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Saving with Steve, May 7, 2024

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Saving with Steve
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With Guest, Mar Congdon, Author of The Ideal Life

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton

With Guest, Mar Congdon, Author of The Ideal Life

Episode 180: Author Mar Congdon

Saving with Steve

Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Show Host
Steve Sexton

The Save With Steve Show, hosted by Steve Sexton will help you with ins and outs of money. We talk about financial issues that that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night.

We talk about “money”… tax reduction, saving more, how to spending less and get more, 401k’s, risk management, retirement, and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money.

BBS Station 1
Weekly Show
6:00 pm CT
6:55 pm CT
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Show Transcript (automatic text 90% accurate)

everyone has their own unique views and needs when it comes to financial success if you'd like to leave your financial woes behind and live a life of Financial Freedom you've come to the right place welcome to the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton the show will help you with the ins and outs of money we talked about financial issues that could be costing you thousands of dollars and keeping you up at night we talked about money tax reduction saving more spending less 401K risk management retirement and everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happy relationship with money now here is your host of saving with Steve Steve Sexton a little welcome to the saving Willis TV show where we talk about the end<br> sitting on the Sun<br> do you have in your half your healthy relationship with money I want to welcome you to the show my name is Steve sex and I want to thank you for joining us today thank you for sharing this with your friends and families were almost 800,000 listeners and going strong so thank you very very much this week we're going to be talking about College finals are happening across the country as we speak which is very cool we have Mark Condon he's the author of Ideal life but right now I'd like to talk to you a little bit about what's going on the bond world this is another component is going to directly affect your lifestyle but not too many people are talking about it so what's going on in the barn world how does it just drop that traditional 60/40 portfolio why are bouncy balls over bonds hitting let me show you why this is so important to our time Vons where the equalizer 2 portfolio however volatility is taking over the bond market volatility in the market is not caused by economic growth over the past two years the macroeconomic Outlook actually become steady here<br> it's not due to increased volatility in the equities markets Equity Market volatility believe it or not has been lower than Bond probably not even increased volatility and inflation expectations and the 10-year Chip have stayed in in the old man since September 2022 what is probably having a greater or the greatest effect on bonvallet ility is a huge volume of government that that needs to be refinanced today short-term rates with overnight rates above 5% and long-term rates significantly lower many long-term investors are trying to contact Lee switch in and out of short-term bonds which adds to volatility hypersensitivity to the fed the FED is kind in his zero inflation tolerant so any rise in inflation since tivity of the federal Creed volatility this is why it's so important that we have done understanding of the aspects of your money is your purpose money or your performance money now performance<br> this is your legacy money this money has no obligation to you whatsoever if the market goes up if it goes down it doesn't matter cuz it won't affect your lifestyle and back time is the Ally performance money with all the genomic viruses are going now maybe in the future riding God gives you time we will all enter and cover from the virus your purpose money on the other hand this is the money does a hundred percent obligated to you with obligated to pay your bill support your lifestyle make sure you have their retirement go on those vacations time is the enemy of your purpose money because you need it now if you don't have an antidote to protect your Purpose Driven money money that's haunted person obligated to do you it's going to get you and it's going to affect your lifestyle so it's really important that you pay attention to that moving forward with all the craziness is happening right now with that going to stick with this we're going to be right back I'll be introducing the Mark Condon lovely book you're going to want to listen to this will talk to you in just a few months<br> more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues that could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with Steve. Us that's saving with Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton hey welcome back to the saving with Steve show today we were talking a little bit before about what's going on with the bond market but now we're going to talk about something really special College finals happening across the country soon many of those people taking finals will be graduating Mom and Dad everybody will be attending graduation ceremony as called grants transition in the Work World the pressure to perform meet expectations were that's their own or the employer's can be intense a four-year education doesn't automatically adequately prepare graduates to handle the demands and disappointments La experience even success brings a challenge we have a Mark Condon here he's the author the ideal live seven steps to harness your stress discover your purpose and achieve your goals we're really grateful he's here because he's going to talk<br> what's going on with all this we've got a great set of questions to help understand what's going on there and with that I want to mail come March or show teaching a high school class this morning with students who are mainly seniors they're getting ready to go to college and I think we talked about today I can really help students as they transition towards college or towards their career but really it's about the transitions that all humans go through life's always seasons of moving from one thing to the next and are in a reward system is designed to adapt to that knows the struggle with it so I'm excited to talk about some of those ideas with you. Let's start with the very first one I love the statement that I first saw when I was reading your information and it says there is a lie that we all tell ourselves happiness can only come from achieving our goals and getting what we want and you said you need more things and then you'll be happy if you can unpack that for us<br> I mentioned earlier so we are designed to pursue goals and when we do that really powerful chemicals release dopamine which encourages us to pursue our goals and rewards as we finish. But stops after we achieve our goals are from an evolutionary standpoint our goal was pretty simple survival and reproduction and so like for example if you think about eating that's a key component of survival when you think about food you motivated to go find it as you eat at this pleasure from that that's dopamine we do the same thing today in our modern society look at the actual goals we want to achieve we put our focus on that and it works up into a point as we work towards that goal we get dopamine else's pursue it and as we achieve it then we rewarded for that but unless we can see how that goal to next to the next one then we're actually setting ourselves up for a dopamine crash that leaves a void record is all comes in to replace our energy need quarters that leads to stress and anxiety and stressful thinking and so like we talked about maybe college students going and getting a job<br> their goal right now is to pass their finals in to get that degree and that's been working for them but then they might think that going to the their career into the real world is what causes their stress after that but really it's the fact that they didn't really properly plan for how their degree fits into them becoming the type of person they want to be and then turn left onto 27 goals and their work that again relates to the kind of person they want to be so in all areas of our goals to a longer-term goal that we can never fully achieved which is the type of person we ultimately want to end up as that will allow us to still pursue getting what we want and getting there over the dam from that but avoiding the crash that comes as we hit those Milestone steps allows have a sustainable joyful life throughout those differences out for two years ago obviously saying balance it just makes a happier life and everybody doesn't get that cuz for some people that leads to all sorts of things<br> apparently that they're not bad for our mental state or not bad for a body to think about each evenings we want to make on the path toward success the challenge with those is when we put too much of our focus on the next step in too much of our focus on the things that we actually want to achieve rather than on the type of person that there's a cheap mess will help us become a process there is a dopamine reward system because your brain needs to think about the future and how you're going to get there those are the goals those are the achievements and they help but if we shorten our mindset to just the the next goal in midlife crisis is essentially a medium turned up me reward structure where you look at your career and at the beginning of that the things you want to achieve the positions you want to get even the way you want to help people but as you get closer towards retirement when you realize that you've either achieve those goals are there running out then you start to get that break down and do payments again it's about celebrating the winds as they come and not shying away from achievements but balance<br> that with wires even those things and how you can continue that mindset into your 80s 90s all the way through your life how would new graduates go back creating an ideal long-term vision for themselves directly week's class and we use our I got this framework that I talked about in the book at the structure flat to 7 classes in the structure that semester are based on each one of the Seven Elements of the ideal you can go through that thought process in a shorter time frames the first step in if I'm the type of person you want to be calm and there's lots of ways to do that for example our framework gives a step-by-step process where we first start with vision statements thinking about each life for all that we have and what we want to be sad about that over the course of her life and then breaking those sentences down into core values and mission statement and a personal Mantra but there's all kinds of ways there's a matching your own funeral and writing a eulogy<br> thinking about maybe a newspaper article written about you and your 80s what it would say but it's it all comes down to thinking about way in the future what kind of person do you want to do and then we backed that up and do what we called dream Horizon in Milestone goals does long medium and short term time frames respectively but the key to all of it comes to taking all of those things that you want to happen or you want to head out comes with and then finding out what are the controllable actions that you can take that drive you forward so we think about that into stuff the objectives which bear likes the one-time projects the steps that you want to choose that you do control and then also the task which is the habits that you wanted to develop to live into the identity of your ideal so it's habit formation and also outcome-based things so there's seven steps the idea of all the way through the task is essentially how you can develop a growth mindset for yourself and as you do that that unlocks the max amount of benefit from you in a reward system so just to summarize and bring it back to the college students<br> the stress that they're having around their exam or the things that they want to achieve with their finals are getting that diploma but what's the next Horizon Gold what are they going to do with that degree is it to get a job may be an accounting or Finance or an operation for sales whatever that is what do you want to do in that career what kind of figured that out too but then take that a step forward and say why do you want to do what is it about the impact you want to make in the world that you would want to be a salesperson or you no work for a manufacturing company or whatever it is and so it's not taking your eye off of what's next this week studying for finals or just fully focusing on the type of person would it be what your purpose is is Sting the past that's laid out all the way in the future so it really comes down to some intentional journaling thinking and planning and then getting back to what you were doing anyway in the moment but now with a better mindset that can maximize the release of dopamine during and after those achievements about what you said is controllable steps<br> in that control nature is both from what we've seen to be maximizing the odds of you being successful but also from a psychological standpoint and there's two key psychological theories that our framework is based on one is deliberate practice which was coined by Anders Harrison he was called the expert on Experts and his research is the basis for Malcolm Gladwell 10000 hour rule if any of your listeners are familiar with that the other theory is slow which is mihai she sent me hi who found that when we enter flow States those are the happiest moments of her life that's when were fully in the zone where time seems either stand still or speed up when we come out of that we realized why I didn't really know that I was doing if that long so that the interesting thing about both deliberate practice we're growing and flow where were appreciating what we're doing is both of them primarily depends on full control of your mind of what you are doing in the moment a bunch of those need to be connected to a meeting for goal that you're working towards but without full focus and control over what you're doing<br> you can't achieve either deliberate practice or flow and both of those combined are essential to a growth mindset the benefits that come from that so then of the day the uncontrollable things that we have our key to seeing all your control will actions will lead towards future outcomes but without those control actions will never get their your brain knows that you can't trick it so you won't get the chemicals you're looking for without actually executing on the controllable this is wonderful stick with us everybody would have left with more Mark Harmon more expert advice for having a happier relationship with money still to come on the saving with Steve show<br> don't let your financial woes keep you up at night and prevents you from living a life of Financial and personal freedom hi I'm Steve Sexton post of the saving with Steve show where did he talk about the ins-and-outs of money those financial issues it could be costing me thousands of dollars causing stress keeping you up at night we're going to talk about money tax reduction saving more spending your investment risk management retirement and everything is so sweet with you having a healthier happy relationship with money soon as you've ever dreamed of living a life of Financial and personal freedom you owe it to yourself and your family to tune in to the saving with Steve show join me Steve section of the saving with Steve show as we talked about everything under the sun when it comes to money to learn more about the show visit saving with<br> leave. Us that saving was Steve. Us saving with Steve. Us will see you soon<br> welcome back to the show that is here to help you achieve your financial goals it's the saving with Steve show now here's your host Steve Sexton below welcome back to the show where we talk about the ins-and-outs of money I'm going to get right to it cuz we don't have a ton of time we have Mark Condon here<br> the ideal life we're talking about college graduates here this is what you want to listen to you go to Amazon it's a number one best seller on Amazon is called the ideal line Father Mark Condon seven steps to harness your stress discover your purpose and achieve your goals and I just keep thinking while you're talking I got home I got to get my kids this my daughter graduated last year she's got a very nice job my son graduated the year before he's done very well but they're very focused on achieving those goals but my fear is they are focused on those business goals and not other things so that's one of the reasons why I thought they're going to get your book I appreciate that actually working with schools to our company now these are the types of ideas you can start teaching at a preschool level what I mean is growth mindset and it's controlling the things you can control to become the type of person you want to be another language you used with four year olds and five year olds is different and very basic and what you might use with high school is Kaja graduates an adult but I think that this is an idea that if you can and still at a young age<br> it takes care of everything else that's going to help outcomes in school is going to help out comes in work to help out comes in relationships and all the things that we all deal with throughout her life so I have a passion for trying to bring this to as many people as possible and any demographic really what are the questions I really like you to answer why did none of your many achievements make your stress disappear wondering if you could share that with this is company cuz most of my career where I keep most of My Success was in the transportation Logistics industry and I've developed this framework for myself over time but then when I realized why it works and started sharing it with others I knew I wanted to remind you about my life but the reason I started working on these ideas was because I've dealt with really serious Stress and Anxiety my whole life and that has dipped into depression and back out of it and it's something that's been really big problem for me some of that synthetic but some of it are also the things that all people deal with him for me what I found it even at a young age there was always this question of what's next that really lets my anxiety and so<br> when I was a kid it was well maybe when I get my driver's license and I can get out of the house and then all my problems will be answered after that it was graduating and going to college and in a developing a new Social Circle after that it was graduating getting a job I got myself into a lot of debt that's a $20,000 in debt it was maybe if I can become financially free then that will happen when that happened you know etcetera etcetera etcetera and even getting married and having kids there's a sustainable sources of joy for me but even like getting married and having kids didn't make my stress go away and when I realized was I always thought that there was some one outcome in the future that just once that happened in everything would be fine and sometimes in the moment I would feel better but then the stress would come back and that's where eventually I realize this is the joke mean trap Works those next steps kind of got me going until it because I couldn't connect them to how they fit together for my life plan after this week, I would actually be worse off because the dopamine gap of me not knowing what the next step was led to cortisol flowing in which added to the<br> deities and that's how this miniature in the past that I thought was an answer for me didn't work ultimately the way that I was able to start balancing that and creating more Joyce myself was really getting intimate Lee connected to my personal ideal the type of person I want to be an articulating that and statements and tools that help me remind myself why the goals and working towards removing me towards that moved in early part of my career you know I'd working my rear end off all week and I have the weekend and on Sunday I was kind of depressed to go back to work. The best thing ever happened to me I wouldn't created my own situation to where I can now have the time with my family and do the things that I want to do even if they have done a 5 all that kind of stuff it just made a better life I was just listening to go again I can see that I've been there with the cool thing is like what you're saying is if we can have kids understand this now they can have less stress more purpose happiness more sense of self what you really want because a lot of times when you work for somebody else's<br> what they want what you want and I understand that but that's the Work World sometimes people have to put themselves aside and be a certain person at where they work because that's what's required is that make sense I love how you talked about how one thing as help you is being with your family until it all comes down to the way we look at our goals in the way we can connect them together earlier you talked about balance now a lot of times we think about holes in that word is related to our work a lot of times related to our house like we're going to set it go to run a 5k or something but a lot of times we don't think about how the goals we set with in our face the goals we set within our relationships the goals we sat within our network of a friend's in our community we also set goals in those things too and when we do that we're getting the same exact chemicals that we get we pursue were calls or Finance holes rather than become how many eggs in her basket within one life role in setting Oliver goes around that by taking the time throughout the week maybe on the weekend to think about okay now I'm pursuing a goal in this category<br> if you don't perfectly in that to what you're doing in your work to your ideal and you have those gaps those gaps can be balanced and buy hey I am working towards this new goal and I'm making myself uncomfortable and practicing how to be a better father better husband into those all work together to create a joyful life so it's a good strategy to take when you look at your key findings of the research why I cheating people are unhappy and this is coming from a bunch of different people who have the very successful husband the things I did when I was I went and got a industrial organizational psychology degree from Harvard that's essentially the psychology of people and how they work in teams and so a lot of the the science but also the research that we've done with with people point to exactly what you're saying but I think the most impact way to answer your question is actually threw a story story Michael Phelps when you think about high-achieving people there's not much more highest you can get in Michael Phelps he's considered one of the greatest athletes of all time<br> from an early age is he said a goal which was winning a gold medal and look at everything he did to that lens what he ate the people he hang out with all of those things and that works for him to be motivated and happy and eventually he not only achieved his goal of winning a gold medal but it is upsetting all the records and getting to the point where he couldn't do anything more now what happened after he did that he came home he went into his room and he thought about ending his life and he didn't know why he slipped into a terrible depression you got caught on social media smoking weed a couple times lost all the sponsors got two DUIs got arrested for them they got to the point where she couldn't even look at a swimming pool without getting nauseous when he went into a mental Rehabilitation Center when he came out he said I broke myself down to answer this question who am I outside the swimming pool when he came back around the world with their mental health that's a goal that can never be fully achieved he can work his entire life working on that it's an ideal goal but the amazing thing is he<br> Metals Inside by taking that long-term Vision he didn't actually lowers ability to achieve you just bounce it out and see the same thing as Aldrin second person to walk on the moon came back and became an alcoholic because he said I've been to the moon now what do you can see with high achiever same thing and work in career and all kinds of areas of life they have the same issue it's not about stopping at shipment is not about taking the priority way from Achievement events it's just making sure that those achievements are connected to a goal so far in the future that you can never run out of it and ultimately the only way to do that is again to think about what type of person do you want to be at the end of your life so the end of the day they see what you're saying is you're cheap it should just be a journey That Never Ends because the inevitable outcome of deliberately practicing your ideal is that at regular intervals as you grow your brain gives you the reward of flow and when you're in a flow your prefrontal cortex shuts down which is where you measure time<br> while you're in slow you simply can't think about the future or the past or fully in the present and so even though it seems like oh there's this endless grind and that's going to make me happy you'll find that along the way you fully appreciate the present and it's amazing and a back-and-forth that I think is one of the most beautiful ways that we were created and so it's a fun journey I know you got a program webinar coming up I'd love for you to share that with her listeners also left for you Share how people can connect with you online and where would be the best place where people can get your book absolutely so Amazon is the best place to get the books you can also buy it from our website the ideal and that's where you can access all of our resources so the book the ideal life is the psychology in the stories behind why the framework is effective but it doesn't teach you the step-by-step process to do it if you'd like to learn about that we have an online Workshop run by one of our many coaches in our community where you can comment<br> in 4 hours walk through an entire setup of your ID and identification and before I got this framework for yourself again you can go to the ideal to access that and if you are a coach and whether it's work or Finance or your health coach we have a community where you can join and become certified and how to facilitate this framework within the work that you already do again if you're interested in that you can find that information also on her website I'm thinking right now maybe we should have you back in a little while if that's okay and next time I'd like to have our viewers list more questions and give you those in advance cuz that might be more fun cuz I might be a little more specific but this has been wonderful and I want to thank you for being here and being part of the show Shadow and you not mention we have a community of character has a lot of them are financial planners and other wealth coaches and I'd love to dive deeper into some of the work that we're doing to help people save money become financially free and again connectors.<br> They are supposed to be wonderful thank you for joining us all you have to do right now is to say goodbye and then I've got a few ending those I want to put here so my house right there or is that a place you're not just a background<br> in the other room we actually didn't paint the brake and wheel I'm washed it so now it's white and it was so nice in there but I wanted to keep this the original red brick I think looks nicer where do you live I'm in Charleston South Carolina this house that we have is kind of the country's what I would. But we're in in Charleston South Carolina<br> alright I'll let you go it'll take us a few days to get the recording it and everything at it and will get that over to you send you a graphic of the show it'll actually are in 2 weeks 11 days on a Tuesday it starts airing in Florida goes all the way to California with a two weeks after that it can goes completely online 250 different networks online and then 4 weeks after that it goes to oversee the overseas market so it'll go to 56 countries in six different time zones are in the other six times if we have a blessing to podcast as well to partner with us when we promote their pockets in their website they have to be in some way connected to helping people improve and one of their life roles which is certainly would be interested in us also winking and promoting your podcast on our site be happy to do that as well<br> whatever information you might need and appreciate it. I'm sorry who's your first name to Madeline and facilitate that so we can connect people there cuz we do have a lot I would probably say we had over a thousand our responses and I quite frankly I didn't answer ask all the questions a lot of more similar to the ones that Madeline had in your preference so you have the volume that we have there's a number of people who are always interested so it wasn't that wonderful Mark Condon you want to go to Amazon you want to check out that book go to the website that's a wonderful book the ideal life affect like I said you're in the show I'm going to be making sure my kids.<br> I truly want to thank you for tuning in and appreciate you letting your friends and family and Associates know about the show all the replays are going to be available and shaving with Steve. You asked if you're enjoying the stories of helpful information and insight on saving with Steve I encourage you to check out a fever feel it's a YouTube channel UK help radio BBS radio top rated New York City 24 AFF me360 TV Las Vegas TV nameks all these networks are dedicated to doing the savings Steve section inside the club and saving with C-section the US to get all your replays exclusive access to guest gifts and more I hope you have a wonderful week with a great show today will look forward to having a great show next week see you then bye bye thank you for joining us for the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton to learn more about the show and how to become a guest or sponsor visit saving with Steve. Us<br> that's saving with Steve. Us join us again next time as we continue to talk about everything under the sun that relates to you having a healthier happier relationship with money this has been the saving with Steve show hosted by Steve Sexton<br>