this is a largely a sham of patients like I said they're slow painting the relationship we built a reputed weeks sometimes months and nurture with a large doses the love and affection<br> then comes the Lux cameras are well aware that people are generally suspicious these days and will not fall in love easily special online this is why romance can have involved in such a way that scammers who devote a lot of time to ensure victims trust them and believe their relationship to be the real deal they'll exchanged messages voice calls go on online dates are the norm the reality here is this when they're criminals think time is right they're going to ask you for money they use a reason it is indeed helped come meet you for a far-off city or even a different country they also may ask for help with medical expenses or under needs to pay and they're going to be tugging at your heartstrings here are the warning signs one the person lives far away and greet the highly engaging reasoning behind him or her being in a location that's thousands of miles away<br> Sometimes some things it feels too good to be true is just that it's too good like we mentioned earlier romance scams are playing the Motions of folks and creating a profile that matches your interest to preferences to the T another indicator of that online romance is a scam as the speed of a relationship while scammers do take their time to establish a relationship be is typically still fast and you'll find consistent overtures made to listen emotional response and gain your trust beware of someone for Vestas their love quickly or ask you to marry them are even more personal an exclusive mode of communication here's what they're doing they want to get you off the site once they get the off the site they're going to communicate with the text phone conversations with you you got to understand they have a plan to the tea and you're just infatuated so they're going to pull your heartstrings are going to get you wrapped around<br> finger the big obvious giveaway is they ask you for money to meet a variety of me the other thing is this whatever money you give them can't be tracked back to the gift card cryptocurrency whatever the case maybe they're going to ask you to do it that way cuz then I can't get back to your folks this happens all the time so it's very very important that you pay attention to what's going on here if you suspect that a person is Romancing you online and there are scammers stop conversation with Breakaway every line of communication but what to do if you get reeled in and only later and you've lost the money you realize you're a victim this is a difficult time this is where you need to contact the police this is where you need to contact your family I know of four people right now that have got involved with the new romance scams one of them got her complete IRA and was so ashamed that she did not tell<br> anybody until she found out she was getting it $150,000 IRS bill because she had to pay taxes on the money from your IRA that wasn't absolved unless you follow the report with the FBI and notify the IRS another one they were involved there just a little lonely the same thing happened to her at one gentleman he was even married this one lady took hamburger over a hundred thousand dollars it wasn't until the last second that actually pulled his wife cuz he felt like sucked in and she made him feel like he was helping her those things happen just don't let it happen to you this is all about romance scams crypto scam that all happened kind of the same way so make sure you're watching out for this so it doesn't happen to you stick with this we got angry why are you always wondering how to negotiate that Big Ray's stick with this will be right back we're going to talk to our last 4 hours the managing partner of the superior negotiation Institute<br> your love is one stick with us we're going to write back more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevent you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where to be talking about the ins-and-outs of money does Financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve Sexton on a saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> welcome back in the show David Parker was just wonderful again don't get caught up in those romance can now in my recent study by 48% of people said there's always a chance about the negotiation process other people realize they're not negotiation is an everyday common activity however a lot of times like going to the dentist we dragged the process why you have people who aren't properly prepared they understand how it ago she should actually work they don't know strategy or tastic and that's why we have been through a lot this year he's a mansion part of the Shapiro negotiation Institute to help us understand what's happening in the strategy we can deploy his expertise in dealing with coaching and life negotiations with sports clients like San Antonio Spurs and professional sports teams athletes he also worked with cell<br> House of these are run many Industries such as real estate media banking pharmaceutical he's published articles in the Harvard Business review and he teaches classes at universities like John Hopkins Baltimore Endicott we're just lucky to have you here thanks for joining sundry has some of the people in our listeners I can't say it's funny but it's a reality and many people in our viewers email so if you wanted to add some viewers at saving with Steve. You ask please send in a question we'll get it answered there so you know what I clam up every time I go in to ask for raise they don't know why or they have a relative who thinks they're really good at negotiating a deal with the auto dealer and that doesn't ever work out the way everybody thinks in the end they did think they're good at it but they really don't know how so help us understand what's going on with people who are not prepared not comfortable<br> the reality is from what I seen with negotiations a lot of it just comes down to understand the process and developing the skills actually improve it I can work on it just like you would any other muscle and so I think it's me it's really important to remind you we talked about getting what is the people do we find that generally what are the most common is that turn in fear of getting a know right so you put your self out there you ask me for something and in the case of money in this particular case some of that raised we just a sensitive thing for us because it impacts our livelihood and also because we going to work everyday and so we might have to see this person everyday after asking and so there's that fear rejection but what's interesting is surprising is also the other side of it to that if that's not typically the number one fear the number to fear is you almost pushed you harder you get what you want but as a result the ruler<br> surgery in that process you push too hard to get that salary in the salary cost you the relation with their colleagues with your boss with HR whatever maybe so it was interesting is if we go go to the right way to avoid those to fear so even if we get it we don't damage the relationship and if we don't get it we don't mislead am in a relationship either, the way you do in the process than anything else okay so the other part is is there a process that people should be looking at how does that work as the first thing comes to mind is when you thinking about negotiating and you're thinking about influencing and instead of all these soft skills remember that people make decisions emotionally and they justify rationally commercial when you're making a request I think a lot of us will leave it logic and swiss<br> not if you're raised so you think it would have never suspected not just your own and also the fact that Austin is not the logic is going to convince now the logic may be used later for Steve to tell his colleagues or his boss's boss's boss whoever this is why we did it but the question is your why we really do and typically these are emotional to that's one thing and then for a process perspective so we have to teach such a thing of negotiation is a three-step process is not perfectly live here but prepare Pro suppose if you remember those three things personal preparations about really being efficient and effective right so we're not going to convince general ebooks to spend an enormous amount of time preparing just like to play the game and so have you crossed so can you prepare the same way it's a one thing that I was a member that they're listening would be okay so far<br> kids so have I seen this before alternative know what other options do I have and what other options do they have interested what do I really want which sounds pretty obvious but often times were not even sure and then were poorly what do they really want and I we make me a sumption to do we really know that and then finally deadlines and so this could be combined with the time right and so we can work back with your free time list easy Akron drummer paid can be helpful and then she so bored in the preparation the best negotiators all we know I talked him into this and we imagine noguchi's go to the flea market and tell me with a really good deal because we tell compelling story and the realities we should ask great questions and that's because it helps us to uncover the knees in the interested party but it's really sort of a bond in a relationship<br> you think of people that you really enjoy speaking with for the most part it's because they listen to you so that's a big part of it and then finally proposed as soon as the most tactical in nature and I started the hardest provide specific guidelines for but one of them is to aim high and Dave how high will the Ames High as you can specially support with your presence which Loops again all the way back to that preparation preparation is obviously so if you will understand that have bruising they don't do it but the market more you know what you're willing to do what they're willing to do but the things you wouldn't understand that you are the more likely you are to persuade others and why we like the same nothing convinces like conviction and so do you think of a preparation of the next time you negotiate specialist salary for a and z<br> more where were knowledgeable and more, so I'm going to take the salary negotiation piece what you're looking at is he from my bosses perspective what are they really need from me so they be open to pay me more money so this might be one of those things were ham performing real well I should just get a raise that doesn't always work out well or would it be I'm already doing these things and Performing well but I can add these things if you will pay me more money is it something like that could you, I mean obviously somebody's not going to take this and just go right in there and go she ate something but could you walk through kind of a scenario for a mid-level manager type situation where the guy needs a 10% increase in pay and how would somebody go about doing that and looking at it from other people's perspective that emotional intelligence from the other side is fixing that I think a lot of people lack to do right because<br> Borden a raise this to us and so it's so critical thinking about a size and it we forget about the other party you know it's dehumanized write the concept that the company with Deep Pockets and we are so many jewels are disposed of the in the pay scale is never where else to look up comps the first that we should do is whatever websites using multiple websites to figure out okay what are people like me company in my area and have all that out there but also what you were talking about, you don't want to be surprised when you say look at this company I'm getting paid here and all of a sudden they bring it back to us because regionally know he's got to give your off and off<br> in a small town and they're mostly roster in New York City you don't want to be surprised to find out in the middle of that conversation that you just prepared yourself do you know there's that it cost of living is in New York and you're in a small town right so why would they not be interested so there's a lot of companies for cable in advance that you were indirectly level in the director level pays between X and Y is so if you're towards the top of that well that means that you know you're not talking about just potentially arrays to get that raise you might need to get a title for a motion to allow okay well that's a little more complicated than just that one example of one piece of it here now I would have purchased a hey Steve you know I'm feel like I'm due for a race tracks in my reasons and we can talk about the first kind of reasons you can use<br> ey reason until I understand you're generally by the standings of the bands do not allow me to get it this kind of emotion and so this would go hand-in-hand with my understanding also get a promotion from director to see director and so I want to talk about this nasty not surprised we put a plan in place to do that so I'm not coming out of the woodwork to ask you for this isn't what you think about it so now you're not asking for right now you want a timeline you understand you have besides soap Steve Hawks way thinking different approach then see if I need to raise it 10% it's been a long time since I got one do you think I'm due when all of a sudden Steve is defensive and wandering you know why you said come out of nowhere to do that and put them in an awkward position was really nice is you and elicited the other person's help in putting together a plan so you can move to the next step and you might have been the leading to that already<br> we noticed that it's a collaboration right Steve and I are working together to get in to help me get me a ring it's not me asking for Steve and negotiate against them is with him right and so that's got to be a big part of it into one thing I skipped over I want to come back to me I was okay with what are some of those things you speed say XYZ reason and so for example Define objective standards you can wait to say that I'm a really good employee is great and hopefully both sides is it you think we will have to take a break more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the in an ounce of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money so if you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton<br> hey I want to welcome everybody back I want to thank you for listening sharing this with your friends and family members if you'd like to watch this over and over again you can always go to saving with Steve. You will check out a few of our Affiliates at UK help radio BBS rated New York City we're back here with Andreas Liars were talking about negotiations again he's a man to partnership negotiations Institute and we're talking about the four little points somebody needs to bring up for a y me cuz a lot of people that get employee buy used to be a director at the automobile club<br> I receive it in that that's very much truth it is the cause of employee and how many of your voice go up and say I know I'm not the best employee a middle-of-the-pack you know I'm average not too many eyes do who came to say not so increasing order levels of five or six percent it's on top of the lobby with Minds that you make the same amount of money now is you made a year ago with inflation you're making less so now would be the example rejected standard reason to think of you for inflation because either because inflation is a factor here is what's an objective standards not me asking you keeping up with with economic realities and this is personal ones instead of you that you would try to come up with either via kpic performance indicators are things you can point to that are a little more specific<br> but you know this is the kind of grows my group has had I known me and the 25% more peat team members and I did 2 years ago in a productivity increased whatever it is you can point you are making a little bit more active in so now you should have combining you talk to her Leon too but the emotion and so now you can buy the emotion and Logic the emotion you do it by doing should have a an approach that really is personal to the person that empathetically understand that you you put yourself in their shoes you understand that it's not going to be smooth easy for them and you want to work together to make it happen that's the emotional approach The Logical approach is now what's all that just to Vacation near she can use to get it done its inflation you know the productivity increases the team growth revenues for the company around new spirit whatever baby or if your other picture of inside cost Savings in a whatever could be it so now you can buy those two powerful drivers to to make that happen until you talk to me<br> right up the street I will Lodge a could get your standards putting those all together is the best way to do it and one last piece of it as a champ when we talked about the Gucci purse out because it's so personal because we don't want to damage the relationship oftentimes the best way to do it is to should have put some of those presents out there so we go back to what you found online of if you're asking for a raise from x 2 x + 5,000 you're rather than actually ask that five thousand more just share the precedents and then do your best to find a way to not seeing any more you know so that could be this kind of role what I noticed online is generally misseri they're getting paid $85,000 less a year at 70,000 that you're not asking for 85,000 you're saying it is hard as it is naturally just<br> say nothing and we all know this is that's a great way to Anchor it without asking it is so soon should have aggressively show directions and puts them in an awkward spot it's a great way to bounce that's what you want you should give a deadline where you'd like to get things done by and help people understand the deadline portion of your getting paid to the deadline portions the first Bowl it is best to avoid should have enough Alstead lines much as possible so the arbitrary like Steve I need a raise by next month if they ask you why next month you don't have a good answer then you probably don't want to trade that dad left in the first place so rather than a deadline I can see there is no real deadline would agree a time line across movie hey Steve you don't like lavender proteins and we talked about earlier they put a plan in place and so you know Steve will say okay yes or whatever you said okay let's put a meeting next week to talk about specific<br> we we are with the timeline for this rates and so then you have that meeting and then in that meeting okay the next step is let's put a meeting in two weeks or we each come up with our suggested plan to move forward with the Rays will be in exactly what and then you keep moving forward all relate when it's a raise or you if your salesperson or whatever it is you know we agree is that a good idea Steve yesterday's let's do that and then two months pass and you think idea and then you start feeling bad I do I do I really bring it up I will talk to but I'm not sure where I left it is so that's why I think it's time line is really important and so a deadline is a real deadline great you know the end of the year for some reason you got another job offer Brickman there is no real deadline for an employee created.<br> wonderful what you just said because a lot of people don't realize you might have to leave your boss through that process and I'm glad you made it really clear that not to give a deadline but to develop a timeline to make it occur<br> and we're these are really like your will you mention there is if there's a disconnect but your salary is one of the salaries for the HR person and it could be 11 maybe and then it's pretty important to do one of two or one of five thousand and so are the emotions is it one of the peace to our preparations believe it helps you to keep your emotions in check right in thinking about my sad we didn't wake up in the morning thinking about it while I meant especially if I really need that increase her I really think I'm do what we want to do is we don't want to lose that empathy is unlikely ever to Steve doing his best not to give me a raise just not the same priority and so I think that's the piece of bowels in your own emotions can be very helpful because all too often become in charge we really need<br> raised and then we have a conversation and maybe a week or two or three passes we haven't had it yet. Just slip through the cracks and almost you really to blame as much as Steve is because the reality is if you stayed on as you said and create a timeline if I would have happened in many of those cases you probably thought it was finger for those or place to get a raise but things came up and into the Fellsway side so I think it's a great he's a really important it really keep your emotions in check in and have some perspective on it just thinking back while we were talking there when somebody puts a timeline on things start looking at it like a project you got to get done and for the people who did that they got their raise their promotion in the things that went along with that in a short. Of time but some of them took 6 months or nine months because they didn't stay on top of it and I was just too busy to think I'd like to talk about with the rest of the time we have is tell us about the program that you have sore listeners and where can people get ahold of you<br> and it is we're negotiating everywhere Adan Solis it's not just used cars and flea market at Sears salary and it's for him since forever it's been everything to get ahold of Us website and I team. Calm party music. Calm to the short runs a little easier to send us an email is acini a test and I but as far as are really frosted snooping around for 26 years and we did classroom training for the first 14 and now it's been twelve years of the classroom and live online training so we feel very fortunate with covid head it's been a difficult two years for everybody but the one blessing for us was that we already did eat a live online training so it allowed us to been eating all those open upper reach right now we do more than I can ever give online really you're not necessarily either the borders don't affect as much as there's no travel class so experiential engaging and practical training that's really<br> for most everything and then generally most of the work is customer company so that's what about the app available on on the app store for both Apple and Android to Google Play is free you can pop in and you get a preparation checklist which has it also gives you a lot more content as soon as Refreshers and to learn more in video tax in audio format so whatever style you know people learn differently so he popped and then you can learn about any of the subtopic like licking it and you can choose every time you want to get a video on it just listening to podcast of meet audio cool again or or just read it for yourself that's where we are there that's wonderful could you tell everybody where they can connect with you guys again one more time please Shapiro negotiations calm and just in case I found her phone number in case<br> text used anymore I know it's probably all emails a new website but it's up for 1066 24764 and 41066 to 4764 so we're both were based out of a 410 number perfect Andreas I want to thank you for being here everybody this is unrest Lara's the Shapiro and negotiation Institute we're so happy you're here because this is a skill that everybody needs doesn't matter how old you are cuz it'll make a difference in your life and it is about the ins-and-outs of money trust me with that I want to thank you for joining us I hope everything stays safe and healthy for you and your business continues to prosper same to you Steve thank you very much for having your welcome you have a great day we'll see if you saved me healthy you to see you bye-bye hey everybody that was in that outstanding that is something if you're looking into go shooting for a job negotiating for additional wages compensation for travel at home office whatever the deal is<br> you want to go check that out more importantly you notice they got a free app so go there and win a great show today with David Parker<br> Tony and romance scams things to avoid don't get caught up in that and how did it go Shay with Andreas lives and you have a great time be safe be healthy by by<br> thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>

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